Chapter 52

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The construction in the backyard of the house continued, creating a noise problem but I ignored it as it was only going to last for a few days. Wayne returned to his office while I had breakfast with Nora. My food cravings took an increase over the days along with the morning sickness that seemed to have no end.

I poured out my heart to Nora and she listened, "I do, I really do want him but if it doesn't works out then our child would be dragged into all of our problems and I don't want that."

"What makes you think it won't work out? I've known the Alpha for decades, he's a great man with values. He respects you and loves you—"

I stopped her from finishing, "He doesn't trusts me." It was crucial for him to trust me if we were getting together in any way and I knew he didn't. He hadn't moved on from the betrayal I had given him.

"Why do you think that?"

I shrugged, "It shows, Nora."

"Did you ask him?"

"No." I gave my head a shake while clasping onto the cup of coffee in my hands. The hot coffee burned my fingertips but I ignored it.

"Then ask him if he does."

Suddenly, a tension spread through the house. From the corner of my eyes, I found one of the guards walking in with my Mom to his side. I dropped the cup back on the table and stood up. My chest tightened upon her sudden appearance.

What was she doing here?

My back straightened, I watched her warily walk into the kitchen. Her eyes searched for me and finally found me. "Clara."


"I'm sorry," She teared up while approaching me with her hands spread in the air. "You were right. I killed your father. He died because of me and if it weren't for my scheming and lying, he would've been alive and he would've loved you more than me." Tears fell on her cheeks, one by one as she faced the bitter truth of our lives.

I bit my tongue and held my harsh words back. If she was being honest, I didn't find a reason to be rude.

"And he would've been here with us. He would've been proud of what you had become. I'm sorry, Clara. It was all my fault and I don't want to repeat the same mistake again." She continued. Her hand lowered to her coat before she pulled out a key and handed it over to me. "Here is all of it. I don't want it and I don't want it to reach anyone else's possession. You can keep it, destroy it or do anything but just forgive me for what I had done." She broke through, crying and sobbing over my shoulders.

My chest dropped at her raw honesty, one I had never seen before. I wrapped my arms around her and bought her into my embrace.

"It's okay. You've realized your mistakes and that's more than enough. I'll keep my promise to protect you." I sniffed, pressing my head against her shoulder.

"You don't have to do anything," She whispered. "I'll make amends with Wayne and leave the town. You should live the life you deserve, without any issues."

I felt relieved.

And it wasn't because my Mom finally apologized for her mistakes but because she admitted to killing Dad all those years ago. I got the closure I always wanted and maybe it was all going to come to an end now.

I drew my lower lip in and gave it a small bite before whispering to Mom, "Thank you." For a brief moment, her eyes brightened with love for me, the love I always needed from her.

She leaned in and swept me in her arms while fiddling with my hair. "I'm so sorry again. I'll miss you." She choked out.

"Where will you go?" I moved back and still held onto her. I wished from all of my heart that she wouldn't go too far or away from me. I wanted her to stay nearby, where I could see her sometimes and visit her.

"Just somewhere around. Don't worry, your mother will always be close to you and if you need anything, I'll be always here." She grasped my face and planted a kiss over my forehead. "But before leaving, I need to speak with your Alpha." She continued.

"He's upstairs."

I showed Mom the direction to his office and she walked towards it while I returned to the kitchen with a heart full of forgiveness and love.

She was finally back.

Nora stared at me with her wide-eyes and a thousand questions buried in them. She bent an arm over the counter and placed another hand underneath her chin. Her curious gaze sent me into a spiral.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you trust your mother?"

I stayed silent for a few minutes. "Enough to believe she is being honest this once. I'm expecting soon, Nora. She wouldn't harm me or my choices in anyway." She wasn't that cruel.

Nora nodded and casted a glance at the breakfast that had turned cold in matter of minutes. "All right. Finish up your breakfast."

"No." I said, shaking my head. "I'm going to upstairs and say my goodbyes to her."

I left my food aside for the moment. It was more important for me to see the conversation that was taking place between Mom and my mate. She despised Wayne from the beginning of time and the reason for it wasn't clear yet. He hadn't done anything to her and he was a great Alpha to my Dad when he was alive.

A new confusion gripped my thoughts as I made my way upstairs. Before I could even enter the office, I found my Mom leaving it with a cheerful smile over her face.

My throat tightened, "What happened?"

"Oh, nothing at all. Just had a little talk with your mate. All things have been resolved. I'll go on my path and you should go on yours." She replied, quietly. "Maybe we will cross paths soon but until then, I wish you the best!" She gave a tight squeeze to my hand before walking past me and leaving.

An awful feeling of betrayal slipped inside my chest and crushed my heart. I looked over my shoulders and found Mom leaving but the feeling continued to grow.

Once she left, I opened the door to Wayne's office and strolled in while holding the keys to the doses of poison in my fingers.

"You were right. She came around." He smirked, leaning back on his chair while rolling a pen between his fingers.

I swallowed the bile in my throat and brushed away the negative feelings from my thoughts. "Yeah, she came around." I murmured before placing the key on his desk. "She gave it to me. Hopefully, that's the end of the poison."

"I believe it is." He picked up the keys from the table. "But, it isn't the end of Ronald's hunger. He has just grown more furious after being poisoned and he wants war. Since he isn't getting the poison, he is going for something else."

"Should we be worried?" I cocked a brow in concern.

Something dark appeared in his eyes as he narrowed them. "He's weak and doesn't holds any leverage over us—at least not the poison. It will be easy to bring him down but if he does has something in his possession, then it will be hard." Wayne explained, spilling out the details and sharing them with me.

My eyes momentarily flickered away from him and onto the glass of wine set over his desk. I picked up to have a taste of it but after taking a quick whiff, I placed it back. My eyes widened, every muscle in my body strained. My heart rammed hard against my chest and I gave my head a shake.

No, no, no.

"She poisoned you." 

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