Chapter 29

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Wayne's POV

I let myself outside when I received the number from one of the wolves. It was Mrs. Houghton's number—Clara's mother. An omega I surely had met often. The woman was known to cause trouble and this bust wasn't the first time she tried to do something. She spoke for the omegas and even when it wasn't official, everyone knew she was the leader of the hills. I allowed it to slide, it wasn't a concern—not until the omegas began scheming against me, their own Alpha. A big blame was upon me for allowing it all to happen.

Brian wasn't the only one that had lost his wolf. There were many others and they were all demanding justice even when the truth wasn't in the light yet. The rumors were true. Someone was cooking something.

"Hello?" She attended the call after a few, long rings.

"There isn't a day without getting in trouble, isn't there?" I asked, holding the phone tight to my ears while walking in the empty hallways while the rest of the wolves stayed settled inside my office. This was a call no one could hear.

Josie cleared her throat, "What should I expect this call for? Is there something you want, Alpha?" She sounded as if she hadn't done anything, as if she hadn't broken any pack rules, as she hadn't endangered anyone. The resemblance she had with Clara was clear and there.

These women.

I should have thought better when getting into an agreement with Clara. Her mother had her history of lies and betrayal. But I assumed the difference for her daughter since she grew up in a house full of other pack wolves than omegas or her mother. I expected this environment to humble her down and teach her honesty but at the end of the day, none of that happened. Her loyalty lied with her family.

"The location of the warehouse where you're keeping your dirty little drugs. And before you consider anything else, let me remind you, I've your daughter with me and unless I don't receive the information I require, she won't ever see the daylight nor will any of you omegas." I replied, heading straight to what was needed. I had no time to negotiate or create an argument.

There was a silence on the other side as terror knocked on her door. It was simple. There were many other ways I could've done this but I choose to keep my hands clean unless they needed to be dirty.

"Where is she?" Josie asked, her voice taking an odd turn.

I stepped into Clara's room. The bright light of the full moon cascaded in from the curtains and over to the bed where she laid with her eyes shut tight. It had been hours since I had found the key and hours since she had been drugged. The drug wore off every three hours and it was required to give her another dose before she woke up and began running off—the best omegas could do.

"Oh, she's right here. With me. Unharmed, of course, but the longer I wait for the location, the worse it's going to get." I replied, softly before grabbing off another injection off the side table.

"Fuck you!" She hissed.

"Careful, Josie. You wouldn't want me to rip off your throat as those scoundrels did to your late Mr. Houghton after I had offered him." I reminded her of the past and her dead husband. "It was quite a display to watch then." A gloom surrounded me, waking up the devil inside of me.

"You'll get the location. Let me daughter go." She submitted in just a few minutes.

I sank down beside Clara before pushing her hair away from her neck. She moved a little as the drug began wearing off. As the sharp tip of the syringe entered her skin, I said, "I promise she'll be safe."

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