Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

I dialed the unknown number several more times, hoping to reach Mom just one more time. After a few more tries, the number was switched off and I was left shattered just like that. A ringing spread through my head, I grew confused as I paced within the office. Her words repeated. Sister. I couldn't have another sister. It couldn't be possible. I was the only daughter born to my parents. There was no one else mentioned in all the years I had lived with my parents.

It was such a thing that couldn't be hidden either.

Could it be possible Mom was simply bluffing?

Somehow, the purpose of her existence was just to trouble me and ensure I was always on the wrong path.

But this was too deep.

My heart clenched and my throat tightened as nausea hit me. Did I have a sister? If so, how was she murdered? Who murdered her? And for what reason? During my young, child years, I lived with my parents alone but there was always a shadowy presence that came and left. I always assumed it was Uncle Hawk.

I threw the phone over the table and pushed the doors open of the office before running out. Scanning my surroundings, I stopped and took a deep breath. What was I doing? My head ached with confusion. I balled my fists and rubbed my sore eyes to see clearer.

Heart racing, I entered Wayne's room where I found him near the sun, taking in the warmth and healing himself. The signs were there, and they were clear. He was losing control of his wolf. When I stepped up in front of him, I found dark, deep bags underneath his eyes. His eyes were filled with tiredness and sleep. It seemed like he fought with keeping himself awake.

His lips curled into a smile as I tangled my fingers around him and stood near to him. "Have you eaten something?" He asked, his voice deep and throaty. My heart cried out for him and what Mom had done to him in revenge.

I kneeled down, "Yes. I had a little something." I replied while sitting on the ground and between his legs. "Something is troubling me and for some reason, I believe you can take that trouble away from me."

"Tell me." He caressed my cheeks and asked me to proceed.

I wasn't sure.

"My mother called me a while ago. She poisoned you out of revenge—because you or someone killed her daughter." I muttered quickly, my sound low and quiet. Cold terror pricked down my spine and I released heavy breaths.

His eyes slipped close for a second and he sighed, "I wondered when she'd tell you the truth." He rubbed his forehead with his fingers and glanced at me once more.

"The truth?" I raised my brow slowly.

Mom barely gave out the truth. She only gave me the bits and pieces, hoping I'd resolve it by myself when I knew nothing.

His eyes grew big with worry before he explained, "Your parents had a child before you. When she was of age, she left the town and the pack, turning into a rogue. No one knew about her, no one, not even me. She appeared several years later, and I bought her into the town, assuming she wasn't your sister. She acted like a complete stranger, and I believed it. But she had an agenda with your mother—it was to kill my father in cold blood."

My mouth hung, "S—she was the woman?"


My eyes lowered and I placed my fingers over my lips to contain my gasp of surprise. Something pulled inside me and ached deep down in my chest. Mom wasn't lying.

"Her name was Monica and I killed her." Wayne confessed.

Suddenly, everything became clear in front of me, and it all made sense. I had an older sister who was a rogue, and she was the one behind killing the former Alpha of the Nightstalker's pack. And she was his first love.

I felt nothing for my deceased sister after hearing the truth. It was maybe because I never met her or even knew her. My heart didn't even flinch for her. All I knew was that I had a sister, and she was dead now all because Mom was never satisfied with her life. She wanted everything and anything and she got most of her family killed because of her actions.

My sister.

My father.

Who was next?

I shook my head in disappointment before snapping back to reality and finding Wayne looking at me. A thousand more questions spread in my head. "Is that the reason why you chose me? Do you see her in me?" Jealousy attacked me from all sides and Mom's words became deep.

"No, no, Clara." He cupped my face. "You're nothing like her and that's what I love about you. You're a beautiful woman with a strong heart that cannot be fooled. I watched you grow up in this house, in front of me—with me. You're far better than anyone else."

"But you had your doubts?"

"I won't lie to you, but I expected nothing from you in the beginning except for you to keep your side of the agreement. I would not have pursued you if I knew there was any wrong within you." His thumb ran across my cheeks as I looked up at him, eyes wide, processing, accepting. "I have never loved anyone any more than you. The respect and love I hold for you are greater than anything." His eyes darkened and gleamed with concern as he spoke to me.

I breathed out in exhaustion before leaning inward and wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He picked me off the ground and onto his lap where I remained seated for several seconds. A few tears escaped my eyes, wandering down my cheeks and soaking in his bare chest.

Wayne slumped back and our eyes met once more. "I know I have done wrong you in a few ways and I'm sorry for that." His voice turned warm, coaxed with love and affection. "I never want you to doubt my love for you. It isn't the mate bond or the connection that pulled me to you. It's who you are, Clara and you deserve all the love this world can offer because you're a great woman."

My heart beat frantically and my nerves mushed up together upon hearing his words and endless affirmations of love.

"Thank you. You don't know how much this all means to me."

"I do know." He smiled before his arm circled around my waist, pulling me back into his embrace and sinking his head between my neck. He placed a kiss over the mark and then tightened his hold on me, never letting me go.

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