Chapter 53

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"She poisoned you."

Wayne glared up at me. "What?"

"Did you drink from this?" I questioned as my throat began closing up at the scent of the poison that drifted away from the glass of wine. It was strong and a powerful scent and only those could recognize who had seen it up close.

All those months ago I sniffed it during a meeting at the hills and the memory of it hadn't left me yet so it was easy for me to figure out someone had dropped something into his wine.

And there was only one person that had walked into this room, several minutes ago while promising to leave and back off.

She couldn't be lying.

My heart cried out.

"Yes. I've had this since morning." He stood up after seeing me getting more and more concerned. "Is there something in it, kitten?"

"It seems like that." My fingers trembled as I reached for it again. "I didn't know—it could have been Mom. She came here, right? Did you see her put anything?" My vision blurred with tears and suddenly, everything became unclear.

Why would she do that? After everything...

"I don't know, Clara." He hissed out a breath. "Why would she even think of it? The poison isn't going to affect me as an Alpha." He assumed.

"I know. But an excessive dose of it could. Maybe she was lying about everything," I slapped my hand over my forehead and growled loudly while gripping my hair between my fingers. "I had a gut feeling she was lying. Fuck. I shouldn't have trusted her, Wayne."

"It's okay." His voice brushed over my skin when he came over and took me in his arms. A stinging pain snaked through my body and I cried over his shoulders while imagining the worst.

The poison wasn't fatal but it was terrible.

"I'm sorry." I weeped, hoping he would understand. I had no hand in this. I tried to gain Wayne's trust for weeks and this was going to crush it.

"It's not your fault, Clara. How many times do I have to tell you this?" He held my face in his hands and rubbed away the tears on my face. "Stop blaming yourself for your mother's actions."

"What if something happens to you?" I clutched his wrist tightly and asked.

"I can handle anything. Let's give it a few hours. I'm certain it's not going to affect me." His expression tightened. He believed in his blood, his Alpha blood but I didn't.

It affected a strong Beta that came from a family of Beta's.

It was going to affect Wayne.

"A few hours?" I was willing to wait.

"A few hours." He nodded in agreement before parting his hands away from my face and returning to his desk. "I'm asking my men to follow your mother. She deserves to punished, Clara." He dialed a number on the telephone and picked up the phone from the box.

His eyes tracked over me, waiting for a response.

"Okay." I whispered.

It was the last straw and she didn't hesitate to pull it. I was willing to forgive Mom and move on but she ruined it all and made it harder—impossible for me to ever trust her again.

Several hours passed by and then more. I kept my eyes on Wayne and surrounded him at all times. My heart throbbed in my throat as I waited to the poison to take action. I believed it was going to but when time passed and nothing happened, I began to change my mind. The unfortunate situation didn't leave the room nor it reached anyone. We were intending on keeping it a secret until something terrible would happen.

Long moments passed in complete misery. After Wayne released his men to find my Mom, I grew more anxious and worried to what they'd do to her. The future was uncertain but filled with dread. Danger was lingering in from every direction, every way.

Ronald was sending clear threats, calling for war. He hadn't received any of the shipments my Mom had promised him. The poison was in our hold, getting destroyed. A fire was set to the warehouse where Mom had stored all of it. It was a great quantity that petrified me when I first learned about it.

How did she get her hands on so many rogues? How many wolf's did she end up killing? What was she going to do with all of the poison?

At least she was sincere about giving me the key to the warehouse.

I exhaled a sharp breath through my nose before walking into the large lounge room of the house. Wayne was speaking to someone regarding arresting my Mom—who once again tired to ruin everything I had.

She couldn't stop.

"I'll speak to you later." He quickly said as I barged into the room.

"Did they find her?" I questioned, jumping straight onto the topic. He had sent out his men and that was several hours ago. I grew sick every time I thought about Mom and all the things she had done but I still never wished death upon her.

How could I?

"No. She fled immediately after leaving from here. But we are trying everything to get a hold of her along with your Uncle."

"Hawk?" A raised a brow. "He wouldn't be with her."

"Some of the omega's along with your Mom and Uncle have left, together. Something tells me it was only your Mom involved in this and others were just—acquaintances." Wayne explained calmly before sitting down.

I took a heavy breath before sitting over his lap and curling myself around him. An entire day had almost passed by. The bright sun appeared and disappeared and yet we weren't sure about anything.

A hand came down over my thighs, spreading heat over my covered flesh. Wayne pulled me closer to his chest as I closed my eyes tight and tried to push aside the horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach. My body scorched when he placed his hand over the side of my face and raised my head.

A warm breath of ease and peace escaped his nostrils, telling me he wasn't even the slightest bit concerned of the poison taking affect. His eyes set upon me and mine on his. My heart beat quickened as we continued to look at one and other. His thumb gently caressed my cheek and I enjoyed it more than I should have.

The words came into my head once more.

I love you.

I slashed my eyes shut and hissed before bringing my mouth over his face into an everlasting kiss. My fingers tunneled in his hair and I trembled in his arms as he kissed me back with the same energy. Forgetting everything, I embraced the tenderness against my mouth and held nothing back. He took control of the kiss by grabbing my locks and pulling me in deeper.

Every kiss he gifted me with took my worries away.

I pulled away after several minutes to catch my breath while our mouths were still angled at each other. The words were there at my throat, almost slipping out but everything took an unfortunate turn when he set me aside on the couch and left the room.

"Wayne?" I ran behind him with a thumping, scared heart.

Startled, I found him entering one of the washroom and coughing loudly till blood spilled out of him in clots. I gasped and slapped my hand over my mouth. My heart beat stuttered, a wave of panic set in my head and everything came crashing down.



I sobbed in my hands till he washed away the blood and stepped out.

"Are you okay?" I asked, grabbing his hand.

He eyed the sink and closely watched the water dripping from the tap. "I don't think so."

"We should get the doctor. It's just going to get bad from here. Maybe it wasn't the poison, maybe it is something worse." I said, softy while hardening my hold around his wrist.

"No, no," He shook his head, feeling dizzy. "I need you to call for a meeting before anything." In shaky movements, he pulled out his phone and handed it over to me.

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