Chapter 28

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Wayne's POV

I knew well how to deceive one.

I had done it all my life and it was easy for me to figure out who was fond of deception other than me.

"You should sleep," I whispered to Clara as she rolled the comforter above her shoulders. Her eyes slipped shut after we both came undone inside each other. "I'll see you later." I slid off the bed quietly while watching her fall into sleep. There were times I thought I knew here but I never really did.

My gaze fell upon the key I had been looking for. It was inside her pants, the sharp end slightly poking out of the pockets. Crouching down, I grabbed the key and walked out without making a sound. Just before entering my office, I ensured the room that Clara was sleeping in was locked from the outside.

I needed a distraction and sex was the best distraction I had in my hands, at least for her. Killing her sexual needs tired her down enough to force her into a small sleep and a small sleep was just enough for what needed to be done.

When I entered my office, I found him—Brian, smirking at me. "Did you get it?"

"Who is the messenger?" I enquired while getting inside. It was almost two nights ago when someone had approached Brian after he had placed in a cash reward to resolve the sickness. It wasn't a sickness. It was pure deception by someone from the pack who was getting revenge on certain wolves.

The messenger reached out, spilling everything to Brian and only then we neared the truth. It was the omegas that were attacking us, weakening wolves by something they had created in the hills. While it wasn't fatal, it was still something that rode wolves straight to their beds for days.

I had announced it as an unnamed drug to my men and the search for it began right after. My men had gone through the entire town, finding for it but it wasn't found. It was late last night when the same messenger told Brian that the drug was hidden away in a warehouse. The location of the warehouse was still unknown.

But the key.

Oh, the key.

The key was with Clara, the same woman I had been treating so well and showering her with everything she wanted, the same woman I had set my intentions onto, the same woman that was soon going to be pregnant with my child and the next Alpha of this pack. I was at a loss of words, none reached my mind or mouth.

The key was given to her by her mother, just as Brian and his messenger expected. Brian wanted me to test out the theory, to see if Clara got the key and I did.

And that bastard was right.

"Sorry, can't give names!" He exclaimed, shoving his hands up in his defense. "I promised to keep his name safe until the real monster behind this all is caught and killed." He gave me a cheeky smile when his eyes landed upon the key in my hand. "And I think it's going to be your woman—Clara."

The game was clear.

It was her, her family, and the omegas that resided in the hills.

I ignored Brian for the moment and stepped back out to get one of the guards. "Get this key to a locksmith and figure out where the warehouse is. I need details by tonight." I said sharply, anger lacing in my voice.

"Right, Alpha." The guard took the key and left immediately.

Trusting anyone at this time of hardship was almost impossible. I shook off the feeling and walked back inside my office. "Gather up the wolves. We are going to have a meeting." I stated, placing my hands against my desk and lowering my eyes to the names of the omegas that were currently living at the hills.

They were all going to pay, each and every one of them.

"What are you going to with her?" Brian asked, whispering in a low voice while cocking his head towards the door.

"What I do with her, is none of your concern, Brian."

"Tough. Is she going to die? I'd love to attend her funeral." He smirked at me.

I stayed silent. My nostrils flared and my temples throbbed. When I gave Brian a furious glare, he quickly stood up and walked out of the room before I killed him and attended his funeral.

This was messed up in ways I had never thought. I had carefully researched Clara's background before sleeping with her and it was clear. There was nothing in her background that reflected her current actions—drugging Brian, working with omegas, drugging other wolves.

Betraying me.

Deceiving me.

All this time she was playing two sides and enjoying. It didn't make any sense. I offered her everything she wanted. What more did she want? There was nothing I left out of the agreement knowing that she was going to become the mother of my child soon. I cared for her enough to not repeat the mistakes of Alphas that were before me.

I didn't know who to blame.

She or myself for being an idiot?

The deceiver was right in front of me and I couldn't even see it. I was fucking blind. A wound that had just healed sliced back open. I was betrayed once more. But this time, I wasn't going to display any compassion, to Clara or to anyone else who was a part of this scheme.

By evening, the certain ranked wolves I had called upon were gathered inside my office while I waited for the locksmith's call with the location of the warehouse. If the unnamed drug was controlled and seized, there were going to be a lot fewer deaths to deal with this month but if it wasn't, then I needed to kill every single omega alive.

Clara was still asleep, solely because I didn't allow her to wake up. She had to be under my hold until the warehouse was located and the omegas behind this were captured. The sleeping drug I had given to her to keep her from waking up bought no harm.

And I had made the decision of what needed to be done with her.

Droplets of rain splattered against the window as we sat in absolute silence. The wolves watched me after the information was given out to them. They said nothing until I allowed them to. I wanted to hear from the locksmith first before hearing to any of their responses.

My phone rang and I picked it up. "Have you figured where the key comes from?"

"No, Alpha." The locksmith responded. "But I can say for sure the key wasn't made in this town so, I suppose the warehouse might be on another location, outside of the town."

After he was done, I dropped the call and my hands rolled into tight fists. The wolves on duty had searched every inch of the town and broken into every warehouse. They had also gone out, searching the deserted lands but nothing was found. This was done a few days back, when Brian came to me with information that there was a warehouse where the drug was being stored and made.

I rose my head up and said to the wolves sitting in front of me, "Speak."

"We should capture the omegas before they run." One of them said, breaking the silence that had been on for long.

"It doesn't make a difference. The drug is what needs to be seized first. Anyone could have access to it and if they do, it means every person in this town can lose their wolf and any other power they hold. The omegas are solid wolves, they won't speak up, ever." Another one of them stated facts.

"Then we should kill them all before the knowledge of the drug spreads." A male sitting by the corner uttered.

I snarled in complete frustration and leaned back. "None of this is helpful."

"If I may?" Brian looked around, calm and collected compared to other wolves. "The leader of this whole operation is Clara's mother—"

"Get me her number." I took in his suggestion immediately.

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