Chapter 36

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With a loud whoosh, I fluttered awake and after noticing the wolves from yesterday had left the house, I headed straight to the kitchen and pulled Nora away from her morning duties. She took a seat on the other end of the counter and I took in front of her after making us a little breakfast.

"Nora, my favorite Nora." I smiled cheekily.

"There's something you want, isn't it?" She asked, raising her brow and sipping on her coffee.

"Yes, indeed. You caught me."

"It's obvious, Clara." She gave me an eye-roll.

"There is something I need from you and before you get confused, it has to do nothing with harming anyone or whatsoever. I have left those days behind." I raised my arms in defense before she jumped right into it.

No one saw me as the girl—the working omega that lived here. Everyone saw me as a killer, a lying bitch and a whore. Nothing I would agree too. I had difficulties, I made mistakes but no one died from it and I was apologetic about my hand in the omega's scheme.

The wolves only wanted to attack someone who had done it from the inside and I was the only omega from the inside that willingly took part in it.

"All right. What is it?" Nora questioned with curiosity in her tone.

"The Alpha isn't here so it's just you and me. And, I know that you have lived here longer than any of us have." I placed my coffee aside and collected my hands together. "What happened to the Alpha's mate? Who killed her?" I jumped right into the questions that kept me awake the whole night after seeing the frames of them.

"You are well aware, Clara, that I'm unable to share that information."

"Please?" I begged. "I promise I will not tell anyone but I really need to know who killed his mate—or even if that woman was his mate."

I spotted a little bit of hesitation as Nora glanced at me with her eyes wide and full of surprise. If there was someone in this whole entire pack that knew the truth, it was her and no one else. She warned me to learn about his past before getting in the agreement but I ignored it, assuming there was nothing much in it—except the fact he killed his mate.

Nora let out an audible breath before she said, "You're right! The woman wasn't his mate."

I slammed my hand over the table when my assumptions turned into facts. All along, everyone believed she was, even I did.

"However, the Alpha did kill her, with his own bare hands." She continued.

My jaw hung and my brows furrowed, "Why?"

"Because she killed his Father in cold blood. The woman—Monica was a rogue before she was allowed into the pack. The Alpha had a soft spot for her but everyone in the town didn't like the idea of inviting a rogue into the land so there were a lot of mishaps that occurred during her stay."

I choked on my breath after hearing the words that left Nora's mouth. Her words registered and I felt sick to my stomach. I shifted on the chair with uneasiness and asked, "What? Why?"

"It was a rogue, Clara. Rogues don't like pack wolves and certainly not alpha's. She killed him for no reason. There was no revenge in place or any other grudge. But long before she killed him, she stayed in the town and the Alpha chose to give her respect from the other wolves by claiming that she was his mate." Nora continued, she didn't stall as if she had learned about this long, long ago. "They were together, for a very long time but she wasn't his mate and nor was he. It was a faux claim that gave Monica the respect she desired from the wolves. But it still wasn't enough."

"So she killed the Alpha's father?" It was unbelievable—that the former Alpha of the pack was murdered by a rogue. We all presumed he died from a sickness or it was his time to pass away.

"Yes. Shortly, the Alpha learned about the woman he once desired, and the next day, it was the rogue's funeral that took place."

"Oh, I messed up, didn't I?" I planted my hands over my hair and ran my fingers through them while realizing what I had done. The Alpha willingly gave me everything and I did the exact same as his mate did. "I'm so fucking stupid."

"Well, you didn't kill his Father, Clara." Nora took my hand as I placed it back on the counter. "You didn't kill anyone. All things aside, you are giving a blessing to the Alpha and the only thing you can do right now is ensure that the child you bear is healthy and protected."

"Of course." I tightened my arms around myself in a promise to protect my child no matter what. It was not only my hope but everything that I had left after backstabbing everyone in this pack, including the Alpha.

It was only a matter of months before he'd take his revenge upon me.

Minutes passed, Nora stood up and opened a compartment in the kitchen before pulling out a dozen of letters. She returned to me with them. The letters fell on the table and I gave them a quick look.

"What are these?"

"Your mother wrote to you—a hundred times and I owed her a favor so I had to give them to you even though it's against everything." She whispered while looking over my shoulder.

I opened up one of the letters and read them thoroughly. It was Mom and she was worried about me. The first few letters were about her concerns and the rest were schemes to how I could run away from the house. She wanted me to meet her near the hills with a promise that she'd take me away from the town where the Alpha couldn't bring any harm to me.

She had well-laid plans for escaping the pack and starting somewhere else. How could she? I thrashed away the letters in spite. It was her schemes that led me here in the first place and now she wanted me to run away while I was pregnant. What was wrong with her? Did she not care about my existence at all?

"You are not going to write her back, Clara?" Nora asked, hovering beside me as I cut off all the letters and dumped them inside the bin.

With every letter I cut, I gritted my teeth and growled. "No. I don't want to leave. I'm going to stay for as long as I can. Running away is only going to get me killed." I replied while scrunching up the papers.

Better or worse, I knew the Alpha and he was going to destroy me if I fled away with his child. There was no returning from it either.

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