Chapter 24

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Brian was with no one. He was all by himself. People gawked at him and tried to create a conversation but he didn't speak, not even with his friends. Traumatic. I stopped boasting from within when I saw him prowling closer to me, a vicious look in his cold eyes as he set them on mine.

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and decided to walk right away but then I remembered he was weakened. He no longer had the powers he possessed before the pynine was given to him.

He was weak.

Just like me.

"Pity. Someone's having a bad time." I whispered as he reached me. "Hope you aren't here to apologize after whatever sickness caught you because I'm happy it did. Karma is surely a bitch." It was good seeing him wrecked and ruined for once and since I had no idea how long the poison was going to last, I was going to take my every chance and enjoy his fall.

A smile grew over his face, wide and mean, "Oh, I'm surely not apologizing for anything. And don't forget, even in my sick state, I can beat you up like a pulp so shut your mouth and stick your head up a book—or maybe spread your legs for another favour." He laughed as he continued.

My nostrils flared and the muscles in my jaw tightened. Before I knew it, my hands rolled into fists and all the anger that was trapped inside me struck towards Brian's face a few seconds after his taunts ended.

It took a moment for him to recover from the hit but until then he remained silent. His eyes stayed upon mine for the longest. Crowd surrounded us from afar, including the teachers that didn't dare to step forward. Everything inside the school dropped dead silent.

My chest rose. He attacked me, hitting me on the face before thrusting me onto the school grounds. The weakness appeared on his moves, they barely impacted me as they did when we had a duel last year. While that end with a bloody nose and a few broken bones, this wasn't going to.

I fought back with all the strength inside me. He bled quicker with my blows and his face turned red like a burning flame.

When he punched me again, my sight disappeared for a minute and I tasted blood in my mouth.

"You think you have some kind of strength inside you?" He asked, continuing with the insults while a rattling growl escaped from his chest. He struggled with getting off the ground while I still stayed on it, recovering, healing. "You will always be a weak fucking omega. It runs in your dirty blood. A title will not change you, Clara, you'll be always who you are." He snatched the back of my hair and forced me to look at him.

"Why don't you shift then?" I asked before spitting on his face and then hitting my head on it. Something cracked. It sounded like it.

As Brian fell on the ground, I stood up and hovered over him, gaining more power. I kicked him on his stomach and knocked him down whenever he tried to get up. He struggled hard but still didn't shift.

It made me think. The poison restricted him from shifting. It was what Mom was talking about. The wolf would be gone while the poison was in their system. It's what kept the rogues down and away from shifting and even if they did, it would become lethal for them to bring out their wolf's.

Brian could no longer shift into his wolf as it wasn't there anymore. He was nothing—not even a werewolf.

Grabbing the collar of his shirt, I whispered, "Oh, did you lose your wolf somewhere? Tsk, tsk, that's a pity. You aren't a Beta without a wolf, Brian. What are you going to do now?"

At that moment, I felt no longer afraid of anything at all. It seemed like all my fears had drifted away after realizing what the poison could do to these wolves—to these males.

I punched him a few times more, knocking the air out of his lungs till he was begging me to stop, till I heard his countless pleads. It took me straight to last year where I was begging him to forgive me and he didn't.

He almost killed me.

Blood seeped down from his mouth and nose as his eyes drifted half-close. He took choked breaths while pain filled his body up.

My claws lengthened and poked out of my hands. I pressed them against his throat, closing them around his veins while he pleaded for air.

No one stopped me. No one wanted to until I was about to kill him. Only then, I was pulled away and slammed against a locker.

"Are you out of your mind?" The Alpha growled at me while locking me in place as I tried to free myself away from him.

I wanted Brian dead. He wasn't innocent. He was a prick. A horrible man who deserved to die in a horrible way.

"Get off me!" I snapped at the Alpha without knowing what I was dealing with. The only thing in my mind was Brian's blood and until I wasn't done, I didn't want to go anywhere.

I was dragged to the nearest room—an empty classroom before the Alpha shut the door behind him. As I reached for the door, he pushed me behind.

"Let me go," I said, hoarsely.

"Get a control of yourself, Clara." He yelled, grabbing my face and pushing me to a wall.

Blood pounded into my veins. My temper flared and anger swelled inside me. I couldn't bear it anymore. The taunts Brian had been throwing me since the beginning of time, the position he had been gifted within this pack, his arrogance and everything else about him. He was vile and he needed to be gone.

"Leave me," I drew my claws across the Alpha's shirt and attempted to make another escape. "He wants to fight. I am going to kill him." I said my thoughts out loud while losing my control completely.

"That's enough. You aren't going to touch him." The Alpha grabbed the back of my hair and strayed me away from the door. His finger dug deep into my cheeks. "You want fucking fight? Come fight me." He dared.

I was breathless and trembling. Startled, tears dripped under my eyes as I looked, "No."

He gave me a push, nearing closer to me and the raw fear inside me came spilling out. "Fight me." He growled.

I tightened my eyes shut and turned my head away. "No." I whimpered while surrendering and shivering violently. The reality forced me back on the ground.

The Alpha moved his hands away and released me from his hold. "Go home and stay in your room. You're suspended from coming to school until I say otherwise." He said.

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