The Memorial Part 1

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I was talking to my brothers for some more information. "So anything new?"
Dean shook his head. "The Blossoms are blaming anyone they can think of."
"I have a theory..." I started when my phone rang to see Jug on the screen.
"What's up"
"Come to the Gold and Blue. Someone broke in to the Kellers house." Jug said.
"Okay. I'm bringing my brothers. They're pretty smart." I said.
"Kay." Jug said and hung up.
"Can you..." I began.
"Get in the car." Dean said.

We got to school and I bring Dean and Sam to the Blue and Gold Room. I walked over to my boyfriend and kissed him. Which he did the same. "Kevin. Betty. These are my brothers Dean and Sam. They said they can help us."
Dean and Sam gave my friends a wave. "So this is what the suspect board looked liked?"
"Yeah..." Kevin said. "How my dad had it." Kevin looked at my brothers.
"Kevin." I snapped my fingers. "You're drooling."
"Your brothers are hot." He said.

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I faked gagged. "Yeah, you and every girl out there."
We discussing the murder board when a boy came in talking to Betty then left. "So Betty got a date."
"It's not a date." Betty said. I gave her a questioning look. "My mom is out of town" She continued. "It's not a date date."
"It's a date. You literally said it's a date." I said.
"It's just my cover." Betty said.
I raised my hands in surrender.

It was now lunch time. My brothers had gone to do more research on the case. Jug and I walked out to the bleachers to sit with the group. Jug sat down and I sat next to him. I was starting to feel a little queasy. I rubbed my belly. "Hey, Jug." I said. "I have an appointment after school can you come?"
"Yeah." He said.
The rest of the group was talking but I wasn't listening when Cheryl came over. I wave to her. She gave us invitations. I got up to go talk to her. "Hey, girl." I said. "You okay?"
She shook her head. "Does the pain ever go away?" J
I answered her. "No, but it will get better. I'm here for you."
"Can you come over before the memorial?" She asked.
I nodded "yes. But I have a doctors appointment."
"Is everything okay?" She asked.
I smiled at her "yeah, I'm fine. Jug is going with me. Then I'll be over. I'll explain some things when I'm ready."
"You sure everything is fine?" Cheryl asked.
"I'm always fine." I said. I hugged her and begin walking back when my stomach was feeling nauseous again so I ran to the bathroom and threw up everything I ate. I sat there for five minutes before getting up to clean my face off. When I left the bathroom I found Jug waiting for me. "How you know I'm here?"
"I saw you walked in quickly so thought I wait here for you." He said. "You okay?"
"Got sick. I'm fine. After the appointment I'm going to Cheryl's. So won't see you till the Memorial." I explained.
"Kay." He said.

We went to my doctors appointment. The doctor called us in to the room to show us the baby. "Is he the dad?"
I shook my head. "No, there is something you should know. This is a child which was not of my consent. He is going to be a father to my kid."
The doctor spoke "I'm sorry that happened. So let's have a look shall we." She showed me the baby. And I smiled. "You are about 8 weeks. So your next one we are going to see the gender."
I smiled and said thanks. The doctor gave me a picture of the baby. I looked at it in awe. Jug asked me "you okay?"
"I'm in awe that this can come out of one of the most horrific events of my life." I say looking at the picture of my baby.
"Come on I'll drop you off at the Blossoms."

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