The Bulldogs and Serpent fight.

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Adison's POV:

I was on YouTube watching videos when I came across a video called the Red Circle and saw Archie. What the hell?
So I got dress for school

 What the hell? So I got dress for school

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And head to school. I found Archie and grabbed him by his ear and took him in an empty room.
"Ow, ow, ow" the red head said.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" I said.
He answered "what are you talking about?"
I slapped him "the video. Why?"
"To go after the black hood for shooting you." He said.
I sigh "Look Arch I get it I do but you got to be careful. I already have a target on my back being a Winchester. The guy that hurt me escaped the prison and he could come after me my brothers or Jughead and the twins. He also can hurt my friends. But this Black Hood shit will be taken care of but it is no job for a teenage boy."
He looked down "why did you save my dad."
I smile "because I know the pain of losing parents and didn't want you to go through the same pain."
He hugged me and that shocked me. So I hugged him back. "Thank you."
I let go "your welcome. So cut this video please. And leave it alone."
He nods. I really need Jughead but I'll leave it alone.

Jughead's POV:

I was walking to the cafeteria talking to Toni when I see Sweet Pea and Fangs watching a video. When I saw it I was shocked "what the hell" I said. "My girlfriend is going to be pissed." I thought to myself as Toni said that as well.
"Why Jones" Sweet Pea said.
"Do you not know she was shot by the black hood almost lost the twins. I better go see if she's okay." I said. And I walk out of the cafeteria to call my girlfriend. When she answer I asked "you okay?"
"Why you ask." She answered.
"I saw Archies video."
"I already yelled at him." She said.
"Okay. Love you."
"Love you too. Bye" and hung up.
"God Archie why are you so stupid." I thought.

Adison's POV:

After school Jughead and I met up outside the hospital to see the twins. I got to hold both of them today and so did Jug. They're getting a little bigger and the doctors said they're getting stronger and are fighters. I smiled. After being there for a couple hours I drop Jughead at home and decide to drive around when I got a call about a fight between the Serpents and Bulldogs from Veronica. I sigh men are so stupid. So I went down where the fight was.
Veronica asked "you going to stop this?"
I looked at the boys "nah I want to see how dumb these bitches are."
"Really?" She said.
I roll my eyes "I'm sick of the attitude between sides.
If it gets worse than this I'll step in but if they want to fight like bitches I say we let them."
They began fighting while watching them I looked at Veronica and said "we need popcorn."
She rolled her eyes "only you would say that."
I look back at the fight where I saw Dooley with a knife. "This was suppose to be no weapons right?"
"Yeah, Ads" she said.
"Shit" I cursed and ran out to get the knife from him. "Give me that knife" I tried to get it from him but in the process he cut my arm. He then stabs my leg.
Next thing I heard was a gun go off. I try to walk but it hurt. I couldn't move my leg. So I limped to my car and I could feel my self losing blood in my leg. But I got to my car and I got into it and drove. I don't know or remember how I got home but I did. I made it up the stairs before I fell down and collapsed from the blood loss. I see a pink hair girl "Toni. Help."
I was trying to stay awake but the blood loss was taking a tole on me and I slip into darkness.

Toni's POV:

I was walking to see if I could stay with Adison when I saw her. But then I saw her collapse. "Fuck" I saw a knife sticking out of her leg so I did what I thought was best called Sweet pea and fangs to come help me. When they saw me putting pressure on the leg fangs asked me "what happened?"
I sighed trying not to cry "I don't know. I was coming over to stay when I saw her collapse and I noticed a knife sticking out of her leg. We got to get her to the hospital. It's too dangerous for us to do it. She could bleed out."
Sweet Pea got her into the truck and drove. When we got there they asked what happened. "I don't know. She got stabbed. I found her." I said.
"What's her name?" The doctors said.
"Adison Winchester." I said.
"Let's get her in for surgery." He said.
"Whose calling Jones? What happened tonight guys? On second thought wait. I'm calling Jughead and he can some how get her brothers. If this is because of the fight you guys had then I know for sure those boys aren't surviving and the police is the least of our worries." I said.
"Wait what do you mean?" Sweet Pea said.
I looked at him pissed "the Winchesters will not be happy she's hurt a week after she's been shot and I can't imagine Jughead would be either. You think the serpents protect each other and do anything each other. The Winchesters another whole ballgame. That's all they have is each other and they go through hell and high water to protect each other and heaven forbid someone hurt one the others will be after whoever did it. Jughead loves that girl Sweet Pea. And in all honesty I don't think one can live without the other. I think if Adison would had die from the gun shot I don't think Jughead would be here today and that's vice versa. I've seen it myself. So when I get back you two are telling me exactly what happened."

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