Jughead and Adison

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I came out of my room with a hoodie that said "Stay weird" and leggings with my sneakers and my bangs braided.

Jughead saw my hoodie and chuckle "So I notice that you love hoodies

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Jughead saw my hoodie and chuckle "So I notice that you love hoodies."
I giggled a little "Just like you wear your beanie everyday i prefer to wear hoodies. Instead of having a million purses or shoes i have hoodies."
Jughead smiled "But you wear other kinds of outfits."
"Yeah, i know but that is only when my brothers and i go undercover for a case." I answered.
"So, Adison what is it that you want to do when you graduate?" Jug asked as we walked.
I thought about that question and never really thought about it. "Well, I'm not sure, Jug. I would probably go into the family business which is saving people."
"Why?" He asked.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I want my life to mean something. I want to save people from having there family torn apart from evil like my family was. I lied about my dad he was killed in order to save my brothers and my life. Someone killed my brothers mom and my mom died giving birth to me. Dean basically raise Sam and I on top of raising himself because my dad wanted revenge on what happened to Dean and Sam's mother which Sam's girlfriend died the same way. Anyway eventually we found who killed their mother and in spite of that my dad gave up his life to save us and many more people along the way. We moved a lot and that was why to save people but also to take care of the killer so they didn't have to go through what are family did. That's probably why I relate to Cheryl. I know how it feels to have someone that is you're family and attached to and willing to do anything for them and to have them taken away like that is a horrible feeling and to be expected to keep up a certain facade when really you could break at any second. I know how that feels and if I could save just one family from not going through what my brothers and i have to then it will be worth it. All this pain and suffering will be worth it to just save one life if it means they have their family."
Jug open his mouth "Wow i would have never guessed that." As we walked into Pops. "Go sit in a booth and I'll put our order in."
I nodded and go sit down. A few minutes later Veronica came over "hey what's up?"
I look up at her and pointed up "The ceiling." I said sarcastically. Jughead must of heard me and chuckle.
Veronica rolled her eyes "well, someone is a smartass"
"What sarcasm is how i deal with the world." I smirked.
Jughead laughed "And just when i thought I couldn't fall for you even more."
I slapped his shoulder. "So what do you need?"
Veronica looked at us in awe. "Are you guys actually dating?"
I smiled and look at Jughead with a smug look "Yeah, Jug, are we?"
"Only if you want to?" Jughead asked. "Besides Dean told me straight up that he approved of us dating."
My mouth gaped open. "He approved. Well, shit I should go play the lottery now." Jughead and Veronica looked at me weird. "Well, i have two big brothers who want to do everything in their will power to protect me."
They nodded with an understanding look. "So yeah, i guess we going to the dance together. And i would be honor to have Jughead Jones as my boyfriend."
Jughead asked with a smile "Can I kiss you?"
I nodded as we kissed and when we pulled apart i leaned my forehead and breathed out "Wow that was..." I paused.
Jughead finished "Amazing"

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