The Twins and FP

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Adison's POV:

I was at home when I got a call from the hospital "hello is this Adison Winchester?"
I answered "yes it is ma'am."
"Well, I have good news for you. You are allowed to take the twins home tomorrow."
"Wait. You're serious." I asked getting excited.
She chuckled "yes. Congratulations miss Winchester."
Jughead came through the door. "Hey I have good news."
"Me too." I said.
You go first." He said.
"No, you go." I said.
He chuckled "okay. My dad's getting out."
"What. That's awesome." I smiled.
"What's yours." He asked.
"The twins are coming home." I said.
He smiled real big "I'm so happy. God I love you."
I kissed him "I love you too, bubs."
He kissed me back. I love him so much. "We should probably tell our friends the good news."
He nods "yeah, but first." He grabbed my waist and kissed me again. I kissed him back. The kiss quickly turned into a heated make out session.

Later that day, we asked our group of friends to meet us in the Blue and Gold. I even asked for Cheryl to meet us.
Once everyone was here that we wanted to talk to. "So the reason we gather you guys here is because we got some big news." I began and looked at Jughead with a smile.
"What is it?" Archie asked.
I smile as Jughead continued "well, my dad is getting out."
"And the twins are coming home." I said.
Excitement filled the room.
I smiled and leaned up to kiss Jughead.

The next day we first went to get the twins. And we had also talked Betty into going with us to pick up FP. We wanted to surprise FP with the twins.
We went to the hospital to get the twins. We put Olivia and Forsyth in the car seats and then went to pick up FP. When we got to the jail. We waited for FP. He came out and I watched my boyfriend go to hug him. He saw me and smile "So what's this surprise I'm hearing about?"
"Well I may have got the twins with me." I said with a grin. "When we go to pops for dinner you want to hold them."
"I would love to kid." He said.

I dropped FP and Jug at the trailer and went to my trailer for me and the twins and got them changed. I put these outfits on them.

With a pair pants for each

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With a pair pants for each. I change they're little diaper and fed them before it was time to get ready to see the boys. Dean and Sam was meeting us at Pops. They haven't seen the twins yet either since they just got out of the hospital nor do they know yet. Jughead came in to the trailer with FP. "Hey babe watch them while I get dress. Yes you can hold them."
He came over and kiss me "okay."
I went into m my room and changed into this outfit "

"I went into m my room and changed into this outfit "

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And did my hair like this

I packed a diaper bag for the twins

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I packed a diaper bag for the twins.

I put diapers and a couple of onesies

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I put diapers and a couple of onesies. I'll feed them if they need it. I can't believe they are home. I came into the living room. "Hi babies. Time to go see your uncles. Later we'll meet your aunts."
I grabbed Olivia and Jughead grabbed Forsyth. And we hooked them in the car seats and in the car. And headed to Pops. We got a booth and Sam and Dean pulled up a chair. "Sam, Dean meet your niece and nephew. Olivia and Forsyth."

I watched as they held them when Alice and Betty came over. I nod at them and then continue to watch my brothers old the twins. I smiled. "Alice, Betty meet Olivia and Forsyth."
"Whose the father?" Alice asked.
FP said in a irritated voice "Alice."
"What? I want to know." She said.
"Fp, it's okay. Jughead is their dad. Not biologically. I was raped. But Jughead loves them as his own." I said.
Her face softened "I'm sorry."
"It's fine. Even though that's old news." I said. Jughead squeezed my hand in comfort.
Forsyth started getting fussy so I took him from Dean. "I'm going to go change him then I'll check Livy."
Dean nods. I took my son to the bathroom and changed him. He was still a little fussy so I held him till he went back to sleep.
When I came back I saw Jug had Olivia and I continued holding Forsyth. "So what I miss?"
"Dads not going to be in the serpents."
I nod "deciding to retire old man."
"Thought I settle down for the grandkids."
I smiled "yeah, no problem with that. I heard you get to work with me sometimes."
He chuckled. "Yup."

Later after dinner we went home. I changed the twins into their night clothes and fed them one more time. "Hey," Jughead said when he came in and kissed me.
"I was wondering if you want to come to Dads retirement party." He said.
I nod "I'll see if Cheryl can watch the twins. But I'll ask her to do it here. I don't trust her mom."
He nod in response. "Whose idea was this?"
"Bettys." I rolled my eyes. "I know. She wouldn't leave me alone till I said yes."
"Okay. I forgive you." I said.

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