FP's sorta retirement? Part 2

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Adison's POV:

I got up in front of everyone and said "good evening everyone. I want to say something before I sings some songs and later I'll have Dean and then Toni going to sing with me. FP I want to say thanks for such an amazing son you have. Congratulations man. Now time for some tunes. Do whatever."
The first song I chose was She so Gone.

"Hey y'all this song is for my brothers it's called "Count me In"

"This next song is for Jughead it's called Thinking out Loud." I love Juggie."

This next song Toni is going to sing with me called "LA Boyz"

"Hey Dean get your ass up here and do some songs."

Dean gets up there and does some songs.

A/N:This is Simple Man.

A/N: S.O.B (Son of A Bitch)

Dean sings one more song called "Brother"

After singing Veronica and Archie went up to sing. I went to stand by Jughead. I watch Veronica stall and then run off stage and Archie following. Then Betty got on stage. "Jug, what is she doing? She's doing it isn't she."
"Yeah. I don't know why." He said.
Toni came over "she said she wanted to be part of your world Jughead." She said.
Jughead looked at her "why. I barely fucking talk to her. I only talked to her because we're in the same friend group. We're just friends."
I sigh "we know that but she obviously has feelings for you."
He rolled his eyes "yeah. And if she was truly my friend she would see I'm head over heels for you Adison."
I smile "thanks Jug. I think I'm going to go home."
I stepped outside and took a breath. I began walking to my car when I felt something behind. I turned around to see the black hood.
"You know. You playing God to decide who gets to live and who gets to die is a sin right?" I said as I reach for my knife. "You're first mistake is stalking me. Your second mistake is sneaking up on a Winchester." I saw something in his eyes. Something that looks familiar but I can't place it. "So I can either let you walk away or you get to tell the sheriff how you got taken down by a 16 year old girl."
He began coming at me and I fought until he was knocked out and I ran back to my car and got in. I heard a knock on my window when I saw Toni. "Hey girl. Get in."  I said as I was trying to catch my breath.
"You okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, grab my inhaler out of there" I said pointing to the glove compartment.
"What happened?" She asked.
I took two puffs "black hood."
"You're not hurt?"
I shook my head "no, what I miss."
She answered with a small smile "FP is not really retiring."
I put my head down. "And Jughead..."
"Went to tell Betty off." She said.
I nod. My phone went off. "You don't deserve love. Stop being who you are."
I scrunched my eyebrows. Toni asked "everything ok."
"Yeah, I'm fine." I said.
Jughead's POV:

After Betty was dancing my dad wrapped her in his serpent jacket and I was beyond livid. I just talked to my girlfriend and she ran off. Why would she do this.
I grabbed the back of her arm. "Betty why would you do that?"
"Because I like you Jughead. I want to be part of your world."
"What do you mean. As in like me as a friend or like me as a crush. Because I'm having a hard time in just liking you as a friend right now." I said.
"What do you mean?" She said.
I roll my eyes "you know damn well what I mean. I know you like me because why else would you put a show like that on. I don't like you like that. Never had. I like you as a friend that's it. I'm in love with Adison. And if you try to come between us again I'm done."
She nod "okay. But what do you see in her."
I sigh "I see the most beautiful blonde girl that is willing to help others even if her life isn't that great at the moment. I see that she is willing to sacrifice her life for others. I see this amazing mom and how caring she is. I see this strong woman even though she's been through hell and I see that she accepts anyone as who they are. You see that girl is Adison Winchester. I love her because she loved me when I couldn't love myself. So please Betty stay out of our relationship." I said and walked away.

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