Adison tells Jughead

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Adison's POV

I can't believe i had another nightmare and in front of Jughead. Jughead and Dean were calming me down when Sam came in "Everything okay?" Sam asked.
I shook my head no "I'm sorry guys."
Jughead said "No, don't apologize for having a nightmare everyone gets them."
"Yeah but there not just nightmares they're memories." I said crying.
"Hey, it's okay." Jug said rubbing my back. "You want to talk about it?"
"No, I don't know if I can yet. I want to but I just don't think I can yet." I explained shakily.
Dean spoke up "We're right here. I told Jughead about what happened. Well, what you told us. I trust Jughead"
I sighed "okay Dean." I took a deep breath. "Okay, Jughead I was kidnapped this summer. As you know my brothers and I save people by solving cases all over the country. Well, because of this we have enemies that hate us and knows anything about us Winchesters we will protect each other no matter what the costs. We will go through hell for the other if it means protecting each other. So as i was saying i was kidnapped and they tortured me in ways that i cannot explain. Anything you can think of they did. They cut me, electrocuted me, burned me, broke and dislocated my bones. They wanted to know where Dean and Sam were but instead of telling them i would tell them to go to hell or screw you. Then one day they got tired of the physical torture." At this point tears are flowing freely down my cheeks as I continue telling. "At first they started to touch my body parts and kissing me up and down my body. He asked me where my brothers were and even then I told them to go to hell.he kissed me without my consent and touched my breasts and my butt.Then as IOC that wasn't enough he decided to rape me over and over again until Dean and Sam found me."
"Adison" Sam began "you don't have to say anymore."
"I wish they would have killed me. How i feel, I don't want to live anymore but i have to because people need saving. This pain won't go away. I am so broken beyond repair. Nothing you say is going to help me. No amount of professional help is going to help me. I haven't been sleeping and when i do sleep i get nightmares so bad i wake up in a panic attack. I cant have people touching me unless it's you three because I'm scared to be touch." I broke into sobs.
"Adison, look at me" Jughead said. "I don't know how you feel and i know you don't want to hear this but i am right here and i am not going to ever leave you. I'm here for you. I have no idea of how you feel but I'm going to help you through this." I hugged Jug like he is my lifeline. Just maybe everything is going to be all right then. "Hey, i bet you could use a milkshake and a slice of pie.
I nodded into his shoulder and mumbled "that sounds good. Can i get fries too?"
Jughead chuckle "of course."
"Okay, I'm going to change into a hoodie and and leggings" I said.

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