Adison meets FP Jones

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Jughead's POV:

I ran over to my girlfriend. "Adison, hey wake up. Come on please be careful. I'm here. Come on"

Her eyes flutter "Jug, how did I get down here."

"Ads, you literally just collapsed. You okay." I asked worried.

She shook her head "Dizzy." 

I pulled her in my lap. "I got you. Do you want to go to the doctor."

She shook her head. "Need to go home." 

"Okay." I said. I place my hand on her forehead to make sure she wasn't sick from that. She wasn't warm. "Hey, can I pick you up. I'm going to bring you home."

She nods. "Keys in sweatpants."

I grabbed the keys to her car and carried her. Veronica saw me. "Is she okay?"

I shook my head. "I'm taking her home. Tell Betty I hope she finds Polly. I knew this was too much for her but she insisted on coming out."

"Hey, it's not your fault. She's just stubborn." Veronica said. "I'm coming to help."

I sighed. "Kay." We got to the car I placed her in the back seat. Veronica sat in the back with her head on her knees. 

She ended up falling asleep. When I got her back to her trailer I picked her up and lay her in the bed. Veronica and I sat watching her. "it's funny. We were just talking Jughead."

"What were you talking about." I asked.

She looked at me "The baby. Then we started talking about other things. I asked her when her birthday was which by the way is October 2nd." 

I was shocked. My girlfriend was born the same day as me and don't like her birthday either. "Did she elaborate why she hates her birthday?"

Veronica answer "Her mom died giving birth to her."

"Oh," I said. 

I see her stir. 

Adison's POV:

I woke up to see Veronica and Jughead "Hey guys?"

"You okay?" Jug asked. 

I nod "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. you just scare the shit out of me." Jug said.

I looked at my boyfriend "I'm sorry. I don't know why the migraine make me dizzy."

He smiled "I think the last couple days been too much for you."

I looked at him "I love you, Jug."

He kissed me "I love you too, Ads." 

The next day Jug and I were at Andrews Construction waiting for his dad with Archie. I'm laying on the couch in the trailer when FP and Fred walked in. I smiled. FP looked at me "you are..."

"Adison Winchester. I'm sure you met my brothers." I said.

"Yeah, they are something." He said.

"yeah, I love them." I said. 

I walked away. Jug followed "hey, you want to go out with us?"

I smiled. "Yeah, that sounds nice."

We went to Pops. I sat between Archie and Jughead. I just got a milkshake and fries and I began dipping them in my shake. They all look at me but Jughead since he already knew I did this. "What?"

FP smirked "You dip your fries in your milkshake?" 

I smirked back "Who do you think taught your son to do that?"

"Jughead, I didn't know your girlfriend had such a influence on you." FP said. 

I smiled. "Yeah, well I am growing a baby." I said.

"You're pregnant?" FP and Fred asked in unison.

I sighed and looked at Jughead. "You guys mentioned a band." Jughead began. 

Archie notice us trying to change the topic "What was it called?"

"The Fred Heads" FP said.

I laughed "Well this is all great and all but here's my cash for the meal. Jug I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'm still not feeling well after yesterday."

"No, I got it." FP said.

"It's alright. I got it. Night guys." I leaned down to kiss my boyfriend. 

I walked home since I didn't drive. My brothers were at Bobby's and heading back today. When I got home the door was open. We never leave it unlock. I pulled out my knife and quietly walked into the trailer. I walked in to see the guy from the other day. I froze when I did see him. My kidnapper. I held my knife ready to fight.  I pulled my phone out and called Jughead. "If I were you, I would leave right now." 

He came at me and tried to punch me but I right hooked him. I knocked him on the ground. We wrestled for a bit before he actually did punch me in the face. He got me a few good times before I kicked him in the nuts. He kicked me to the ground and kicked me in the ribs and pinned me to the ground. "I'm going to finish what I started."

"No, please don't." I said scared in my voice. I kneed him in the balls again and punched enough to knocked him out. Next thing I know there was Sheriff Keller and Jughead was standing outside. I breathe out of sigh of relief. I run into Jughead's arm and cried. 

Jughead said "Shh, I got you." 

Sheriff Keller came over to me. "Okay, want to explain to me what happened."

I nod and turned to look at Keller. "Well, I came home after having dinner with Jughead and Archie and their dads. And I saw that the door was open. So I went in to see what was going on. I dialed Jughead to let him know I was in trouble with out letting the guy know. Sherif this is the guy that is after me and my brothers. He and a few guys also kidnapped me this summer before all this happened. He also is one of the rapists after me."

"Okay. Well, just so you know he will go away for a long time. Where are your brothers?" He said.

"They went to see my uncle Bobby. They should be back in a couple days." I explained.

"okay, is there anyone you can stay with for a couple days?" He asked.

Jughead spoke up "I'm sure that she could stay over with me at the Andrews house." 

"Okay, that's fine. We just need to check the crime scene and then you can come back." Keller explained.

I nod. "I just need to grab some clothes."

"That's fine." Keller said. 

Jug came in with me as I grabbed a bag and put stuff in it that I needed. He took me back to the Andrew's household. It was late when we got back. "Stay here. I'm getting Archie and Fred."

After Jug explained everything to the Andrews we went to bed. Jug held me as I slept. The next morning Jughead and I went to school. I went to get my books and he went to the Blue and Gold. Next thing I see is Jug coming out with Sherriff Keller. "Call my dad."

I nod and Archie was standing there and said "Of Course." 

I left the school and got to the station. "Sherriff can I please see my boyfriend."

Sheriff looked at me "I suppose."

I went to hugged him and he cried into my shoulder. "I got you. I wont let them take you. My brothers and Fred are on the way. My brothers got in last night and are talking to the sheriff."

"I didn't do it." He said. 

"I know. Look at me." I said "I'm here for you Jug. You have know idea. I know you didn't do it. If need be I will call a friend of mine. I swear we got this."

Keller came in "Okay, you can go now." 

We went out to see FP and Fred along with Dean, Sam Archie and Betty. Jughead went over to his dad and they were talking and I notice that my boyfriend was in tears. I went to him and pulled him into my chest. "I got you baby. You can live with me and my brothers. or you can stay with Archie. It's up to you."

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