Nightmares and School Part 1

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Dream world "I was in a dark room when a demon came in and started hurting me asking me where my brothers are. But I didn't answer. I try to get away. But then Dean and Sam showed up but the demon shot them." I woke up breathing heavily. I quickly grabbed my inhaler because i felt like I couldn't breathe. Well, so much for a good night sleep I thought to myself. I then decided to put on some calming music to calm me down. Which is when Dean knocked on my door.
"Hey kiddo, i heard you up. You okay?" Dean asked with concern in his voice.
I answered "yeah, I'm fine. Just a nightmare."
"About what happened this summer?" Dean asked
I nodded "yeah"
"You want to talk about it? Dean said. "I know Sam and I don't understand but you know we're here for you."
"I know Dean. I'll be fine. I'll tell you guys when I'm ready. Just not yet." I said. "Dean can you stay?"
"Yeah," Dean got in bed and held me as i fell asleep again and slept the rest of the night.

I awoke to my alarm. I put on my skinny jeans, a plaid shirt, a leather jacket, and my combat boots. I put on mascara and braided my dirty blonde hair in a side braid. I grabbed an extra hoodie for my locker and my backpack, my cellphone, an apple for breakfast. I put an extra granola bar and my water bottle in my bag.
"Hey guys." I say.
"You ready for school?" Sam asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I was actually not okay. I was a little sleepy after the event of what happened last night but was also nervous since i been homeschool for as long as i can remember. "So whose taking me to school?"
"I am" Dean said. I gave him the look. 'Don't ask if I'm okay oh so help me chuck.'
Sam noticed and asked "Hey what happened last night?"
"Nothing just a nightmare. It was no big deal." I lied.
"No big deal, Adison! You have to tell us what happened sometime." Sam said.
"You don't understand, Sam. What they did to me I will never forget. It's right here Sam." I pointed to my mind. "No one will ever understand. There is no forgetting, Sam." I said now in tears.
"Come here kiddo." Dean said as he and Sam hugged me.
"Why cant we be left alone." I said.
"You're a Winchester. That's why." Dean said as he wiped my tears. "Come on lets head to school."

Dean dropped me off. "Hey, chin up. If you need us call us and we'll be here."
I nodded "thanks bro."

I walked into the he school and went to the office so I could get my schedule and locker. That's when i met the two girls that were at Pop's last night "Hi I'm Betty Cooper and this is" said the blond girl.
"Veronica Lodge" the raven girl said.
"I'm Adison Winchester" I said.
Another boy showed up "I'm Kevin"
"Ah, sheriff's boy. Nice to meet you" I said with a smile.
"Well, here's you twos class schedule and schedule and lockers." Betty said. She walked us around the school.i wasn't really paying attention until one of the girls asked me a question.
"Oh, I'm sorry. What?" I asked.
"Are you okay, Adison? Betty asked.
I put on my fake smile "Yeah, I'm fine." But i really wasn't. "where's the bathroom?"
"Over there." Betty pointed it out.
"thanks" i said. I quickly ran to the bathroom as tears were now coming down my face my anxiety was getting the best of me. As i was walking i bumped into the boy i met last night.
"Hey, Adison, sorry about that." Jughead said.
I quickly turned my head to wipe my tears. "Hey, Jughead."
Jughead asked noticing something was wrong "You okay?"
"Yeah," i said " I'm fine." He obviously saw right through it.
"You know you saying I can tell you anything goes both ways." He said.
I answered "Yeah, i know, but even Dean and Sam don't know. I had a nightmare from something that happened in the past. I'm not ready to talk about it." I said.
"Okay, just know that I'm here." Jughead said. "So what class is next for you so i can help."
"English" i said.
He looks at my schedule "Looks like we got the same schedule so we have each other in all our classes. But we don't have classes till after the rally so no classes till after lunch."
"Okay, can i sit with you?" I asked.
"Sure. You don't want to hang with Betty and the new girl."
"Not really, as nice as Betty seems she too perfect for me and as for Veronica don't know about her yet.. but i rather hang with you." I said.
"Okay fair enough." He said.
So i went to the rally and this red hair girl got up and spoke. I lean over and asked "whose she?"
Jughead answered "that's Cheryl Blossom. Jason was her twin."
"Oh, I feel bad for her." I said. Knowing full well what it is like to lose siblings or family in general.
"Yeah, well she'll be fine. I really have no respect for her or her family." He said.
" but do you know her personal life." I said.
"No," he said. But the Blossoms own Riverdale."
I rolled my eyes "i meant you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I didn't say you have to be friends with her but get to know someone before you judge them by there cover."
"You are amazing Adison." Jughead smiled.
"I guess you are pretty cool yourself." I said.
He said "that's what friends are for."

The rally was over and it was lunch time. I got my food and was looking for Jughead but couldn't find him. So I went to look for a table when Betty and Veronica waved me over to sit. "Shit" i thought as I reluctantly went over to sit with them anyway.
"Hi" Betty said.
Veronica asked "Where were you this morning? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine just dealing with shit." I said.
Two boys were looking at me with curious looks. "Oh sorry I should've probably introduce myself. My name is Adison Winchester." I said.
"Archie Andrews". Said the red head boy.
"Kevin Keller" The other boy said.
"so Adison where you from?" Asked Archie.
"Well, I was born in Toledo but lived all over." I said.
"So what about your parents? Are those boys your parents?" Betty asked.
"Ew, you guy know their my brothers right." I said with my nose scrunched up.
"But they're way older than you." Archie said.
"I was a surprise baby. My brother sand I share same Dad but not the same mother." I said. "Can we change the topic please."
"Sorry" they said in unison.
Then Cheryl came over "so what are you losers talking about now."
"Extracurriculars." Veronica said.
"Well you three should totally tryout for the Vixens." Cheryl said. "Well, tootles."
Veronica said "We totally should."
Betty said "it look good on my college application."
Veronica looked at me "what about you Adison?"
"cheerleading isn't really my thing" i said "Besides I got other shit going on."
I got up and walked away. I can't wait till school is done. There nice people but i just cant handle people asking questions about my personal life.
I see Jughead so I went up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hey, what you doing after school."
"I'm going to Pops want to come." He said.
"You left me alone at lunch." I said with a frown.
"I'm sorry, but i normally go off on my own." Jughead said.
"Yeah, but you left me in an awkward conversation with Betty, Veronica, Archie, and Kevin. They were getting too personal for me." I said.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"They started getting too nosy by asking questions about where I'm from and my brothers which fine whatever but then asked what happened earlier and wanted to know why i was upset and then Cheryl came over and started talking about cheerleading and for that I'm thankful. Breathe Adison." I rambled "Sorry."
"No you're fine Adison. You don't have to talk about it." Jughead said trying to calm me down.  "so you never answer about Pop's."
"Yeah, i love too." I say. "So any facts you want to know about me."
He said "Where you from?"
"Toledo" I said not wanting to go into too much detail because of what happened in the passed.
He said "Really that's where my sister Jellybean and my mom moved to after leaving my dad because of his alcohol problem."
"I'm sorry." I said. "I don't have any parents. They both died. My mom died when she gave birth to me, and my dad died from a heart attack." I lied about my dad but at the same time i was in tears because i miss them.
"Hey, it's okay" Jughead said "So what you want to eat."
"A chocolate shake and fries." I said
"Alright" Jughead said and relayed to Pops my order.
Then we went to a booth and i called Dean to tell him i was at pops with Jughead.
Jughead then comes with the food. "Do i owe you anything?" I asked.
"Nope on me." He said with a smile.
Thanks. So what do you know about Jason Blossom."
"Well, he was a jock and he dated Polly Cooper who is Betty's sister. I guess they put her in a mental facility but didn't tell Betty where they put her."
"Oh, what the hell kind of parents are they? I bet i could ask Sam to see if he can figure it out without them knowing and maybe they can talk to Polly." I said.
"Really? How?" Jughead asked with curiosity.
"Well, first of, never underestimate a Winchester. Secondly, my brothers are awesome when it comes o computers. Well, Sam more than Dean." I then got a notebook and pen out. "So we know that Jason Blossom drowned on July 4 right?"
Jughead nodded "Yes, according to Cheryl the boat tipped and she made it to one side but they couldn't find Jason so they assumed he drowned."
"But wasn't he captain of the water polo team or something?" I asked.
"Yeah, Why?" Jughead asked confused.
I answer "I think something else happened and I'm going to get to the bottom of it. If you want I can talk to Dean and Sam to see if they have any ideas and let you know."
Jughead said "Sure. Do you want to go to the semi formal with me."
"Is Jughead Jones asking me out on a date?" I asked.
"Yeah, this isn't my normal thing but it could be fun. I actually really like you Adison." Jughead said.
"Of course, I really like you too Jughead." I said. "I love to go to the dance with you."

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