The Pep Rally Part 1

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Jughead and I were walking by the music room after class when I saw Archie unusually close to Miss Grundy. So I grabbed Jug's arm "Jug, look"
Jug look through the door to see what I saw. After about a minute Jughead and I walked away. "Come with me to see Archie after school."
I nodded "But you owe me fries and shake"
Jughead smirk "A girl after my own heart."
I kiss him "You are all I ever wanted"
"And you are my light when I need you" My raven haired boyfriend said

After school we went to the Andrew household but Archie wasn't home yet so we waited on the steps.
When Archie got home he saw us "Jughead Adison what are you doing here"
"We saw you Archie, you and Miss Grundy." Jug began
"Keep your voice down my dad can hear you"
"Look, man I'm trying to help you" Jug started talking but was interrupted
"No I like her" Archie said.
"Dude, she's taking advantage of you" I said.
"What do you know about it Jughead or you Adison?"
I was almost livid "First off, you dont know me. Secondly I know what it feels like to have something taken from you that you can never get back" I said near in tears
"Its not that but we heard a gunshot. The gunshot"
"Dude you have to tell someone" Jug said.
"I cant she could be put in jail" Archie yelled
"A kid is dead Arch and your worried about some cougar"
"Dont call her that. What do you know."
Jug began to walk away before turning "I dont know. But i used to know this guy. He wasn't perfect far from it but he always tried to do the right thing."
"If you say anything" Archie began
That's where I stepped in front of Jug "you will do nothing"
Mr. Andrews walked out of the house Hey Jug who is this girl"
"Adison Winchester sir." I said as I held out my hand which he took. 

"I'm Mr. Andrews but you can call me Fred. We have Pops Take out if you want any."

"They were just leaving." Archie said. 

The next day at school Jug and I decided to go sit in the lounge when a jock named Reggie was basically talking shit about Jason's death. I tuned him out but perked up a little as Reggie said "I mean let's think about it if it is a kid at Riverdale killed Jason, it's not going to be a jock right? No let's be honest. isn't always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic internet troll too busy writing his manifestos to get laid? some smug, moody, serial killer, fanboy freak... Like Jughead?" Jug gave him a look that says 'I cant believe you're still talking' as Reggie continued "What was it like suicide squad? When you killed Jason. you didn't do stuff to the body after."

I stepped forward but Jug held me back and said "It's necrophilia Reggie... Can you spell it?"

Reggie said "Come here..."

Archie said "stop reggie."

I got up ready to put to an end to whatever was going to happen next when a fight started. Reggie went to punch Archie but I stepped in and took the hit. My vision blurred. but I saw him go for Jughead so I grabbed the back of Reggie's Jacket and turned him around. "Reggie you listen up and listen good. Leave these two boys alone. If I ever see you try to hurt him again it's not going to end well for you."

"why what is a bitch like you going to do?"

"This bitch is going to kick your ass." I say as I kneed him in the balls. "Rule number 1: Never underestimate the Winchesters."

I grabbed Jug's hand and asked Betty "Can you check on Archie so I can get ice for my eye?"

The blond nodded "of course"

Jughead asked me "You okay?"

"Yeah, i'll be fine Jug. I may have a black eye but I'll be fine."

"Cant believe you took that punch for Archie."

"he may be an idiot when it comes to relationships but he's still a good guy even if he needs a push. Not all men can be you." I say with a wink.

Jughead kissed me "Alright let's get you home."

I kissed back. "Kay, thanks for driving my car for me."

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