What is going on with Adison? Part 1

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Jughead's POV:

I texted Veronica and Cheryl to meet me at Pops to talk about Adison.
"Hey guys. The reason I asked you two here is because somethings going on with Adison." I said.
Cheryl asked "so it's not just me."
I shooked my head. "I'm worried. Toni another serpent grown close with her too. She's noticed. I wish I could figure it out."
"She has been getting texts from someone" Veronica said.
"It could be her brothers." Cheryl said.
"No, they call her and vice versa." I said. "I'm worried. I don't know if you know. But the guy that hurt her is out of jail."
They both widened they're eyes. "If I see him I'm going to kill him." They both said.
I answered "well get in line. Guys I'm worried."
"Okay." Veronica said. "Do we tell Archie and Betty."
I shook my head "Adison and I are kind of on bad terms with Betty since she tried to be a serpent. Found out she had feelings for me which is fucking ridiculous."
"What?" Cheryl said.
I chuckled "yup. I just want to know who has her phone number besides the school, me, you two and her family. Along with Toni and a couple other serpents."
"We'll keep an eye on her Monday." Veronica said.
"She has one of us in most of her classes." Cheryl said.
"Okay. Thank you. Make sure it's subtle." I said.

Adison's POV:

I got up and got dressed in to this outfit

I got up and got dressed in to this outfit

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I got the twins dressed in this outfit

I got the twins dressed in this outfit

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Which is my favorite just saying. Anyway I fed them and got their stuff together and then I got them both packed in the car and then I got in the front seat. When I got to school I found out that Southside randomly shut down and that Jughead is coming back along with Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs. Yay. I grabbed my stuff from the locker and put it in my backpack then I pushed the stroller into the front to see my boyfriend and friends. "Hi guys."
They smiled.

This happened next.

Then the serpents and bulldogs try t go at each other. So I stand up on the table "hey!" I yelled. "Why don't shut the hell up. I don't care where your from because this Southside north side shit is ridiculous. I'm fed up with this shit. So why don't we get on with our day or I'll show you what us Winchesters can really do and I know you football players know I will kick your ass." I said and got down.
Jughead smiled at me. I got Toni and Jughead took the boys. I showed Toni her locker which luckily was by me. I pushed the twins along with us. Forsyth begin to get fussy so I picked him up to comfort him. I pushed the stroller into the lounge which Jughead saw I was holding Forsyth and went to pick up Olivia. He asked more of a whisper "he okay?"
I nod "He's just fussy this morning. Probably lot of new people that he's not use to but Livy loves it. She loves people."
He gave a look of understanding "now I'm here to help." He said and kissed me.
I kissed back. I got out my sons pacifier to which got him to calm down. I watched the serpents and the students talking when my phone went ding "you shouldn't be this happy. You don't deserve any of this. You don't deserve to be alive"
"Who text you?" Jughead asked.
I shrugged. "I think I'm going to take the twins home. I don't feel too well." I said.

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