Chapter 1

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Stefania and Danielle had just finished filming one of their scenes for season 3 episode 14, they had finished their shift and started to make their way off set.

The shift was long and both were need of a break.

"That was intense" Stefania said, as she stood alongside her costar as they made their way out into the parking lot.

"Yeah it was just a bit, but that kiss was good, the fans will love it" Danielle came to a stop as they arrived at her trailer.

"Sì, they will go nuts" Stefania remembered when she had kissed her coworker on the cheek during a video posted on Stefania's story and the action causing their fans to absolutely freak out.

"We're still on for tonight?" The blonde asked, making sure they were still on for their plans to go to the bar together, because she had been looking forward to it all day.

The thought of sitting at a bar with Stefania after a long day of work sounded like what she needed.

The brunette was easy to talk to, she didn't have to hide how she felt, and she most definitely didn't feel judged or uncomfortable whilst in the older woman's company.

"Sì, I'll meet you at your trailer around 6:30?" She asked, she started to walk away from Danielle, raising her voice as she walked further away, and towards her trailer.

"Ok, great see you tonight!" The blonde exclaimed smiling down at her shoes as she opened the door to her trailer.

After she made herself something to eat, had a shower and curled her hair, she stood in front of the mirror puzzled as to what she wanted to wear.

She didn't want to think too much into it as it was only two friends hanging out after work, but a part of her told her to at least make an effort.

She couldn't really pin point why, but if she was to admit it to herself she would guess that it would have something to do with the fact that she was crushing on her Italian costar.

The thought of being alone with Stefania was enough to make her stomach drop.

Every time she thought about the possibility that Stefania would return these u spoken feelings made her dismiss the possibility entirely.

She was 99.9% sure that whatever they shared was a friendship, a strong one at that and it was only what they shared as actresses that was romantic between the two.

Although she couldn't help think about what might happen tonight, they would both be drinking, and she knew that Stefania had been with women before, this made her have a slither of hope that something could possibly happen.

Stefania's POV:

Meanwhile, Stefania was having the same issue.

"Ugh this is too bright" She sighed, wanting to throw every outfit she had picked up so far out of her trailer window.

She wasn't usually this fussy with what she wore, because she could somehow make everything she wore look good.

Not in a vein way, she just new how to dress no matter the item of clothing.

She knew what went well with what and what didn't.

"It's just Danielle come on pull yourself together" she spoke with a frustrated huff, she didn't know exactly what it was about the blonde in particular that made her feel a whole lot different compared to anyone else she's ever met.

It probably had something to do with the fact that she'd never been in a situation like this before.

Yes she had kissed men as a part of her job description for film roles she had played, but with a girl?

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