Chapter 19

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Stefania had told Leco all about why she didn't want to take their little make out session to the next level.

She had explained everything that happened with Danielle, Leco just sat there listening to her and being there.

It felt nice.

It was now time to be back at work, Stefania felt sick to her stomach.

They used to go into each others trailers all the time to "practice lines" but now she'd only have Barrett, and a few other members of the cast.

It eased her a little to know that they wouldn't be doing any scenes together yet, they just both needed to be on set.

Stefania set an alarm for 8:30am knowing she needed to be at work by 9:30am which gave her an hour to get ready for the day.


Danielle was fully aware that today was the time they started working again, after their break. Tiffany had insisted on taking her, she was with Danielle anyway because she stayed over for the night, but Danielle wasn't sure if it was the best idea.

However, she ignored her gut and allowed the redhead to take her to work.

Danielle hadn't yet told the redhead about her and the brunettes past encounters, so for all Tiffany knew she was just a "friend" Danielle woke up early so she had time to get ready and eat her breakfast before both women left her apartment.


"Ahhh Stefania so good to see you" she heard a voice call out.

"Ciao Krista, how have you been?" The brunette asked, as she hugged her producer.

"It's been good yes, what about yours?" Stefania couldn't help but notice a smirk forming on the blondes face.

"Ahh Sì it was good" she replied, earning Krista to laugh.

" I know sweetie" she said, causing Stefania's eyebrows to knot together In confusion.

"Know what...?" She asked, her heart starting to beat a little faster.

"You and Danielle my love, congratulations. I always knew there was something else there" shit, the live video, of course she knew, news travels so fast when fans are involved.


"Ahh Sì, well actually about th-" she started, wanting to explain to Krista that they were no longer an item.

However, the blonde quickly interrupted

"you two need a couples photoshoot, I'll go set it up" she said, and before the brunette could interject, she was already gone.


"right be back here in 20... go" before Stefania could say anything else, she was being pushed forward.


Danielle and Tiffany soon arrived.

The blonde leaned down to kiss Tiffany's cheek before the redhead drove away from the set.

Danielle made her way further onto the set, before she saw Krista.

"Hi Danielle, gosh look at you so gorgeous... no wonder why Stefania wants all of this" the taller blonde said, as she waved her hands around Danielles body and face.

"Huh?" The blonde didn't know what to say to that.

No wonder why Stefania wants all of this, what does that mean?.

"You and Stefania, a couple now" she answered, as she started to walk back to her task at hand, with a very confused Danielle following behind her.

"Oh Krista about-" the blonde tried to explain, as she realised what she was getting too, but yet again, she was interrupted.

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