Chapter 22

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"So you're back together?" Jaina asked, as she continued to eat her salad.

It was lunch time, they had been told to eat before they were next needed on set.

Danielle and Stefania had spoken.

Well that's all they did, all night.

Talking about their relationship.

They had finally come to the conclusion that they should start a fresh.

They didn't see the point in waiting, they already knew they wanted to be together, so why wait?

"Yes" Danielle replied.

"we're taking it slow, but we decided to be together again" she added.

The last time they dated, things went faster, so this time it would go slower.

Jaina nodded in understanding "at least you'll have some amazing makeup sex" the brunette replied, smirking at the blonde.

"Nope, we decided that no sex will take place until we're ready" Danielle explained, as she also continued to eat her salad.

"Wow no sex savre" Jaina teased, earning a soft punch to the shoulder from the blonde.

"Girls you're needed on set" they heard through the radio, causing both women to quickly finish their food and make their way to the set.

"Hi Bella" Stefania had spotted the blonde make her way onto set, she quietly made her way behind the blonde, and whispered in her ear.

Danielle turned around to see her favourite pair of brown orbs.

"Well hello, I was told I'd be doing a scene with a hot brunette?" Danielle teased

"I don't think she's here yet though" she added, earning a fake gasp of hurt from the Italian.

"I'm kidding, hi babe" Danielle leaned forward so she could place a soft kiss to Stefania's cheek.

After they shot their scene, both women made their way back to Stefania's trailer.

It was quite late, their scene took them longer, it was difficult to get perfect, which meant both women were drained.

"do you want to come back to mine, just to sleep?" Danielle asked, her eyes slowly starting to shut, as sleep threatened to consume her.

"Of course Bella, let me just grab my things and then I'm all yours" Danielle waited on the couch for the brunette as she hurried around her trailer in search for the things she needed.

Danielle rested her head against the soft material of the brunettes sofa, allowing her eyes to close.

10 minutes later and Stefania was ready, she noticed that the blonde was sleeping, listening to the sounds of her steady breaths and soft snores.

The blonde looked so peaceful when she slept, however, Stefania had to wake her up. She needed to get her home and into bed.

"Bella" Stefania whispered, as she softly placed kisses to the blondes forehead, moving her hand across the soft, smooth skin of the younger woman.

"Hmm?" Danielle mumbled as her eyes started to open and she realised where she was.

"How long was I out?" The blonde asked, yawning as she spoke.

"About 10 minutes Bella, I would have let you sleep for longer, but I thought your bed would be more comfier" the brunette explained

"true, thank you" Danielle leant across to meet the brunette, their lips meeting in a soft slow kiss.

"I'll drive" the Italian said, as she broke the kiss. "Let's go Bella" the brunette grabbed Danielle's hand, pulling her softly in encouragement to stand.

Once they arrived at Danielle's apartment, both women flopped onto the couch, the current day consuming both of them.

"We should head up" Stefania murmured, her arms and legs flopping over the cushions of the couch.

"Mhmmf" was all Danielle replied with. However, Stefania managed to realise that this position wouldn't be comfy for long, so she stood up.

"Come on bby" Stefania whispered. As she walked towards Danielle, who was flopped on the other couch.

"No me stay here" she argued, too tired to move.

"No we have to go upstairs, come on" the brunette placed her hands against the blondes back, not being able to stop herself from lightly scratching the woman's back.

"If you do that for much longer I won't be conscious" Danielle murmured, earning a small smile from the Italian.

"Danielle bby, bed time" she whispered, as she leant down towards the blondes ear, giving it a gentle kiss after she spoke.

"Let's go" the brunette wrapped her arms around Danielle's waist, allowing her to lift the blonde.

She made Danielle stand for a second, before lifting her again, using her hands to hold her arse to support them both.

Danielle wrapped both her arms and legs around the taller woman's frame.

Stefania placed one gentle kiss to the blondes forehead, before taking her upstairs.

Once they were upstairs, Stefania gently placed Danielle onto her bed. Seeing the blondes eyes still open, but hardly.

She watched Danielle's face, smiling to herself, watching all of the beautiful features of the woman in front of her.

The way her eyebrows were currently pushed together in a slight frown, her lip pouted.

"You cant sleep in this" Stefania whispered, remembering Danielle was still in her work clothes.

"Can I undress you?" The brunette asked, not wanted to over step.

"Mhmf" Danielle replied, trusting Stefania enough to undress her.

Stefania moved closer towards the blonde, holding the bottom of the blondes shirt, before lifting it slowly.

"Lift your arms" Danielle listened. Stefania's heart started to beat faster as soon as she saw Danielle's bra clad chest.

She moved her hands to Danielle's belt, unbuckling it, before removing her belt, and then tugging off Danielle's jeans, watching as she removed the material, which revealed  more milky pale skin to the brunette.

"God you're so gorgeous Danielle fuck" Stefania whispered.

The blonde was now left in her panties and bra, a sight for sore eyes.

"Stay like this, or clothes?" Stefania asked, not wanting her girlfriend to be cold

"like this please" Danielle replied, making the brunette smile, before removing her own clothes and joining the blonde in bed

"shuffle up my love" Danielle was still at the foot of the bed, wanting her to move up so she could get in the covers.

They were both in bed, Stefania's hands were wrapped around Danielle's strong frame.

Using her fingers to circle the soft skin in front of her.

"Thank you for undressing me" Danielle whispered, as she turned around and nuzzled closer to the brunette.

"Always Bella"



Hiya :)

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