Chapter 33

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Tonight was the night.

Their 9 month anniversary had arrived.

Danielle woke Stefania up in a very pleasant way, and Stefania did the same for Danielle afterwards.

Their morning was complete bliss.

Danielle now currently stood outside on the balcony in her white sundress.

The view amazed Danielle and she couldn't believe she was here.

She couldn't believe she was here with the one person she cherished more than anything in the entire world.

"Baby" she felt strong arms wrap around her waist, as Stefania rested her head on Danielle's shoulder.

"Hm?" She hummed closing her eyes enjoying the air of Italy with her beloved.

"We have a boat ride booked" Danielle eyes lit up before she spun around in Stefania's arms.

"Since when" since 20 minutes ago when I booked it.

"I'm excited" Stefania nodded her head before leaning in to give Danielle a kiss on the corner of her mouth.

"What time is it booked for?" She asked as she ran her fingertips across the bare tanned skin of Stefania's arms.

"11:30" Danielle looked down at her watch.

"So in an hour" Stefania nodded.

"Want to go for a walk?" Stefania asked moving the loose strands of hair from Danielle's face and tucking them behind her ear.

"Of course" Danielle interlocked her hand with Stefania's and lead the way.

Stefania followed behind Danielle her hands locked with the blondes.


"Italy is so beautiful" they were now stood on the top floor of the boat.

Stefania had her arms wrapped around Danielle's waist just like earlier on the balcony, whilst Danielle rested her hands on top of Stefania's.

"I've missed it here so much you know" Stefania sighed reminiscing her time that she lived in Italy.

"My mama and I would walk around late at night with no cares in the world. Since moving to America I have become distant with my family; I promised myself I never would. Me and my mama still talk, but it's not the same you know?" Danielle nodded understanding how hard it can be to loose contact with those you love so dearly.

"Maybe visit her at some point?" Danielle recommended.

"Sì I want to. I want you to meet her" Danielle smiled at the thought of meeting Stefania's mother.

"Your father?" Danielle knew already that her father didn't like her.

"He won't like the idea, but he can't control me" Danielle stroked the skin of Stefania's arm softly with her thumb.

"You're right" Stefania nodded tightening her grip around Danielle's waist.

"I love you" it amazed Danielle that she could still feel a flurry of butterflies in her stomach whenever Stefania confessed her love.

"I love you more" Stefania shook her head.

"Not possible"


It was time.

Danielle had assistance from Stefania with clasping the button on her dress, in which Danielle was shaking the entire time.

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