Chapter 21

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Danielle still hadn't shook that dream from her mind, she knew she needed to be with Stefania, what happened between them was stupid,

"moving on" obviously didn't work.

She had planned to break the news to Tiffany, she just needed the right setting.

So she invited the redhead over to her apartment.

About 20 minutes later she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in its open" she called, as she made her way into the kitchen.

She watched as Tiffany opened the door, a smile on her face as she did so.

This just made Danielle's stomach tighten, the guilt starting to resurface. However, she knew this was the right choice.

It needed to be done.

"Hi babe" before she knew it, the redhead was attaching herself onto the blonde for a hug.

Danielle stood there not knowing what to do.

"Are you ok? You seem stiff" Tiffany asked, looking at Danielle.

"Yeah, umm can we talk?" This was it, time to break this woman's heart.

"Sure what's wrong?" Tiffany asked, starting to get a little worried.

"Well, I don't know where to start really. Tiff, before we met, I was with Stefania the woman you met. We work together and she used to be my girlfriend. We got into a rough patch, we both did things that weren't good, but I've recently realised that what I'm doing now, trying to fill a hole... it isn't working" Tiffany just listened, not being able to comprehend what she was hearing.

"So you're breaking up with me?" The redhead asked, her voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sorry" Danielle couldn't help but let the tears fall,

Tiffany was a lovely woman, she deserved better.

"You deserve so much more, things I can't give you, be-because I'm in love with Stefania" she watched as tears flooded from the redheads eyes, her mouth slightly open in shock.

"I'm really sorry" she said again, wanting Tiffany to know it wasn't her fault.

"Would you want me to let you be?" The blonde asked, not knowing if she needed space to think or not.

"Can we just have one last hug?" Tiffany asked, sniffing as she did so, shocking Danielle slightly.

"Of course, come here" Danielle opened her arms for the smaller woman. Wrapping her in a tight hug, letting her get all of the emotions out.

She gave one last kiss to the woman's forehead, before Tiffany pulled away.

"Bye Danielle" she whispered, before grabbing her bag from the kitchen counter and walking out of the blondes apartment.

Danielle sighed in relief as the redhead left the apartment, she was going to miss her, Tiffany was so kind towards Danielle, but now she could do what she had been planning to, she felt free; nothing was stopping her now.

She needed to see Stefania, immediately.

They needed to work this out.

The blonde quickly jogged into her bedroom to grab her jacket and shoes, and then straight out the door.

Stefania currently had Leco round her house, he was sat on the couch watching tv, legs crossed together and the remote firmly in his hand.

She smiled as she watched the older man. She was suddenly snapped out of her haze however by the door bell ringing.

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