Chapter 3

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This chapter is a little steamy

Did she hear that right?


"You heard me, kiss me" the blonde repeated.

The brunette looked down at Danielle's lips, she felt herself slowly leaning forward.

"Baciami" that was all that needed to be said, until both were mere centimetres apart.

Their lips finally met in a soft, tender kiss.

It didn't take long for the both of them to fall into sync with the kiss, breathing became heavier and more laboured.

Stefania felt herself being pushed backwards, until she came into contact with the wall.

She stopped kissing Danielle, before moving to her ear; whispering sweet nothings.

Danielle closed her eyes when Stefania started whispering in her ear.

Stefania moved her hand up to her co workers neck, and wrapped her hand around the back of her neck.

Mm?" She hummed against the brunettes lips.

"We should stop" Stefania whispered, struggling to speak as the blonde placed continuous kisses to her neck, she made her way to her ear, nibbling on it softly.

"You want me to stop?" She asked, a knowing smirk on the blondes face, she knew she wouldn't want to stop now.

It was probably best if they did though.

"keep going" she sighed, loving the feeling of the kisses she was receiving.

"What do you want?" Danielle asked, she started to kiss along her neck until she stopped at her ear, biting on her ear lobe which earned a muffled moan from the Italian.

"Mm what do you want me to do to your neck?"

Stefania didn't speak, she had no words, instead she grabbed Danielle's hand and moved it to where she wanted it.

Danielle caught up on what the taller woman wanted, she applied some pressure to the brunettes throat, earning a chorus of soft moans.

"Is this ok?" She asked, not wanting to hurt her co-worker.

Stefania nodded in reply as she leant her head against the wall behind her, eyes falling shut..

"I think we should stop" Danielle released her grip on Stefania's throat, she leant closer so she was whispering in her ear.

"We have a lot to talk about, we've both had a little to drink, and I think that if we do this, then it should be when we're completely sober" she placed one last kiss to the skin underneath her ear, before pulling away.

"There's a next time?" She asked, smiling at the woman in front of her.

"Of course there is, I want this to be special, let's sleep on it and we can talk tomorrow"



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