Chapter 41

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"Stefania, I love you so much- no, ugh" Danielle had crumpled up yet another piece of paper after writing the beginning of her vowels and not liking the way it sounded.

"Stefania..." she had been sat at her kitchen counter for half an hour writing the beginning of her vowels in which she would crumple up into a ball and throw into the bin.

She knew that Stefania probably didn't need to write her vowels down as she would be able to magically think of what she wanted to say on the spot whilst exchanging their vowels on their wedding day.

Stefania was good with her words, however, Danielle was not, she never had been good at expressing how she felt with words.

Danielle was more of the physical touch type when wanting to express to Stefania how she was feeling.

"Danielle" the blonde quickly pulled open one of the kitchen draws and threw the small notebook she was attempting to write her vowels onto into it, as well as the pen.

"Yes darling?" Danielle watched as Stefania walked into their kitchen with checkered pyjama bottoms and a jumper- effortlessly sexy.

"What are you doing?" The brunette asked as she walked over to her fiancé sitting by the counter.

"Nothing" Danielle lied, before standing up and walking over to the coffee machine.

"Oh come on, tell me" Stefania pushed, moving towards where Danielle was stood with her stomach against the counter as she started the kettle.

"I was just thinking" Danielle lied again.

She was telling the truth, just not the full truth.

"About...?" Stefania was now stood directly behind Danielle with her front pressed against her back and her hands around Danielle's waist.

Danielle had a feeling she had lost when lips started to press against her shoulders.

"I was trying to write my vowels but I couldn't think of anything" Stefania smiled against Danielle's skin knowing her fiancé wasn't the best with writing or saying what she felt.

"Hm" the kettle had boiled, yet Danielle didn't move.

"You know I suck at this" Danielle breathed as she leant further into the warm body stood against her.

"Your vowels will be perfect my love" It was Danielle's turn to smile now as she turned around in Stefania's arms and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"What if we just skip that part?" Danielle joked, knowing she couldn't skip one of the most important parts of their wedding day.

"You're funny" Danielle laughed in response before standing on her top toes so she could hug her fiancé.

"I know right, I should've been a comedian" Stefania pulled away from the hug so they were resting their foreheads together.

"I cant believe we're getting married" Stefania whispered the thought that soon they would know longer be fiancés and would be legally married still felt crazy for Stefania.

"I know, never did I imagine this would happen" Danielle closed her eyes her arms still wrapped around Stefania's waist.

Stefania moved her hands from the blondes waist so they were against the small of her back, before pulling her in closer so she was touching her front with her own.

Stefania looked down into blue orbs and felt her heart start to beat out of her chest.

"I love you" Danielle smiled again before sealing their lips together in a soft blissful kiss.

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