Chapter 46 pt2

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Danielle could feel her heart pounding in her chest.

Her father gave her a kiss on the cheek before walking towards his designated seat.

Danielle gave a shy smile to Stefania as she held her hand out towards the brunette.

Stefania took hold of her hand as they both turned to face each other.

"This is it" Danielle whispered, whilst Stefania seemed to be mesmerised.

"Thank god" Danielle smiled in response as stefania's eyes were focused on the ocean blue orbs she'd be waking up to for the rest of her life.

The priest started the ceremony by reading the speech about how love isn't only for men and women but for both women and women and men and men.

They both gave each other little smiles here and there whilst their hands were still attached to each others.

"Danielle if you would like to read your vows" Danielle turned her head to smile at the priest before turning to Jaina so she could pass her the piece of paper she had written her vows on whilst letting go of one of stefanias hands so she could hold the piece of paper.

Jaina smiled at the couple before departing and standing back in her current position.

"Stefania, I grew up imagining my future wedding, playing brides with my cousins and imagining the white dress and the perfect man in the perfect black suit" her eyes were wondering between the piece of paper and Stefania.

"As I grew older I realised that a wedding doesn't have to be perfect, it just has to be with the person that you can be yourself around, the person you can talk to about anything with and not be judged, the person you can fight with but will still love you no matter what even after words that may have been said whilst fuelled with anger. I also realised that when I first took the job for Station 19, the friendship we made wasn't just a friendship, not to me, I fell madly in love with you whilst shooting every scene we had together. I was terrified about telling you, about starting a relationship with a woman and what my parents would think about it, but when I realised you felt the same way, none of that mattered to me because I felt this happiness that I hadn't felt in a long time before this moment in my life. Everyday you make me immensely happy, I see you walking around our house half dressed or rambling to yourself in your native tongue and I just smile to myself, you're the person I can talk to about anything and feel heard, I love you more than I've loved anything or anyone in my whole life." Danielle now had tears in her eyes, and her vision was starting to blur.

Jaina realised and made her way over so she could dab under her eyes.

Their was a quiet laughter that filled the audience as well as a few people wiping their own eyes.

Stefania laughed at the blonde and squeezed her hand gently willing her to continue.

Stefania had tears willing to come out herself, she was just better at holding them in than her sweet Danielle.

"I want to build a future with you and I want to build a family with you, I will love you no matter what, I will love you when you cry, when you doubt yourself, when you are tired and when you are stressed, I will love all of the flaws you carry and i will love you the most when you're at your weakest" Danielle sniffed before folding the piece of paper and handing it back to Jaina.

The priest nodded his head towards stefania for her to read her vows.

Stefania took hold of Danielle's hand she used to hold her vows and linked their fingers together.

She didn't need a piece of paper to confess how much this woman meant to her.

"Danielle, my darling." She gave a goofy smile to the blonde who looked like she was already holding back a flood of tears.

"You are my lifeline. You are it for me. I have never felt so sure about a decision I have made in my life. I knew that you were it for me when we first started dating. Everyone talks about what we have together and the connection we have. As I was growing up I would think about how there is one person made for you in this life. How that person is out there waiting for you, just living their own life until your worlds collide and you feel the type of chemistry and love you see in the films, the type people say isn't real." Stefania could feel herself tearing up whilst she looked in Danielle's eyes.

Danielle had tears rolling down her cheeks, her makeup smudging slightly, so much for the waterproof mascara she put on.

Stefania reached a hand up to her cheek to wipe away the tears with her thumb.

Danielle smiled into the touch and took a deep breath as the brunette continued saying her vows.

"I am excited to start the journey of the rest of our lives together and to build a family with you, to have children that are as stubborn and bossy as you, for them to have your piercing blue eyes that consume me. I want to grow old with you and to die old hopefully with you, in our bed. I can't imagine a life without you. You are my everything, my angel" Stefania was now crying as well.

Danielle laughed at seeing Stefania wipe away the tears from her eyes.

"I knew you'd cry" Stefania smiled as she took in a deep breath their hands still holding each others.

Both women turned towards the priest.

"Could we have the rings please" Jaina brought Danielle her ring her eyes watery, whilst Barrett brought Stefania her ring, her eyes also filled with tears.

"Danielle, do you take stefania spampinato to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in heath?" Danielle turned towards stefania and slipped the ring on stefanias finger.

"I do"

"Stefania, do you take Danielle savre to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health?" Stefania nodded her head whilst slipping Danielle's ring onto her finger.

"Sí, I do"

They both smiled at each other knowing what came next.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you wife and wife, you may kiss the bride"

There was a loud sound of applause from the audience, but the noise faded away when Stefania felt Danielle's lips touch her own.

She kissed her hard and passionately.

She was undeniably happy.

Danielle was smiling against stefanias lips trying not to break the kiss with the amount she was smiling.

They pulled apart.

"I love you" Stefania leaned in to kiss Danielle's cheek before whispering her declaration back, "I love you"

They walked down the isle holding hands whilst people cheered and clapped for them, both women smiling ear to ear.

Stefania turned to her wife, and leaned forward so she could place a kiss to her forehead.

They did it.

They are married and Stefania couldn't be happier.

Danielle felt the same way.

She leaned into the kiss as time stood still.

With Stefania by her side she could do anything.

This was the start of their life together and Danielle couldn't wait for the next chapter of their lives.


Boom married bitch.

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