Chpster 44

743 21 1

"3, 2, 1... happy new year!" Both women cheered as they watched the countdown on the Tv, before leaning towards each other for a kiss: their first kiss of the new year.

The kiss was long and soft.

They had thrown a New Year's party in their house and had invited their friends over to spend the new years with.

Jaina had told Danielle she had something she wanted to share with the couple but hadn't elaborated on what it was about.

She was confused as well as intrigued as to what Jaina needed to tell them, she tried to push it to the back of her mind so she could focus on being with her friends and fiancé.

Barret had brought her current boyfriend to the party, he seemed really sweet and both Danielle and Stefania approved of the man.

Barret hadn't had the best of luck with boyfriends in the past, so the blonde was glad she found someone at least decent.

The two pulled away from the kiss and smiled at each other excitedly as they thought about how close the wedding now was.

It was only 5 months away.

They had decided to have a summer wedding so it could be on the beach.

"Happy new year Bella" Stefania whispered as she leant forward to kiss Danielle on the cheek.

"Happy new year my love" Stefania smiled against pale skin at the nickname it always managed to make her melt into a puddle no matter how many times she's heard it already.

"Girls, we have more vodka to drink" Jaina stated as she walked into the living room holding a bottle of vodka.

Both Danielle and Stefania had a few shots of the vodka before the new year but weren't keen on it at all.

They weren't teenagers anymore, it was too strong for them.

"Let's go" Danielle groaned as she dragged her fiancé into the kitchen.

Both women watched as their friend pored them both a shot of vodka into a shot glass.

Danielle could already feel the taste of the liquid in her mouth and winced at knowing she'd be drinking it in no longer than a few seconds.

"Drink up" both Danielle and Stefania grabbed a shot each and glanced at each other before knocking the shot back.

"God jaina, i don't know how you can still drink this" Stefania winced as she made countless of disgusted faces that described to anyone watching that she didn't like vodka, at all.

"Makes me feel young" Danielle smiled at her friend despite having to pull a few faces herself.

"What's the percentage of that one?" Danielle asked, as she could feel her stomach begin to feel warmer than usual she knew that was probably because of the effects of the alcohol in her system starting to take place.

"38%" the woman replied, laughing at Danielle and Stefania's shocked faces.

"No wonder I feel tipsy, I've had 3 shots" Danielle said as she looked at her fiancé who seemed to be rather surprised herself at the percentage of alcohol in the vodka.

"Everyone's firing confetti cannons outside, wanna come fire some?" Barrett stood by the counter eyeing her friends as she awaited a response.

"That sounds fun" Stefania was pushing herself from leaning against the counter before Danielle could even respond.

"I guess I'll come too then" Barrett smiled at the blonde.

"You coming Jaina?" Barrett asked as she stood against the counter waiting for her friend.

"I'm fine here, thank you though" Barrett nodded in response before joining the others outside.

"Don't kill me" Danielle stood with her hands covering her face fearing her fiancé as she stood aiming a confetti cannon at her face.

"Oh sorry Bella" Danielle removed her hands from her face and smiled softly at her fiancé.

"It's alright, maybe I can help?" She raised a brow in question before standing behind Stefania and placing her hands above the brunettes, she held onto the string attached to the confetti cannon and pulled.

A loud noise came from the colourful explosion as well as a squeal from Stefania.

No one was hurt from the explosion which was always a plus, Danielle imagined herself dead by now, her fiancé and small confetti cannons didn't mix well, she knew that now.

"Thank you for helping me" Stefania turned her neck so she was facing her fiancé but her body was still away from her, she leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to her lipstick stained lips.

"I'm surprised you couldn't do it, you know" Stefania gave Danielle a warning by simply raising both brows and tilting her head, before smiling and leaning in to kiss her fiancé again.

"Happy new year my love" they stood with their arms wrapped around each other as Stefania turned herself so she was flush against her fiance.

"Happy new year"

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