Chapter 18

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It was time, time that Stefania went out on the search for a partner.

It had been a month and a week since the co workers had split.

Danielle had moved on, why can't she?

She had found an app: tinder, she's heard of it before but never used it, she didn't need to, she had Danielle.

They were happy.

However, now the app sounded intriguing to the brunette, so she downloaded it.

The Italian opened the app, made an account and started her search.

A few men caught her eye, but whenever she started to dig deeper they all had a weird quality.

One man wanted to see her in a bikini, another wanted her to send pictures of her dog.

That's not what she needed, she needed someone to waste time with, someone that could help her get over the blonde.

She had been searching for an hour, time was getting on, the brunette was starting to give up, as she placed her phone on the couch and walked away towards the kitchen.

A sudden noise from her device made the brunettes attention go back to her phone as she picked it up and unlocked the device.

"Sì" she whispered to herself.

She was Quite impressed by the man she saw on her screen.

His name is Leco, tall, brown hair, tanned skin, man of a sexy nationality... Venice... Italy.

"Ok ok looks promising" Stefania mumbled, as she pressed on the mans profile and had a closer look, scrolling through photos.

Her bottom lip being firmly tucked under her teeth as she scanned Leco's body.

A picture that showed him at the beach, no shirt on, with pink swimming trunks.

After scanning the mans body for a couple of minutes, she decided to text him.

Some men found it quite attractive when women made the first move, so why not? She had nothing left to loose.

Stefania-spam54: Ciao!

Lecomoura;): ahh another person of Italia. Ciao, you look very gorgeous may I say :)

Stefania-spam54: I'm free this evening if you want to see more? ;)

At this Stefania bit her lip, waiting in anticipation for the man to reply.

She hadn't done this in a while, the whole flirting side of the dating, with Danielle, there was constant chemistry, it was easy with her.


Lecomoura;): Well, someone's forward, but yes that sounds perfecto. How about a date? Tonight 7pm I'll pick you up?

The brunette had to think about it for a moment, she didn't mind the idea of dating someone else, or even just fooling around with them, but when it came to actually doing it she had some doubts.

However, when the redhead came into her mind, it made her change her train of thought and text Leco back.

Stefaniaspam54: That sounds lovely, I'll send you my address. Looking forward to it Leco, if you're nice... you never know I might just let you see what's underneath all of that clothing;) see you tonight.

As soon as she sent that message, she sent Leco the address and chucked her phone on the couch, scared to see the reaction of the man she had literally just met.

It was outfit time.

She needed something sexy, but not something that screamed SLUT on the first date.

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