Chapter 42

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"Ok so the date of the wedding" Danielle stated as she stood against the kitchen counter.

"The date" Stefania repeated, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Mhm, when should we set it for?" Danielle asked, a notepad resting on the counter ready to write down options for the date of the wedding.

"We're in October now aren't we, so..." Danielle nodded awaiting for her fiancé to continue speaking.

"We want a beach wedding so it'll have to be the weather for it" Stefania twisted the cap off the water bottle she was drinking and took a sip from the bottle.

"March?" Danielle nodded before writing down the date on the notepad.

"Ok that's a start?" Danielle nodded before looking at her fiancé again.

"How about the 19th?" Danielle asked a small smile on her face as Stefania smiled back.

"Sounds perfect"


There was a knock on the door, the person behind it was persistant with getting their attention so Stefania stood to answer it.

She opened the door and was stunned to see her father standing on the other side.

"Papa?" The man smiled before allowing himself into Stefania's home.

Stefania rolled her eyes knowing that was exactly like him.

Stefania shut the door behind her and waited for the man to say something, anything.

"Where's Danielle?" He asked, completely shocking Stefania.

"Uh she's upstairs, I'll go grab her" Stefania quickly walked up the stairs and found her wife situated on the sofa.

"Who is it?" Danielle asked as she turned the tv off.

"My father" Danielle's eyes widened as she sat up from the sofa and stood by Stefania.

"What does he want?" She asked.

"You apparently" Danielle's mouth hung open, why would she want her? Oh god he was going to kill her.

"I'll be right next to you" Danielle took a deep breath in before making her way downstairs with her fiancé.

"Mr spampinato" she spoke politely.

"Danielle" he scanned his eyes across the woman stood before him before nodding his head.

"We've met before" Danielle nodded before responding.

"Yes sir" he continued.

"I did not like you when I first met you, and I still don't like you" Danielle looked towards Stefania for help but she stood silent.

"However, I have heard about your soon to be marriage, so I will learn to like you, for my daughters sake, because my ex wife will not stop chanting about how good you are for my daughter" Stefania was paying full attention now, she couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Stefania Bambina, I do not agree with this, but I am your father, I will learn to forgive you" Stefania wanted to hit him, wanted to scream, but she also wanted to hug him and to kiss him.

She nodded her head "thank you" he nodded before turning to leave.

"I expect my invite to the wedding" he opened the door and left, that was it.

"Oh my god" Danielle breathed her eyes still wide.

"Was that real?" Stefania asked as she tried to gather the last few minutes.

"Come here" Danielle opened her arms for her fiancé and held her tight.

Stefania just got the chance she never got with her family, not even a second look.

Her dad was the only one that bothered to message her.

"I cant believe it" Stefania breathed her heart pounding in her chest.

"God I thought he was going to kill me" Stefania laughed before pulling away and hastily kissing her fiancé.


"So that's my dad on board" Stefania spoke glancing at her wife as they made a list of guests they wanted at their wedding.

"Have you phoned home?" Danielle looked up from her notepad and shook her head.

"We haven't spoken in years" Stefania nodded as she made herself and Danielle some tea.

"How many sugars?" She asked.

"2 please" Stefania complied and poured in two sugars.

"What about your dad, you were closer with him no?" Danielle sighed, knowing she couldn't avoid this conversation.

"Yes" Stefania bright two hot cups of tea towards the countertop and placed one next to Danielle.

"Hand me your phone" Danielle was hesitant at first but knew she would only be doing this once, it was worth a shot.

Stefania brought up the man's contact on her phone and handed the device to the blonde "phone him" Danielle took an unsteady breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

Stefania held her fiancés hand watching as she held the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" It was quiet for a moment before Danielle spoke again.

"It's Danielle, your daughter" there was another silence.

"Hi dad" a smile broke out on the blondes face as she paced up and down the length of the kitchen.

"I'm doing good, I'm safe and healthy" she wanted to shout at him, although she knew it was mainly her mother's decision, so she should save the shouting for her if she ever got a chance.

"I phoned to tell you something" there was a slight pause before she started to speak again.

"I'm getting married, to a woman, a wonderful woman, a woman I love with my whole heart dad, and I- I want you to be there" there was yet another pause, but this pause felt like an eternity.

"You will!" Danielle felt ecstatic her smile bigger than it was before.

"What about mum?" She already knew the answer before it had left her lips.

"It's ok dad, I understand" there was another pause before she spoke again.

"I'll send you the details" she bid her goodbyes before running towards Stefania.

"The good news is that my dads coming to the wedding, but the bad news is that my mother isn't" Stefania frowned at hearing her mother wouldn't be attending her wedding.

This was an important day fro Danielle and it would be the only time her mother would be able to see her daughter walk down the isle.

"You are an angel" she burried her face in the crook of Stefania's neck and felt like she could finally breath.

"I keep telling you, I'm always right" Danielle laughed, a type of laugh you don't hear often from a person, the type of laugh that Danielle always seemed to laugh when within the Italians company.

"I love you" Stefania lifted the blonde onto the counter, careful not to knock the tea over.

"I love you forever" Danielle smiled before leaning in to kiss her fiancé.

"Thank you"



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