Chapter 23

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"What do you want to do today?" Danielle asked, as she sat in her armchair opposite the brunette with a book resting against her thighs.

She meant further back in her chair as to receive more heat from the sun.

The brunette couldn't tare her eyes away from Danielle her eyes scanning her soft, pale, milky skin as it was being exposed to the scorching sun as well as her hungry brown orbs.

Danielle could feel a pair of eyes on her; she smirked to herself before looking up from her book to see Stefania's eyes glued to her own.

Their had definitely been some tension between the two since they spoke about the no sex rule, but so far they had not engaged in any sexual festivities apart from kisses her and there and the occasion groping of the others body.

After a moment of silence Stefania replied to Danielle's lingering question "i can think of a few things we could do" she stood from the armchair she was previously seated in and made her way over to the blonde- swaying her hips.

"Hmm?" She bit down on her own bottom lip as her stomach filled itself with butterflies as she got closer to her girlfriend.

A very cheeky Italian was suddenly pulling her up by the shirt so they were both standing.

Stefania started to softly place kisses to the blondes neck, nibbling at the soft flesh.

Kisses to the ear moved to Danielle's neck until Stefania opted for needing more and started to kiss along the blondes sharp jaw.

"Stefania..." blonde gasped, as a particular bite sent shivers through her spine.

"Hmm?" Stefania knew they weren't allowed to have sex yet, the time wasn't right, not yet, but playing around couldn't hurt anyone.

"We should-" Danielle was cut off however, as the brunette moved her lips to Danielle's ear, sucking her earlobe between her lips; nibbling the piece of flesh between her teeth.

"No talking"

Stefania's hands were on the blondes waist, softly squeezing it.

She moved one hand to the back of Danielle's neck, wanting her to be closer.

Danielle didn't realise they were moving backwards into the house, until Stefania collided with the door.

"Bby this- we can't" Danielle panted, her breathing becoming heavier.

"But I really want you" Stefania replied, moving her hand from the blondes neck, so she could move Danielle's hand to her own core, as she slid it underneath the fabric of her dress, and pushed it behind the thin material of her thong.

"You see... I need you"

This action caused Danielle's eyes to flutter shut; a soft moan exiting the blondes parted lips.

"but it's been two weeks, we only have to do a few more" she whispered, as she placed soft kisses to the brunettes shoulders

"think about how good it'll feel" she added, as she cupped Stefania's centre with her hand, which earned a gasp in response form Stefania, as her back arched.

"My fingers inside you" as she spoke, she inserted two fingers inside of the brunette.

"Just not today" she grinned, as she pulled her hand away from her centre, as she received a glare from her girlfriend.

"Sorry my love" Danielle apologised, as she kissed along the brunettes neck, and placed a soft kiss to her lips, before walking into the house.

Oh she wanted to play, she'd get her back for this.

It was later that evening, Danielle was sleeping at Stefania's house.

"Babe do you want pizza for dinner?" Danielle shouted, as she awaited a response.

The  brunette was currently upstairs getting dressed into her pyjamas, which meant Danielle was on dinner duty.

Pizza was the only thing she new how to cook, pretty much anything you could heat up in the over or microwave.

"babe?" Again no answer.

She quickly chucked an easy make it yourself pizza into the oven, setting a timer, before making her way upstairs.

She knocked softly on the door, again, no answer so she walked in.

Her jaw fell to the ground at the sight.

Stefania was stood in front of the mirror, her hands running down her body.

She was wearing a black lingerie set, the bra pushed the brunettes breasts together, making the blonde practically drawl.

Her eyes scanned the beautiful goddess in front of her, her toned stomach, long tanned legs, and those beautiful brown orbs.

Stefania smirked into the mirror before walking slowly towards the blonde, swaying her hips.

Danielle had no words, she just stood their frozen.

Stefania ran her hands across the blondes shoulders, leaning forward so she could start placing kisses to her neck.

"You teased me earlier" she whispered, as she bit along the column of her neck, which earned a gasp in response from the Danielle.

"You thought you were so smart" she added, as she continued to kiss Danielle's neck, moving to her jaw.

"I have my own tricks you see" she whispered, as her teeth grazed the blondes earlobe, before she took it between her teeth, and bit down.

Stefania trailed her hand across the blondes abdomen, whilst she slowly removed her jacket with the other.

Danielle watched as Stefania unbuttoned her pants with her left hand, as the other made its way to the nape of her neck.

"You tease me, so I tease you" she whispered, as she leant closer, lips almost touching her ear.

With the hand that was placed on her stomach, she pushed it lower, before pushing past the blondes boxer briefs.

"So wet for me, I've barely touched you" the brunette teased.

Stefania started kissing the blondes neck, as she slid two fingers inside of her, watching as her back arched, and her hips pushed against her hand, in desperate need for more.

Danielle rested her head in the crook of the Italians neck, moaning softly when the brunette started to circle her clit.

"Stef-" she cut herself off with a loud moan, as her girlfriend began to move her fingers at a faster pace.

The egg timer was heard from downstairs, meaning that the pizza was finished cooking.

Stefania pulled her hand out of the blondes pants as she placed a kiss to her lips, before walking over to her dresser so she could put some clothes on.

Danielle stood there in shock, eyes hazy.

"Dinners ready, wouldn't want it to burn"



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