Chapter 40

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"I can't decide between the Lilies and the roses" Daniele huffed as she sat on the sofa in their home with the laptop sat patiently on the coffee table in front of her.

"Let me have a look" Stefania was walking around in the kitchen as she prepared for their evening meal.

Stefania made her way behind Danielle sat on the sofa and bent down so she could see the photos on the screen.

"The roses" Danielle looked up at her fiancé, her nose scrunching and her eyebrows knitting together.

"The lilies?" Stefania said again, laughing when Danielle smiled and turned back to the laptop screen.

"See that wasn't hard" Stefania shook her head at her fiancé before making her way back into the kitchen.

They had both agreed on having an outside wedding, on the beach overlooking the ocean.

They had set a date and were in the middle of making the invitations, as well as choosing who to invite.

They had yet to taste any cakes, and hadn't chosen their dresses yet, although Stefania was almost certain she wanted to wear a suit- something simple but effortlessly beautiful.

Danielle was yet to start writing her vows, as was Stefania, the brunette was better at writing down her feelings without making a mess of her makeup whilst reading them, although she knew that she'd probably cry a lot during their wedding day.

"How's dinner going?" Danielle asked as she stood from the sofa and rounded the Italian whilst she stirred the vegetables in the pot.

"Good, sí good" Danielle wrapped her arms around Stefania's waist whilst she continued to cook, her chin resting on her shoulder.

"It smells amazing" Danielle spoke before placing a silent kiss to the skin of Stefania's neck.

"Mhm" Stefania nodded her head as she stood content in their kitchen whilst she prepared their meal, swaying from side to side as Danielle stay attached to her.


"Try this one" Stefania offered as she held a silver fork out towards Danielle's mouth.

They had been trying cakes for almost half an hour, and hadn't decided what cake to pick.

Danielle accepted the forkful of cake, her eyes lighting up after the first bite.

"This one" Danielle took the spoon from Stefania so she could take some more of the red velvet deliciousness from the plate resting on their kitchen counter, as they sat on the stools.

"Let me have some" Danielle was eating so fast that Stefania hadn't had a chance to grab some for herself to try.

"Here" Danielle put some cake on the fork and held it out towards Stefania, watching as she ate the cake.

"Oh yes definitely this one" Danielle nodded before leaning closer towards her fiancé.

"Mhm" Danielle smiled when she saw the white icing coating Stefania's top and bottom lip.

"You've got a little something on your lips" Danielle said as she touched her own lips to show Stefania where the icing was.

Before Stefania could rid the white icing from her own lips Danielle shook her head and moved her face so it was close enough to kiss the brunette.

Danielle sucked on her top lip before doing the same to the bottom one, Stefania made a noice in which told Danielle she was glad that she didn't get rid of it herself; glad the blonde kissed it from her lips.

"Sweet" Daniele pulled away but was still close enough to Stefania's face that she could feel her breath against her own skin.

Stefania didn't respond and instead dipped her index finger into the icing on the plate and raised her finger to the blondes nose; smearing the white treat on Danielle's nose.

Danielle watched as Stefania leant forward and sealed her lips around the skin of her nose, removing the contents of the icing before moving to her cheek, her jaw, and then her neck- leaving kisses across pale skin.

"Red velvet it is" Danielle breathed as she took Stefania's hands so they were wrapped around her waist, her own resting on Stefania's neck so she would be closer to her.


Danielle stood in the middle of a fitting room, dresses surrounding her, a mirror placed in front of her as she stood admiring herself in the dress she was currently trying on.

It was a silk pastel pink dress that had floral detailing coating the bottom rim of the dress, the fabric was tight against her skin, but in the right way, not in a way that made Danielle squirm from being uncomfortable.

Both women had decided that Danielle would wear pink and Stefania would wear white, keeping the tradition but also bending the rules a little.

They had discussed what colours they would be wearing.

Danielle would be wearing pastel pink, and Stefania would be wearing white with hints of pink.

Stefania had decided to spend the day at home writing her vows and sorting the invitations whilst Danielle was out of the house choosing her dress.

Danielle had brought her sister, Jaina, and barret with her wanting them to see her in her dress as well as to help her choose what to wear.

"Oh Danielle" Barrett gasped once she had caught sight of the blonde after being called into the room to look at the dress.

"This is definitely the one" Jaina said, stood in awe at her best friend.

"How do you feel about it?" Barrett asked watching Danielle stood in the dress, her eyes gleaming with something she could only describe as love.

In love with her dress, and in love with a specific brunette.

Stephanie looked at her sister, a tear slipping from her eyes as she scanned her sister in the dress, the realisation that she was getting married washing over her.

"She's a lucky woman" Jaina spoke as she moved to stand next to Danielle so she could see their reflection in the mirror.

Danielle smiled, her hands migrating to the soft silky fabric of the dress she's certain was made for her.

She knew that Stefania would absolutely love her in it, and would show her how much she appreciated the tight fabric that punctuated her curves on the honeymoon.

The thought of Stefania, and the thought of them getting married and becoming one made her smile, it made her heart flutter.

"I'm the lucky one"


Hi guys, I've started college so my updates will take me longer to write.

I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you all for reading <3

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