Chapter 26

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Danielle was fast asleep comfortable within her sheets until her phone started to ring causing her to groan out in frustration at the intrusive caller at six o'clock on a Friday morning.

However, her face softened when she looked at the caller ID.


She answered the phone and placed it next to her head on the pillow on loudspeaker.

"Hi my love" Stefania immediately knew that she had woken her girlfriend when she heard Danielle's morning croaky voice.

"I am sorry for waking you at such hours" Stefania didn't normally call Danielle at this time, but she had gotten some news from her mother that had made her click on Danielle's contact number immediately.

"It's alright I was going to beat whoever it was on the other end verbally but when I saw your name I let it slide" Stefania smiled at her girlfriends response, she knew Danielle struggled to wake up without being cranky.

"I have something to tell you" Danielle's smile faltered slightly when she heard the nervous tone in Stefania's voice.

"Something good?" She asked worrying about Stefania's response.

"A little bit of good and bad" Stefania knew that this day would come eventually- her mother had learnt to accept her for who she is, and learnt that having a bisexual daughter that dated women doesn't change who she is as a person.

However, her father on the other hand wasn't as accepting; he thinks that it's was wrong for her to be with a woman in a romantic manner, which is why Stefania's stomach knotted when she found out that her father would be landing in America in less then 5 hours.

She wanted to warn Danielle and make sure she was comfortable with the situation.

She didn't want to introduce Danielle to her father if she didn't want to deal with his homophobic comments.

"My father is coming to visit for the weekend" Danielle sighed at Stefania's response not seeing the big issue with what she was telling her and being relived at the response.

"Ok... what's wrong with him visiting?" She asked.

"He's not accepting of me dating women" Danielle frowned when she heard Stefania's response knowing herself that it's not easy to have a family member that doesn't except you.

"Oh Stefania" she felt terrible about her father not seeing Stefania for who she truly is, and only focusing on the fact that she's attracted to women as well as men and dates them as-well.

"It's alright I've learnt to deal with it. I'm just worried that when knowing me and you are dating he will get mean with his words, it has happened before and I don't want him pushing you away from me he's good at getting into peoples heads" Danielle's face softened at hearing her concern for her.

"Stefania my parents kicked me out when I was 17 after finding out that I was dating a girl. I can deal with your dad" Stefania hadn't heard too much about Danielle's family and now she understood why.

"I'm sorry Bella"

"It's alright they don't deserve me, if they can't learn to love and accept me despite my sexuality then I don't want them" Stefania smiled at hearing the blondes confidence towards the situation.

"That's my girl" Danielle started to fiddle with her fingers at hearing the pet name Stefania used for her, it always made her feel nervous.

"So, our plans for today aren't going to happen?" Danielle asked knowing that Stefania will want to pick her father up from the airport and spend some time with him.

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