Chapter 7

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It was amazing.

The only words that could describe it, actually no you couldn't.

"Good morning Bella" Carina spoke whilst stroking the blondes short silky soft hair in between her fingers.

"good morning beautiful" she replied, as she leant forward so she could kiss the brunette.

"Did you sleep well?" Danielle asked, knowing she herself slept wonderfully; knowing the brunette probably did too after the activities they indulged in the previous night.

"Sì I slept amazingly" she replied, as she bit her lip, the memories from the previous night flooding back.

"I wonder why?" The blonde said smirking.

"It definitely wasn't because of you"

"It wasn't now was it?" She asked, as she pulled the brunette closer, suddenly attacking her by tickling her.

The Italian erupted into giggles, as she kicked and squirmed in the blondes arms.

"Ok ok it was you" she said, struggling to breath.

"me? What did I do?"

"Last night" she started, words failing on her.

The blonde stilled her hands, the tickling came to a stop, she wrapped her arms around the Italian whilst nuzzling her face into the crook of her co workers neck.

"Please do continue" she whispered, she could feel the brunettes heart beat it was beating rapidly.

"You made my body feel so good" she replied at almost a whisper.

"I'm sorry what was that?" She asked, she heard what she said, she just wanted to tease her.

Stefania didn't respond.

Danielle started by kissing the brunettes neck, feeling the taller woman relax into her.

After she gave attention to her neck she moved to her ear, as she nibbled and bit at her ear lobe.

"Bella" she breathed.

"Do you want me to stop?"


The blonde found her opportunity, as she slid her hand from its position on her hip, moving it to her stomach, as she pushed her shirt away and ran her hand along the toned skin.

Danielle could feel Stefania tense when she started touching her, which made her want to take things further.

"Do you like it when I touch you?" She asked, as she snuck her hand lower: stopping at the waistband of her boy shorts.

Stefania couldn't speak, so she just nodded.

"what about now?" The blonde asked as she pushed her hand down further, until she was touching her centre.

"Danielle" she gasped.

Before she could go any further the door suddenly swung open, which revealed an angry Barrett.

"Stefania I called you-" she started, however stopped when she saw her two co workers in bed, they definitely weren't cuddling.

"Oh wow" she spoke, before turning round.

"Shit" Danielle muttered, as she removed her hand from beneath her boy shorts.

"Barret NO ONE can know"

She definitely didn't plan this, she's getting a lock for Stefania's door ASAP.

"Wait so are you guys a thing?" She asked, pointing between the two women.

"we're not sure yet, but I do really like her" Stefania replied before getting out of bed to make some coffee.

"I guess she's ok" Danielle replied, earning a fake look of hurt from Stefania.

"I'm kidding" she laughed, watching as the brunette made her way back over to her, kissing her softly.

"You better be"

"Barrett do you want anything?" She asked as she made her way back over to her bedroom door.

"I'm alright thank you"


"A coffee please" she replied.

Once the brunette had left the room Barrett made her way over to her friend.

"Oh my god Danielle!" Barret whisper shouted.

"I know it's amazing" she sighed, the way Stefania made her feel was a way in which she's never felt before.

"What's wrong?" Berret asked sensing something off with the blonde.

"Nothing, I'm just worried" she replied, her head suddenly swarming with what ifs.

"I don't want to mess this up"

"You won't Dani listen, that girl in there is crazy for you, I can see it, the fans can see it, and so can you, you cant even mess this up even if you tried, Stefania is the type to forgive and she trusts you"

Danielle thought about what the brunette was telling her.

"So what are you going to do?" Barret whispered not wanting to be too loud.

"Ask her out, she needs to be my girlfriend immediately" Danielle smiled at the thought of Stefania being her girlfriend.

This felt right.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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