Chapter 8

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Danielle and Stefania were now an item, the blonde had popped the question over a romantic meal, just the two of them, and of course Stefania said yes.

Why would she say no?

It was Danielle.

They were currently off of set after shooting their scenes.

When Stefania had something, it was hers.

No one else's, just hers.

Therefore when she saw a woman flirt with her girlfriend it made her angry.

"Omg you're so muscular, do you work out?" The redhead asked, as she started to feel the tense muscles of Danielle's arm.

"Yes I do" the blonde replied, she wasn't catching onto the flirtatious actions of the woman touching her arm.

"Are you ready?" Danielle asked, waiting for a response from the brunette.

"Sì let's go" she replied, before linking her fingers with the blondes.

They walked through the parking lot and into Danielle's car, until they arrived at the blondes house.

"I don't like the way she touched you"

"What do you mean?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows together confused.

"Seriously Danielle she was feeling you up"

"You mean the arm touching?" She asked, as she looked up at her girlfriend, who wasn't making eye contact, and instead stared down at her shoes.

"Oh sweetheart" Danielle found it adorable at how protective Stefania became.

"You know you don't have to worry" she walked over to the brunette and placed a firm hand upon her waist, as her other hand rested softly against her cheek.

"I know Bella it's not you, I'm sorry this doesn't apply to you at all I trust you, but ive been cheated on in the past, so sometimes I worry when I know I don't have to" she explained, her eyes searching for Danielle's.

"They didn't deserve you babe" she leant forward so she could place a soft kiss to her forehead, letting it linger before pulling away.

"I realise that now"

"These arms are mine" the brunette spoke, as she moved her hands so they rested on the blondes muscular arms.

"You like them?" Danielle tensed the muscles in her arms.

"Sì so sexy"

Danielle soon found herself pressed against the wall, arms raised above her head as their kiss deepened.

"Stefania" The blonde gasped as she felt her girlfriends lips on her neck nibbling and sucking at the skin.

"Show me what those muscles can do" Stefania whispered watching as her jeans were unbuckled and her thong was torn off.

Before she knew it she was being pulled on top of the blondes jean clad leg.

"Ugh yes" she moaned loving the feel of her girlfriends toned legs, "off" Stefania said breathlessly wanting to feel the blondes skin.

Once her jeans were off she placed her leg back in between her girlfriends legs and started to rub her toned leg against the brunettes most sensitive area.

"Eyes open" she said as she saw Stefania's eyes start to shut and then flutter back open when she nipped hard at her neck.

"Look at me I want to see you" she instructed as she started to go at a quicker pace hearing the pants coming from the Italian.

"Ugh... Danielle so good fuck" she moaned wanting more contact from the blonde.

Danielle tried her best to flex her muscles more to intensify the brunettes incoming orgasm.

As she started to ride harder and her pants got heavier she felt the wetness leak down the brunettes thigh and onto her own skin.

"More" Stefania panted extremely close to cumming. "Your such a bad girl... letting me fuck you like this" she said as she started bouncing her leg up and down to try and make the experience even better.

"I'm gonna cum" the brunette moaned feeling the familiar tight knot in her stomach.

"Cum for me" Danielle said as she moved her hands to the brunettes hips helping her ride her leg even harder.

"Yes that's it" Stefania gasped her pace quickening.

"Omg-" the brunette said as she exploded her load onto the blondes toned muscular leg making it a little slippery and soaked her leg.

"Shhhh" Danielle soothed as she helped her girlfriend down from her orgasm kissing the sensitive piece of skin behind her ear, "shhhh baby" she soothed again slowing down the movements of her hips and slowly started to remove her leg.

"That was amazing" Stefania gasped as her breathing slowed down and her heart rate came down to a normal speed.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" the blonde responded as she leaned in to kiss her girlfriend softly on her lips.

"You're mine" Stefania said into the kiss, biting the blondes bottom lip before pulling away making her girlfriend gasp.

Stefania saw this as her perfect opportunity to move her hand from the blondes hip to her core, dragging two fingers through her soaking core making Danielle buck her hips.

"This is mine" she said as she started to pump two fingers inside of the blonde.

"Stefania...." the blonde gasped as she pumped two fingers in and out of her sensitive pussy. Normally Danielle was the strong one during sex, always making sure Stefania went first and always tried to control her moaning, but now she felt like a puddle.

"Danielle...." the brunette said as she leaned towards her girlfriends ear and whispered in it.

"Let me hear you Bella" she said, she could always tell when she was trying to keep quiet or hold off.

"Fuck Stefania" Danielle moaned as the brunette added a third finger pumping harder.

"That's it" the brunette nodded as Danielle started to become more vocal.

"Fuuuuuck" Danielle said bucking her hips and arching her back against the wall.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck" Danielle cursed rolling her hips against Stefania's fingers.

"Cum Bella" the brunette said as she pumped faster feeling her girlfriend tighten around her.

"Fu-" was all Danielle could say before her voice broke and her orgasm shot through her body.

Once her orgasm slowly started to subside she started to remove her fingers not wanting to hurt her girlfriend.

"Shhhh baby girl" she soothed moving her lips to nuzzle into her neck, "Bella calm down" she said trying to calm her girlfriends postal orgasm state down.

After a few minutes Danielle started to breath normally leaning her head back against the wall revealing more skin for the brunette.

"Was that good Bella?"

"that was impeccable" she replied, as she tilted her head forward so she could see her girlfriend.

"You're hot when you're jealous" the blonde spoke.

Stefania didn't reply but instead hid her face in the crook of her girlfriends neck, she didn't want to admit it.

The blonde moved a piece of hair that was hanging In front of the brunettes eyes, and pushed it behind her ear.

"It's so adorable" she added, as she leant forward, placing a soft kiss to her girlfriends lips.

Danielle saw her opportunity and flipped them so that Stefania was now the one being pinned against the wall.


Well then... maybe she should make Stefania jealous more often 😏

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