Chapter 12

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"What time will you be at mine?" The brunette asked, as she scanned over a piece of paper work she had received from the producers of Station 19.

"Whenever I can sweetheart, I just need to pick up some meals for the week, and then I'll be over" the blonde responded, having her phone sat up against the radio of the car, so she could speak to the brunette without being distracted from driving.

"Sì ok Bella" Stefania ended the call, knowing that her girlfriend was driving; not wanting the blonde to crash... as if it could be prevented.

Hours went by, surely it didn't take that long to pick up meals? Traffic? Road accident? Many different thoughts swirled around in Stefania's mind.

She was taken out of that trance when the phone began to ring.

She made her way over to the buzzing object and picked it up, answering the call and holding it by her ear.

"Hello, is this Stefania spampinato?" A voice on the other end asked. "Sì it is" replied the Italian, becoming worried more by the demeanour of the woman.

"I'm afraid there's been an accident" Stefania's heart stopped, her mind went blank and her throat suddenly turned dry.

"Danielle? Is Danielle with you?" She asked, not being able to think of anything else but the blonde.

"Danielle savre, yes ma'am I'm afraid she's on her way now" the woman responded, leaving Stefania speechless.

"What hospital?" The need to be with the blonde was unreal, if she was critically injured she needed to be there, to comfort; support.

"She's just arrived at QA hospital.

"Ok thank you" Stefania hung up the phone, and rushed into action, grabbing her purse from the kitchen table and practically throwing her phone in it, before leaving.

She quickly got in her car and soon left her house, speeding down the high way.

Stefania managed to get there just in time, seeing the ambulance pull up and the doors open.

Stefania gasped as her girlfriend was revealed to her, her eyes darting to every cut and graze the blonde had.

"Bella" the brunette sighed, as she made her way over to the blonde.

"Ma'am, please you can't be here" the paramedic
told her

"she's my girlfriend" a weak voice spoke, her fingers moving to Stefania's hand.

The contrast between smooth, soft skin to cut, bloody skin made Stefania wince.

"Sì I'm her girlfriend, I was called here" she explained as her hand made its way for Danielle's hair, the blondes body immediately relaxed under her touch.

"Ok but we need to head inside" the man explained, as he started to push the gurney.

Stefania could hear the quiet whimpers coming from the blonde, she could tell she was in pain.

Danielle desperately tried to look around, sitting up so she could take in her surroundings, panic was starting to rise.

She could feel it. She had her left ankle wrapped up with bandages, her leg was clearly broken; bent to one side. Her abdomen was covered in deep wounds and her face was covered with scratches.

"Bella look at me" the blonde heard her favourite voice, in which she slowly looked up.

"You're ok" she told her, making the blonde sigh, resting her head back down on the pillow, her eyes staying focused on Stefania the whole time.

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