Chapter 38

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"Jeff, come here" Stefania called her dog over so she could feed him: watching as he padded over to her and sat down waiting patiently.

"Good girl" she placed the bowl of food in front of her before stroking her head gently.

Danielle and Stefania had spent the day working on the house a little more, buying furniture, cushions, sheets, pots, pans, anything really that made their home more homely.

It was now nearing evening and Danielle was stood outside in their garden watering the plants.

"Hi baby" Stefania was now stood directly behind her fiancé arms wrapping around Danielle's slender frame.

Danielle hummed in response before leaning down slightly so she could place the watering can on the floor and wrap her arms on top of Stefania's around her waist.

Jeff soon padded over to them both and sat by their feet.

"She never leaves your side" Danielle laughed glancing down at the white dog.

"She loves me too much" Danielle nodded in response before turning around in Stefania's arms.

"I always wanted a dog as a kid" Danielle mused, as she glanced down at Jeff.

"You didn't get one" Danielle shook her head.

"I moved out at a young age because of my sexuality. My parents couldn't come to terms with it" Stefania pouted In response feeling sympathy for the woman she would soon be calling her wife.

"You have Jeff" Danielle smiled before leaning in to kiss Stefania.

It was a soft kiss, almost like a peck.

"I do" Danielle took hold of Stefania's hand before leading her back into the house.

Stefania released Danielle's hand so she could slide the garden doors shut.

"Are you hungry?" Stefania asked as she walked to the kitchen.

"I could eat" Danielle replied before situating herself on the sofa next to Jeff.

"Spaghetti?" Stefania asked, knowing Danielle adored her Italian food.

Danielle nodded before turning the Tv on.


"God I don't know how you manage to make me want to cry every time I eat this" Stefania laughed at her fiancé as she ate her own food.

"It makes you want to cry?" Stefania asked amused.

"Ok, maybe not cry, but it does something to me" Stefania nodded.

They soon finished their meal and Stefania was now cleaning their dishes.

"We need a dishwasher" Danielle turned her head from where she was sat on the sofa.

"I agree" Stefania finished with the last dish and joined Danielle on the sofa.

"Hi" Stefania rested her arm against the back of the sofa leaning further into the blonde.

"Hi" Danielle leaned in until their foreheads were touching.

"Thank you for dinner" Stefania smiled.

"My pleasure" Danielle smiled in response before leaning in further until their lips were touching.

"You taste like spaghetti" Danielle laughed as she pulled away.

"And you taste like wine"

"The perfect combination" Stefania nodded, a smile on her face.

"Do you want desert?" She asked before standing from the sofa so she could retrieve some sweets from the kitchen cupboard.

"We have marshmallows" Stefania added as she grasped the bag in her hand and waved it around so Danielle could see, before grabbing a bowl to put them in.

Danielle loved her sweets, ever since she was a child.

Sugar of any kind she craved it.

However, the blonde couldn't help but feel slightly insecure whenever she ate something sweet.

"Baby?" Stefania still stood with the bag firmly in her grasp, but now she was stood in front of Danielle on the sofa.

"Hm?" She looked up at her fiancé stood with the packet of marshmallows in her hand.

"Do you want some?" Stefania poured some of the marshmallows into a bowl before sitting back next to Danielle.

"I'm ok, thank you" Stefania raised a brow, she normally would jump at the idea of eating them.

Maybe she just wasn't hungry.

"Ok" Stefania held the remote in her hand so she could put something on the television.

They had been watching a film for over an hour, Danielle was resting against Stefania's chest, whilst the brunette ate the soft sugar treats in the bowl.

"Can I have one?" Danielle asked as she lifted her head from Stefania's chest so she could see her fiancé.

"Of course Bella" Stefania grabbed a marshmallow for the blonde before placing it in her mouth.

"Thank you" Stefania smiled, before turning her attention back to the Tv.


It was nearing midnight.

The couple had finished watching Tv; Danielle was cleaning the kitchen and Stefania had just come back from being in the toilet.

Something Danielle had noticed about Stefania when they first started dating was that the brunette would often walk around the house with one sock on and one sock off.

It amused Danielle how one minute she'd have both socks on, to then having one on and the other off.

It was little character traits such as those that made Danielle smile, so as Stefania was wandering around the house doing said act Danielle stood in the kitchen, her arms resting against the counter with a smile on her face.

"What are you smiling at?" Stefania noticed her fiancé smiling at her when she walked in the room so guessed it probably had something to do with her.

"You have one sock on and one sock off" Stefania looked down at her feet and laughed, it was an act she didn't do on purpose but found herself doing quite often.

"Ah" Stefania made her way into the kitchen before opening the fridge and grabbing the carton of apple juice.

She then grabbed herself a glass from one of the top cabinets and poured the liquid into the glass.

"I love you" Stefania smiled against her glass after taking a sip of the juice before placing it down on the side and moving closer to Danielle.

Her hands were resting on her waist and their bodies were touching slightly.

"I love you too" Danielle smiled when she saw Stefania start to lean in for a kiss, in which she reciprocated.

It was laid back days like these that reminded the couple of how much they rely on one another to fulfil their happiness



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