Chapter 34

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"Hi mama" Stefania couldn't believe Danielle proposed.

She was always the one that wanted to propose to Danielle, but I guess the blonde beat her to it.

She wanted to tell her mother about the news as soon as Danielle put the ring on her finger.

Danielle was currently outside sipping champagne from her wine glass soaking up the view of Italy before they left it.

Stefania took the opportunity to Face time her mother to tell her about the engagement.

"Ciao Bellini" her mother waved through the screen.

"Why are you calling?" Stefania laughed amused at her mother's response.

"I don't need an excuse to call you" Stefania's mother narrowed her eyebrows knowing Stefania had a reason for calling.

"Bella tell me what you want" Stefania laughed again before shaking her head.

"I don't want anything from you" Stefania glanced out onto the balcony for a second taking in the image of her gorgeous wife enjoying the evening heat.

"Danielle proposed" Stefania turned back to the camera her ring shining in the light as she held it up in front of the camera.

"Oh my god" the older woman gasped her hand covering her mouth in an instant.

"I have to meet this girl, your papa has met her before me" she frowned wanting to meet the person that was making Stefania happier than she's seen her in a long time.

"We are currently in Rome mama maybe before we leave we can come and visit?" She asked wanting to see her mother.

"Ahh si you must!" She exclaimed.

"Baby, who's that?" Danielle heard multiple voices coming from inside and was curious as to who Stefania was speaking to.

Danielle made an appearance into the camera and Stefania almost laughed at her mother's reaction.

"My my she is gorgeous" Danielle blushed slightly at the compliment.

"I'm guessing your Stefania's mother?" She asked waving at the Italian on the other side of the phone.

"Sì that is me. May I say that it is so good to finally meet you" Danielle smiled before leaning into Stefania's side.

"My daughter in law" Danielle's smile grew.

"Sì" Stefania nodded glancing down at her fiancé.

"My wife to be" Stefania leaned down to place a soft kiss to Danielle's cheek.

Danielle smiled at Stefania before paying her attention to the phone again.

"Well I will let you two be. Stefania you must come and visit before you go back to America" Stefania nodded before saying her goodbyes to the older woman.

"Sì mama we will try" she waved goodbye as well as Danielle waving with her before she hung up the phone.

"She seems lovely" Danielle mused.

"Sì" Stefania turned facing Danielle after placing her phone down on the bed.

Danielle stood leaning into Stefania's side still, her head resting against her chest.

"I'm tired" Danielle yawned into Stefania's shirt.

"Already it is not even late" Stefania wrapped her arm around her fiancé's back, her hands firmly attached to her waist.

"We have had a busy week" Stefania nodded knowing the amount of walking they had undergone the past week had been a lot.

"Sì. You're too tired for sex?" Stefania asked mischievously, earning a small smile and raised eyebrows from the blonde below her.

"Never too tired for sex"


The next morning Stefania awoke first.

She couldn't place the feeling she woke up with but she wasn't complaining.

She thought for a moment about how good Danielle had been to her for the past couple of weeks, the trip to Rome, the engagement, the suits.

All of it meant so much to Stefania.

She wanted to show her that somehow.

Danielle's naked body lay underneath the sheets.

The air from the windows circling the hotel room with an earthly breeze.

The sheets rested above Danielle's lower back revealing the rest of her naked form to lustful eyes.

Stefania leant above Danielle slightly so she could place tender kisses to the back of her neck, before moving down to the pale skin of Danielle's back.

An idea came to Stefania however, making her stop her kisses to Danielle's back, and to instead remove herself from the warm comforting embrace of their hotel bed.

She slipped on something simple and left their hotel.

There was a small grocery store not far from their hotel room so Stefania opted to walk there to buy some fruits and bagels.

After buying everything she needed she made her way back to their hotel.

Danielle not long woke up to the smell of freshly cut fruit.

Her eyes only opened when she felt something press against her lips.

She took a bite of the strawberry in between her lips smiling when she opened her eyes to see Stefania sat beside her holding a bowl of fruit and bagels.

"Hungry?" Stefania asked.

"I am now" Danielle stretched her arms above her head before joining Stefania sat against the headboard

Danielle opened her mouth awaiting the next piece of fruit to be given to her by her fiancé.

"Good girl" Stefania watched with hungry eyes as Danielle took the raspberry from her finger with her open mouth.

"Too early to be horny" Stefania shook her head smiling mischievously.

"Never too early"

Danielle laughed before taking more fruit from Stefania.

"Of course not for you my love. You have the sex drive of a horny teenager" Stefania nodded her head.

"Can you blame me. My fiancé is hot" Danielle shook her head before snatching the bowel from Stefania.

"Shut up and let me eat" Danielle thought she won the argument when she received no response from the brunette, she should have known better.

Danielle felt gentle kisses along the side of her neck.

The feeling consuming her completely.

"Stefania" Danielle breathed when a particularly hard bite to her neck sent shivers down Danielle's spine, and to her core.

"Yes baby" Danielle swallowed the threatening lump in her throat.

"Let me eat my fruit" Danielle picked up another strawberry with shaky fingers.

"I'm not stopping you"

Danielle sit on my face?

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