Chapter 2

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Once they had both made their way into the bathroom, Danielle walked over to the sink splashing her face with water.

There was no one else in the restroom with them, they were alone.

"Does that feel better?" The Italian asked, hoping the blonde felt a little better now.

"Yes i feel better now. I don't know what it was they just gave me uneasy vibes you know?" Stefania knew exactly what she meant.

"Sì I did not like the way he looked at you" she stated, whilst making eye contact with the blonde in the mirror.

"How so?"

"I don't know he just looked at you like you were some sort of object" she finished.

"Well I mean I wouldn't be surprised... the dress Stef" she said with a giggle.

"Sì I do really like this dress" she nodded, her eyes scanned the blonde appreciatively.

It was silent for a moment.

Neither of them wanting to speak, they didn't have anything to say.

Their time spent in each others company was enough.

However, Danielle soon broke the silence by speaking "we should probably go, it's getting late"

"Sì am I coming back to yours?" Stefania asked.

"Yes of course, we have most of our scenes together tomorrow it makes sense"

Danielle opened the door for her co worker and they made their way to the exit of the bar, walking out into the brisk evening air.

After the short drive home they were back at Danielle's house.

Danielle offered to take the couch, wanting Stefania to feel comfortable in her home, but was quickly declined of the suggestion.

They both agreeed that Stefania would spend the night on the couch.

Danielle left the brunette so she could receive some blankets and pillows from her bedroom for the Italian.

It wasn't until the blonde had left the room that's she realised she hadn't brought anything to wear.

"Danielle!" She called out.

"What's up?" She asked, as she saw Stefania make her way into her room, hesitating slightly.

"I have nothing to wear" she responded shyly.

"grab something of mine I don't mind" she made her way over to the dresser to find something for the brunette to wear.

She managed to find a baggy black top with a pair of boy shorts to match.

"Here, you can use the bathroom to get dressed, I'll wait here" she said as she handed the items over.

"Sì thank you Bella"

She walked over to the bathroom and shut the door so she could get dressed.

When she finished getting dressed she looked at herself In the mirror.

She couldn't help the smile that formed when she saw how she looked in the blondes clothes.

The blonde was smaller than the brunette meaning that her shirts stopped at about mid thigh on the Italian.

Stefania slowly opened the door.

She heard the door open, and was amazed at how good Stefania looked in her clothes: messy bun, baggy shirt and a pair of boy shorts.

How could someone look this divine in her clothes?

She loved Danielles reaction, she was was wearing comfortable clothes- nothing fancy; yet the reaction she received made her feel like a goddess.

Danielle was in a trance as her eyes scanned over every part of the brunette not wanting to miss a single inch.

Danielle cleared her throat after a moment, she had been staring a little longer than intended.

"That looks good on you"

She received a soft smile form Stefania, before she turned around to grab herself some clothes.

"I can get changed downstairs?" She asked.

"it's your house Bella, get dressed in here I'll turn around"

Danielle nodded a response watching Stefania turn around to face the wall.

Danielle started with her underwear, as she pulled it down to her ankles, and used her feet to discard the item completely.

She dressed herself in another pair of black boy shorts, similar to the ones she had let Stefania borrow.

Once she had removed her pants, she grabbed the hem of her dress and lifted it up above her head, but forgetting she had her necklace on, which caused her to be tangled.


She turned her head at hearing her name.

"Sì?" She asked

"I'm stuck" she laughed.

She was stood in the middle of her room with her dress halfway above her head, revealing her Lacey black bra to the woman in front of her.

She probably looked like a fool.

However, Stefania didn't think she looked like a fool: she always looked gorgeous even when a tangled mess.

Her eyes dropped down to the blondes chest, her throat to immediately turning dry, as she scanned her co workers body.

She got closer to Danielle and untangled the necklace from the dress.

"Thank you"

She assisted the blonde in removing the dress completely.

"You're welcome"

Their eyes met, and Stefania felt captivated by a pair of ocean blue orbs.

Danielle didn't want to move, neither did Stefania.

She grabbed Stefania's hand and interlocked their fingers together.

The gesture caused the Italians breathing to quicken slightly, she wanted more.

She ran her hand against her smooth skin: loving the way the blonde felt under her touch.

She somehow managed to get closer to Danielle, if that was even possible.

Their eyes locked.

"Stef..." Danielle whispered

"Hm?" She asked

"Can I kiss you?"


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