Chapter 13

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Danielle had soon recovered from the car accident, it had been a month since she was discharged from the hospital.

Things were going well.

Jealousy, it's an 8 letter word, what does it mean?

For some people jealousy is an excuse to have crazy makeup sex, because apparently it adds to the tension and atmosphere;  for others however, jealousy is a feeling that makes you doubt; sad and angry.

Stefania is Italian, it's in their heritage to get angry, especially if someone try's to take something that doesn't belong to them.

The feeling makes Stefania seriously angry, which in the past has lead to breakups...

The two women were currently at a bar, the blonde was sat on one of the bar stools; the brunette was dancing with a few friends from Italy that had come to visit for the summer.

She was having fun, swaying her hips to the music, arms moving to the beats, getting tangled in her hair.

That was until she saw a woman at the bar sat very close to Danielle.

"I'll be back Angelo!" Stefania had to shout slightly due to the loud music.

Danielle didn't realise she had company until she felt an arm brush up against her side, she assumed it was Stefania; she could tell, it wasn't her girl.

"Danielle oh my god" the woman squealed, opening her arms out for the blonde, it took her a while to recognise who it was, but then it hit her.


The two women stalked a good conversation, just catching up; talking about how their lives had been, their jobs, just catching up.

Christy was going to talk about her new pet she had just bought, until they were interrupted by the one and only, Stefania.

"Hi babe" Danielle said, as she scanned over her girlfriend's body with her eyes, licking her lips when she saw the slit of the brunettes dress, sat very dangerously close to her centre.

She couldn't help being obvious, her girlfriend was very sexy.

"Bella..." Stefania nodded her head slowly, her smirk getting even bigger when she saw Danielle's shirt, unbuttoned slightly at the front; showing off some cleavage but not too much.

Her smirk soon faltered however when she saw the brunette woman perched next to her, she had almost forgotten the reason she came over in the first place.

"Uh hum aren't your going to introduce me Danielle?" Christy asked, looking at the brunette with cold eyes.

"Oh right yes my apologies, Christy this is my girlfriend Stefania, Stefania this is my old friend, Christy" both women shook hands, the Italian discretely wiped her hand against her dress to rid the other woman's sweat.

"We were more than friends Dani" Christy teased, as she moved her hand to Danielle's shoulder, rubbing over the fabric softly with her fingers.

The action made Stefania's blood boil, her fists clenched together; she had to use everything inside of her, to stop herself from climbing over the bar and killing the woman.

"We had a thing... didn't we Dani" Christy continued, making the blonde slightly flustered

"yes we did" as soon as she replied, she looked at the brunette, not wanting her girlfriend to get upset by the news.

"I'm going to go buy another drink" Stefania said, before leaving the blondes side, and making her way over to the opposite side of the bar.

"That's your girlfriend?" The brunette asked, her eyes scanning Danielle's face as she spoke.

"I already said she is" the blonde replied, beginning to get a little confused.

"You could have done better" at those words, Danielle's head whipped to the side, her eyebrows burrowing together.

Christy slowly leaned forward, getting closer to Danielle.

"Come on Dani what do you say... one more night? One hot, sweaty night?" She whispered, continuing to get closer to the blonde.


That's all she said, no.

Danielle pulled away, not letting Christy get any closer to her.

She wasn't about to fuck up the best thing she's had with someone, over the relationship she had with Christy years ago.

The blonde looked across the bar, no Stefania.

"Shit" she muttered, making her way to the dance floor to ask the brunettes friends if they've seen her.

"Hey Angelo! Have you seen Stefania?" The man shook his head; the blonde sighed in frustration.

She knew that the Italian must have watched that whole scene unfold.

She went back to the bar, grabbed her coat; payed and left.

Danielle made her way to the closest store, knowing that she couldn't drive far, due to the alcohol intake, but wanting to buy the brunette some flowers.

She made it back to her apartment, unlocking the door with her key, searching the whole house for the brunette.

"Baby!" No response. She left her house and made her way for Stefania's. Knocking the door, and waiting for a reply.

"Babe are you home?" She called, still no reply. She was about to give up until she heard footsteps, giggling?

This giggle sounded very familiar though. She walked down the path a little until she was met with the sight of her girlfriend, against a wall, with another girl.

Danielle's heart shattered in her chest, she couldn't be doing what she was thinking, could she? Stefania should know that Danielle would never cheat on her.

Her heart broke even more when she saw the brunette lean in, pulling the other woman closer to her.

The flowers slipped from her hands, making a loud crunch noise, causing both women to turn their heads.

"Danielle?" Why was she here? Wasn't she off kissing brunettes?

"I came back to apologise, but seems as though you've gotten over it" the blondes hand gestured to the woman next to Stefania.

"I'm making it even. Danielle could tell that Stefania was drunk, these weren't her words.

"Even, what do you mean even?" She was starting to get angrier and more upset by the second.

"You kissed that woman, so I'm doing the same" she replied, watching as Danielle sighed and closed her eyes.

"We didn't kiss"

Yes Stefania was drunk, but her mind went completely sober when she heard those words.

"What?" Tears started to form in Danielle's eyes

"you wanted to hurt me back" her voice started to crack slightly.

Stefania had started to realise what she had done.

She cheated.

"Bell-" she started before getting cut off by the blonde.

Don't" that's all she said before walking away.



ummm... that happened...

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