Chapter 46 pt1

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Today was the day.

Never in this lifetime did either women imagine breaking through the fear of having feelings for each other and that they would be getting married today.

Stefania was at the house with Barrett, her made of honour and Danielle was at Jainas getting herself looking pretty for the wedding.

Stefania had chosen to wear a white pant suit that stopped at her feet and some white heels to go with it. She hadn't seen Danielle's dress but she was most certain it would make Stefania fall in love with her all over again.

It was currently 12:oo o'clock and stefania was sat downstairs in their living room with Barrett sipping from her glass of white wine.

"Nervous?" Stefania placed her glass down on the coffee table and turned to look at her friend who was sat next to her on the couch.

"not at all, i just want to make her my wife" the look on Barrett's face said it all.

A look of awe and endearment.

"I want to find a relationship just like the one you and Danielle have, one day" Stefania smiled at her best friend.

Stefania was quite proud of the relationship her and Danielle had built together, they never argued and if they did then it was stupid and they ended up having sex to make up for it.

"You will, i am sure of it, and i will be there crying with your flowers" it was true, the day Barrett would be getting married she was certain she'd be stood by the alter fighting back tears and holding her made of honour flowers..

"Just like i will be today then" Stefania laughed at her friends statement, because she knew she would be.

They had set their wedding at the beach, they had booked part of a beach in Seattle, it reminded both women of how they met.

The sun was shining and the birds were chirping, it was a beautiful day, the perfect day for a beach wedding.

"Right, we should start getting you dressed and ready" the wedding starts at 3:00 o'clock but they needed to be there for 2:00 o'clock, this meant she'd have two hours to get ready and dressed, and in the car to the small wedding hut they had rented out for the day that had a built in fan inside so she wouldn't melt.

Danielle has her own as well so she won't be melting in her dress.

"Yes, good idea"


"Oh my goodness you look gorgeous" Danielle smiled from ear to ear and laughed at her best friend.

She had already seen her in her wedding dress, yet she had acted like it was the first time every time she saw her in it again.

Danielle did a little twirl and ran her hands across the smooth fabric of her dress.

She couldn't help feel a little overwhelmed when she thought about her mother not being there for her wedding day.

Her and her mother had a difficult relationship, they fought through the years whilst Danielle was growing up, she could always rely on her mother to disagree with something Danielle was generally happy about, throughout the years it wore down her self confidence and the blonde realised it wasn't healthy, for either of them.

So, she cut her off.

Jaina could sense something was wrong with Danielle, so took the few steps she needed to so she was stood directly in front of the blonde, her hands holding Danielle's.

"It's ok" Danielle had to will herself not to start crying, her makeup was done and she didn't want to go out and get married with her makeup already smeared across her face.

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