Chapter 17

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It had been about a week since Stefania made eyes on the blonde at the bar.

How did she even know about that place?

It was so well hidden.

It looked like she'd moved on, or at least was trying to?

Maybe that was just a close friend?

However, a close friend wouldn't look at someone like that would they?

Danielle and Stefania were close friends once, before becoming lovers, and those looks happened all the time, so maybe this was a relationship?

So many questions filled the brunettes mind.

if it was a relationship then why did she move on so fast?

Yes Stefania was the one to cheat, but Danielle didn't exactly stop celsey.

That's something she had realised whilst she was away thinking in Italy.

Stefania cheated, yes. However Danielle didn't pull away, she didn't stop her immediately, she waited, so maybe she did want something to happen?

Stefania had Gotten all of the blondes items together, toothbrush, joggers, socks, hoodies, shirts.

Anything that was Danielle's she collected and put it in a pile, it was a struggle though, Danielle's scent consumed every sense, so when she was folding the blondes clothing, she couldn't help herself, and smelt the material.

She had a few boxes lying around; she used them to put Danielle's belongings in.

It had been about a month now since Stefania left the blonde to go to Italy, she knew that she was probably expecting her to be back by now.

The brunette collected all the items together and made a move to go to Danielle's apartment, her heart starting to beat faster as she got closer and closer.

Her palms getting sweaty as she walked through the double doors to her building.

There it was, the only thing stopping her from seeing the blonde, she needed to knock, she knew that, but she couldn't, her body was all of a sudden stuck, glued to the floor beneath her feet.


Danielle realised that it had been a month since Stefania left for Italy, and couldn't help but wonder if she was back yet. It was currently 4pm, Tiffany was due to be joining the blonde for dinner, she was expecting her any minute. Their was a soft knock on the door indicating the redheads arrival. She opened it to see the woman leaning against the door frame, Chinese food in hand. "I got Chinese food" she said, causing both women to smile. "Really? I thought that was Indian" Danielle replied sarcastically, as she opened the door further for the redhead to walk through.

"Sarcasm Savre? Doesn't suit you" Tiffany said, as she walked into the blondes apartment even more, placing the food down on the kitchen table as she took her jacket off. "Well that's a shame, I was going to tell you how hideous that jacket looks" she smiled, as she closed the door and continued to tease the smaller woman. "More sarcasm?" She asked, watching as Danielle closed the door and turned around to face her "nope" she replied, earning a fake gasp of hurt from the redhead, as she made her way over to the blonde and softly punched her shoulder.

"Hey I'm kidding, I'm kidding" she laughed, as the red haired woman continued to softly jab at her shoulders and stomach. "I know, it was just an excuse to hit you" she said, before she made a move to turn around and start dishing dinner up. However those movements were stopped by the blondes firm grip to her waist. "Nu uh uh" Danielle pulled Tiffany back into her, her breath catching in her throat slightly as the other woman leant against her.

"Danielle... the food will get cold" she whispered, but continued to lean further against Danielle, resting her head against her shoulder. "We can warm it up, I do own a microwave you know" she whispered, her hands making their way to the redheads stomach, arms wrapping around her waist. "Mhmmf" was all Tiffany managed to say, Danielle's hands felt so good against her.

Danielle was about to go further, but a soft knock on the door drew her attention away from the redhead."go dish up dinner, I'll go get that" she whispered, before softly kissing the redheads cheek, letting her go back into the dining room to dish their food up.


Danielle opened the door, definitely not expecting what she saw on the other side. "Stefania?" Was she dreaming? She knew the brunette would be back in town, but she didn't think she'd come to her house. "Hi Dani- Danielle" the brunette stuttered, being so used to calling her Dani. They stood there for a moment just staring at each other, before the blonde broke the silence. "My things?" This made Stefania rare her eyes away from the blonde and down to the box in her hands. "Sì Sì your things" she replied, nice to stretching her arms out for the blonde to take the box. "Thank you" they stood in silence again, not being able to find anything to talk about, until both women were dragged out of their trance by Tiffany.

"Dinners ready" the redhead said, as she made her way over to the door. She was a little smaller than Danielle, so against Stefania she looked like a child. "Who's this?" She asked politely, looking up at Danielle expectantly. "Oh umm this is Stefania, someone I work with" she hadn't yet explained to Tiffany what happened between the two, the break up the cheating, she didn't need to know.

"Hi I'm Tiffany, everyone calls me tiff" she said, smiling kindly at the brunette, as she stretched her hand towards Stefania, indicating a hand shake. "Nice to meet you" the brunette responded, shaking hands with the woman. Stefania knew when she saw a bitch, but Tiffany looked general, she didn't look fake at all, she acted kind. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" The smaller woman asked, making both women's eyes widen, it was already awkward enough just standing there, let alone eating dinner with the pair. "Oh no i have somewhere to be" she replied, dismissing the redheads proposal. "Are you sure?" She asked, not wanting to be rude. "Babe, she has somewhere to be hmm" Danielle said, her hand making its way to the woman's lower back.

She didn't realise she said that, it just came out. Stefania felt a sudden familiar knot starting to form in the pit of her stomach, knowing that now was the right time to leave. "Ok well I have to go, it was really nice to meet you Tiffany" the brunette said, before turning around to leave, not looking at Danielle at all. "You too"

Danielle watched as Stefania walked down the corridor. She reluctantly closed her door before making her way into the dining room.

"Stefania seems lovely"

AN: Yes Tiffany Stefania is lovely

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