Chapter 11

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"They want us to do a live video" Stefania said, as she grabbed her phone from the kitchen counter and made her way onto Instagram.

"Well we can?" Danielle asked, as she grabbed a bottle of water from Stefania's fridge, and made her way to the brunette.

"Do you think they'll freak when they see me at your house?" Danielle asked, as she untwisted the bottle cap, and began to drink her water.

"I don't know Bella, probably" Stefania replied, smiling at the blonde before propping her phone up against the tv.

"Ok it's ready" Stefania said, watching as the blonde made her way over to the Italian and the phone.

"Let's do this then" the brunette added, before leaning across to press the button to start the live

"hang on I need a kiss first" Danielle said, not realising Stefania had already started the live, and softly pressing their lips together.

Daniellesbiggestfan: OMG IS ANYONE ELSE SEEING THIS?

SweetandDanielle78: NO WAY!

Stefania123: I can't breath-

Danielle pulled away and Stefania's eyes went wide at the screen when she realised the live was on, and that people could see them.

"Oh no" she whispered, making Danielle look at the phone to try and see what Stefania was talking to herself about.


"Ok guys let's get started" Stefania said, dismissing the comments in the comment section, but smiling at some of the comments she read.

"Danielle would you like to read some questions Bella?" She asked, placing her hand on the blondes thigh as Danielle leant over so she was able to read the screen properly.

"Ooo got one" she started, before moving her hand so it rested on the brunettes thigh, she couldn't lie about the sexual tension that was happening between both women.

"Danielleandstefania asked, do the scenes on set actually make you feel a connection that's more romantic and more than just friends?"

"Sì sometimes they're some scenes with Danielle and i, that do spark something different" she answered, earning a smirk from Danielle.

Station19fan87: AHHH YOU GUYS HERE THAT?

Statioznteammarina: Sìììì I'm so happy right now

Danielleisgay: we all watched that kiss girls 😏

"Stefania your turn" she said, turning to the brunette who looked interested by some of the comments on her phone, as she leant by Danielle's ear.

"Some of these are very interesting"

"ahh ok" Stefania said, as she skimmed through some of the questions and picked one.

"The wedding scenes looked very real, were you guys together whilst shooting it?" Stefania read out, watching as Danielle's face broke into a massive grin, her head falling into her lap as she quietly laughed.

"Ahhh, well we were both very excited for that scene, it was a very important part of Maya and Carina's relationship" she replied, without answering the actual question.

Sweetdanielle111: she didn't answer it?

Stefaniaismywife: THEY ARE SO TOGETHER!

They continued to answer questions for another 45 minutes, they enjoyed going live with their fans.

"Ok guys unfortunately we are going to end the live here" Danielle said, as she looked at Stefania who smiled in agreement.

"Ciao, thank you for joining us" she said before leaning over to her phone and pressing end on the live.

Though she didn't actually press end.

"Ugh that was so hard" Stefania sighed, as she placed her arms around Danielle's neck

"well maybe, if someone didn't turn the live on when I went to kiss you" she replied, laughing softly at her girlfriends silly mistake

"hey! You know I am so shitty with technology" the brunette responded, as she hit Danielle's arm softly, and also started to laugh.

"Come here" Danielle said, as she leant in, and met Stefania half way, as their lips touched in a soft symphony.

It was innocent, before Stefania slipped her tongue inside Danielle's mouth, making the blonde moan.

Danielleisgayforme: omg guys free sex tape

Iamgayforwomen: omg, I don't think they realise it's still on... SHHH!

Stefaniaismywife: THEY ARE TOGETHER, OMG I KNEW IT!!

They were too deep into the kiss to realise the comments going mental on Stefania's phone.

Danielle pushed the brunette backwards so her back hit the arm of the couch, causing Stefania to let out a muffled moan.

Danielle heard beeping, she ignored it at first but it was becoming constant, so she pulled away from their steamy kiss to see what was going on.

She turned her head and saw Stefania's phone, she sighed and leant down, nuzzling her head into the crook of her neck.

"What Bella?" Stefania asked, not knowing why she stopped the kiss

"your phone" Danielle replied, making the brunette turn her head towards her phone.

"Oh god" she groaned, as she saw the live video still on; the comments going absolutely crazy.

"Well they definitely know about us now"


Hi guys, today was my sports day, I did the 800m relay and am now absolutely exhausted.

Lucky for you guys tho, it means I'll be updating quite a bit today. 💕

Thank you @PagetsNumberOneWhore for giving me inspiration for this chapter :))

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