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It was another bright an early morning.

The birds were chirping, the sounds of the many cars out on the street filled the atmosphere, and the occasional dog barks.

Danielle had just woken up, they had a busy shift the previous day, so she and Stefania didn't get home until early hours in the morning.

Today was a Saturday, meaning that they had the whole day together, she wanted to be up nice and early so she could spend the whole day with her girlfriend.

She struggled to open her eyes against the light that was shining through the window, but the blonde knew that she had to be up to start her day, meaning that she needed to wake miss sleeping beauty up.

Danielle stretched, and then turned around to possibly the best sight anyone could dream of waking up next to.

Miss Stefania Spampinato.

"God you are gorgeous" she whispered, as she leant down a little so she could place a soft kiss to her cheek

"wake up my love" she added, as she continued to place soft kisses all across her face.

"Hm" she heard the brunette mumble as she too started to wake up.

"Good morning beautiful" the blonde said, watching as Stefania slowly started to open her eyes, and then immediately shut them again, due to the light being too bright.

"Why is that so bright" she groaned, turning around so she was facing away from Danielle and the sun.

"Hey now... come on stef" she said, as she moved her body so she was right up against the Italian, wanting to tease her.

"We can shower" she whispered, her hot breath was against the brunettes ear giving Stefania goosebumps, making her release a breathy moan as she bit her bottom lip to try and muffle her moans, as the blonde started to kiss her shoulder whilst she softly nibbled at her skin.

Stefania couldn't reply, her throat was too dry.

"What do you say hm? Me and you... cold, wet water trickling down your skin, as my hands-" Danielle was cut off as Stefania spun around and captured the blondes lips with a passionate kiss.

"Mhm Sì lets go" she replied, leaning away from Danielle, as she lifted the covers off of herself and hopped out of bed and onto the cold hardwood floor.

Danielle giggled at Stefania's eagerness and followed her into the bathroom.

Walking in to see a naked Stefania, standing next to the shower as she checked the temperature of the water, making sure it wasn't too hot, but also not too cold.

Danielle joined her as she started to get undressed, pulling her pants down with her underwear as well as her shirt... until she was fully naked.

Stefania didn't know Danielle was in the room, until she felt her arms wrap around her waist,
loving the feel of the blondes skin against her own.

"I think the water's ready" Stefania announced as she started to unravel herself from Danielle.

"No stay here for a second" she said, pulling the brunette back against her chest, she just wanted to spend a few more minutes like this before they heated things up in the shower.

"Ok Bella" Stefania replied, as she started to draw small patterns against the blondes arms, Danielle moved her hands up and down, stroking the skin of her stomach and gradually getting lower.

"Danielle..." Stefania moaned, as the blondes hands crept lower to the area she wanted her most.

"Hm?" She asked, as she allowed her hands to move lower, before placing her hand over the place Stefania needed her the most.

"Ugh...shower..." was all the brunette managed to get out

"mhm I think I'm alright here for now" Danielle replied, smirking against Stefania's neck as she slid two fingers inside of the brunette, making her gasp and clasp her hands onto Danielle's thighs for support.

"Wow look at you, so wet for me" she teased, as she continued to move her fingers inside of Stefania

"Look in the mirror" Danielle ordered, wanting Stefania to see herself like this, and both of them.

Stefania did as she was told, and looked up into the mirror.

She could see Danielle placing kisses to her neck, whilst her hand moved In circles massaging her bundle of nerves.

Stefania secretly loved it when the blonde was in control, she suited the role.

Danielle could tell that the brunette was close, as she started to grind down harder against her hand, trying to gain more friction.

"Danielle I-" she started, before her breath hitched in her throat and her legs started to shake tremendously.

Danielle continued to move her fingers throughout the Italians orgasm, using her spare hand to support her girlfriend.

Stefania rested her head on the blondes shoulder as her orgasm ripped through her.

Making her whole body melt and surge with pleasure.

"Ugh... baby enough" she whispered, stilling Danielle's hand, as she started to get sensitive.

Danielle removed her hand and held it in front of Stefania's lips, waiting for her to remove her juices.

Stefania licked the whole length of the blondes fingers, as she softly nibbled at the skin before placing one last kiss to the back of her hand.

Danielle wrapped her hands back around the brunette, as she placed kisses to her cheek.

"Now it's shower time"


Hey hey, finally adding to this story 🔥

I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

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