Chapter 6

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It had now been two weeks, both women had been alternating between each other's places: most nights had been spent at Stefania's because she had to check up on her dog, Jeff.

Danielle was currently washing the dishes for the brunette after she had made her a delicious meal.

Meanwhile Stefania was situated on the couch in awe at the blonde as she watched her stand in her kitchen cleaning the dishes for her.

Stefania sat up and made her way into the kitchen

"How long will this take you?" She asked, whilst snaking her arms around the Danielle's toned frame.

"Not long just a couple more plates" she replied, she leant back slightly into the warm comfort of the taller woman's embrace.

"Nope no more" she whispered, as she ran her hands from the bottom of her shirt and up to her chest, squeezing softly which earned a groan in response from the Danielle.

"That feels good" she sighed, before dropping the plate she was holding, pulling the gloves off and dropping them into the sink.

"I can make you feel even better if you'll let me?" She asked, wanting to take it that step further.

"Really you're ready?" The blonde asked, excitement evident in her voice.

"I'm more than ready, I want to feel you; touch you, all of you" she used her teeth to softly nibble the blondes ear, which earned a shaky release of breath from Danielle.

Stefania was suddenly in the arms of her strong co worker, as the blonde lifted her; wrapping her arms around her neck and her legs around her waist, whisking her to Stefania's bedroom.

Danielle pressed her face into the crook of the taller woman's neck, before blowing onto the skin, the act causing both women to burst out into laughter.

However, those giggles soon turned into moans, as Danielle let Stefania slide down the door she was pushed up against and nibbled at the skin of her neck.

The blondes hand slid down her body until she got to her thigh, lifting it up so it could wrap the brunettes leg around her waist.

This gave Danielle the perfect opportunity to start moving her leg against Stefania's centre, the act earning moans of pleasure, as she ground against the blondes toned leg.


"Dress off now" the blonde spoke, as Stefania raised her arms so that Danielle could assist her in removing the material.

"Oh my, you're gorgeous" the blonde sighed, as she took a step back her eyes drinking in every inch of the woman in front of her.

"Like what you see?"

"Like is a complete and utter understatement" she spoke before moving closer to the brunette, walking backwards as she pulled Stefanie with her, hands firmly holding onto her waist, until they both fell onto the bed.

Stefania was on top of the blonde, placing continuous passionate kisses, before starting to unbutton her blouse.

"gorgeous" she murmured in between kisses.

Once the shirt was off she moved lower, making eye contact with the blonde, whilst she skilfully with one hand unbuttoned her jeans, as the other hand made its way up to her chest in which she squeezed the flesh firmly, causing Danielle to arch her back eliciting a loud moan as she was taken into pure ecstasy.

Stefania made quick work to get her jeans off; moving down with them.

Once she removed those and chucked them somewhere on the floor, she made her way back up to the blonde placing a kiss to her cheek.

Danielle snuck her arm around the brunettes soft, tanned skin and undid her bra, letting the straps fall down her shoulders.

"So so beautiful" she whispered, as she squeezed at her chest.

The brunette must have been completely lost in the moment, because before she knew it she was flipped onto her back, with Danielle hovering over her, using her arms to support herself.

Leaning down until she was level with the brunettes beautiful breasts, she took her time, kissing the flesh of her breast at first, and then started to nibble at the skin.

After a few minutes of licking and sucking she made her way to the Italians nipple, before grasping it between her teeth, and pulling it softly earning a gasp from Stefania.

"yes keep going" she moaned.

"Good girl" Danielle cooed, as she lifted her head from the brunettes chest and leant down to place a tender kiss to her lips.

Danielle moved her hand from Stefania's breast, stopping her ministrations as she slid it into her panties, which was coated with her arousal.

"So wet for me" the blonde practically drawled, she loved the warmth that surrounded her hand.

Just for you" the brunette moaned, as she arched her back.

Danielle started by stroking her clit with her index finger, before she added a second finger.

Just for me hmmm?"

"Dio Sì!" (God yes!) She exclaimed, she ground harder into the blondes hand, as the knot in her stomach intensified.

"You're so beautiful let me see you" Danielle remixed the skimpy material of the brunettes thing, before throwing it to the floor.

"Are you going to cum for me?" She asked, as she moved her fingers at a quicker pace.

It was absolute perfection, hearing Stefania's moans were like music to her ears, the way she breathed in her mouth whilst she kissed her consumed her stomach with butterflies.

The way she felt beneath her fingers whilst she stroked her and started to hear the brunettes breathing increase as it got louder, sensing her orgasm wasn't far off.

"Cum for me"

Before she knew it Stefania was a bunch of cry's, and whimpers writhing around underneath the blonde; kicking her legs, her head falling back, which allowed Danielle more access to place kisses to the tanned skin of her neck.

"That's it"

"Danielle, god you feel so good Bella" she ground harder against her fingers in order to reach her impending orgasm.

All it took was a few more thrusts of her fingers before Stefania became undone completely: arching her back, and screaming Danielles name.

"Oh fuck Danielle!" She shouted, as she eased down from her high, and tried to control her breathing.

"that was so good" she watched as the blonde removed her fingers from her mouth, and started to lap up her juices, not wanting to miss a single drop.

This action caused the brunettes jaw to drop, as she bit at her bottom lip

"You taste delicious" the blonde moaned.

"I can't wait to taste what you taste like" she said, before flipping them back around, so the Italian was straddling her again.

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