Chapter 37

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1 month later

"Was that the last box?" Danielle asked as she dropped the one she was currently lifting onto the floor.

"Sì that was the last one" Stefania shut the door behind her to their house.

They had both decided that instead of moving into one of their own houses that they already had, they thought it would be a good idea to buy a new house together and to start a fresh.

"Jeff" Danielle watched as the dog sniffed around the new house.

"He'll get used to it" Stefania watched her dog wonder around the new empty house.

"Ok" Danielle looked around the house, sighing before she turned to her fiancé.

"We better get started" Stefania nodded in response before walking over to the blonde; placing her hands on her waist, before leaning in so she could place a kiss to her cheek.

"One last kiss before we get started" Danielle smiled at her fiancé before stealing one last kiss before they got to work.


Music surrounded their house as both women unpacked box after box after box of belongings.

Danielle danced along to the tunes as she unpacked the kitchen wear and filled the cabinets.

Jeff was sat on the floor of the kitchen accompanying Danielle.

Stefania was in charge of making the furniture and basically doing all the heavy lifting.

"Danielle, could you pass me a glass of water?" The brunette asked as she swept her hand across her forehead.

Danielle smiled in response before turning the tap on and filling a glass she had unpacked and not yet stored to the brim with cold water.

She walked over to her fiancé and handed the drink to her; Jeff followed suit before sitting next to Stefania.

"Thank you sweetheart" Stefania eagerly drank the beverage from Danielle before wiping at her mouth, and petting her dog.

"You're doing good" Danielle scanned the living room: the Tv was set up and on top of a wooden table, the sofa was also comforted by many cushions  and blankets on the back of it, Coffee tables were built, and book shelves were built.

"Sì I just need to do our bedroom now" Danielle laughed before leaning down to kiss her fiancés sweaty forehead.

"Almost there" Stefania smiled in response watching as Danielle walked back to the kitchen.

They had bought a 4 bedroom house, future bedrooms for their future children.


"Ok, done" Stefania slammed down the hammer before standing onto her feet.

"Amazing" Danielle stood next to her fiancé eyeing their new bed.

"Sì, I think we should call it a day, don't you?" Danielle nodded before walking into the living room.

"I'm hungry" Stefania smiled at the blonde before following behind her.

"Let's order in" Stefania pulled her phone out of her Jean pocket and opened the Uber eats app.

"What do you want Bella?" Stefania asked as she passed the phone over to Danielle.

"Hm" Danielle scrolled through the app in search of what she wanted to eat.

"Chinese?" She asked.

"Sì I'll have anything, I'm also starved" Danielle tapped on the Chinese menu option and ordered what she knew Stefania liked, and the same for herself.

"It should be here in half an hour" Stefania nodded in response.

"Ok. I'm going to get more comfortable and take these clothes off" Danielle nodded and followed her fiancé into their bedroom so she could also get dressed.


"I'll get it!" Stefania called out knowing her fiancé was in the bathroom.

"Thank you" Stefania paid for the food before shutting the door, and walking into the kitchen with the food.

"Something smells amazing" Danielle walked out of their bedroom the aroma of Chinese food filling her senses.

"Want to eat in bed tonight?" Stefania smirked at her fiancé.

"You don't have to ask me twice" Stefania laughed before carrying the food into their bedroom.


"I'm full" Danielle stated as she rested her hand against her stomach.

"Me too" Stefania sighed, before moving the bags from the bed and moving further up the bed so she could lay next to her fiancé.

"This is nice" Danielle whispered, her hands migrating to curly brown locks.

"Sì" Danielle turned on her side so she could hook her legs over Stefania's thighs.

Stefania nuzzled her face into Danielle's neck; breathing her fiancé in.

"I love you" Danielle smiled into Stefania's hair as she moved her hands underneath her shirt and to tanned skin.

"And I love you"

They lay for a moment, the only noises around them being Jeff standing and walking around to find somewhere to lay other than his bed.

Danielle's fingers were drawing lazy patterns across Stefania's back, she slowly moved her fingers so they were now resting on her toned stomach.

Stefania leant away from the warm embrace of Danielle's neck for a moment and glanced down at Danielle's hand, she raced a brow as she felt her fiancés fingers venture lower.

"I just like feeling your skin underneath my fingers" Danielle whispered, before moving so she was by Stefania's ear.

"Relax" Danielle could feel how tense Stefania was, she wanted to make her relax.

"I'm relaxed" Stefania lied.

"Hey, don't lie to me" Danielle raised a brow before moving her fingers higher against her stomach so they were just under Stefania's breasts.

"Sorry" Stefania breathed, as she felt a skilled finger swipe over a nipple.

Danielle watched Stefania's face for a moment, she already knew how to make Stefania worked up, but she enjoyed watching her face whilst she did it; to know that she had control.

Stefania's body melted against Danielle, making the blonde smile.

"That's it" Danielle moved her hand from Stefania's breasts and rested it just above her sleep shorts.

"Do you want me, here?" She asked teasingly as she stroked her finger across the length of the waistband of her shorts.

Stefania didn't speak, she nodded instead.

"Words baby" Stefania groaned out in frustration but spoke as told.

"Sì" breathing became slightly laboured when Danielle pushed her hand past the thin fabric and used her fingers to bring her fiancé the pleasure she deserved.


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