Chapter 24

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"You look amazing in dresses but you also rocked the outfit you tried earlier: the pants with the white shirt tucked in and the hoop earrings. You look gay and you suit it so much" Barrett was trying to convince Danielle to go for a different look at this red carpet event, she wanted her friend to show off who she is and branch out with her styles.

Danielle stood in the mirror holding the dress in one hand and the pants and the shirt in the other.

She really did like how the second outfit looks on her, she looks free and happy wearing loose clothes.

The only thing stopping her was herself, she was afraid of being herself completely at such a big event, she felt as though if she wore a dress then she'd blend in with the other women and wouldn't cause any attention to herself.

"Oh fuck it why not" Danielle threw the dress to the floor and held out the second outfit in front of her.

"I agree but maybe don't throw a really expensive dress on the floor" Barrett laughed as she bent down to retrieve the red material.

"Do you know what Stefania is wearing?" Barrett asked as she made her way over to the clothing rack so she could hang the dress up.

"I think she's wearing a purple suit" Danielle replied smiling at the thought of her girlfriend.

"That'll look hot" Danielle smirked at Barrett's comment, nodding in agreement.

"Are you seeing her before the event? Or are you meeting her there?"

Danielle had spoken with Stefania about meeting her before hand but she liked the idea of being surprised when she shows up at the event and sees Stefania in her suit, she also knows that Stefania will be surprised when she sees the outfit she has opted for, but she knows she'll definitely love it.

"I'm seeing her for lunch but then leaving until the event and meeting her there" Danielle replied as she made her way to the till so she could pay for the items of clothing tucked in between her arm.

Danielle payed for her outfit and made her way back to the trailers with Barrett.

Danielle knocked lightly on the door of Stefania's trailer once she arrived and waited for the door to open patiently as she heard another voice inside the trailer.

She knew that voice very well and smiled when she realised that Jaina was in the trailer with Stefania.

Instead of Stefania opening the door she was met with the sight of her best friend with a huge smile plastered across her face.

"You're smiley" Danielle laughed as Jaina walked out of the trailer.

"You're girlfriends hot, just you wait for tonight" Jaina smirked as she patted Danielle on the back firmly before walking away to her own trailer.

"Bambina!" Stefania's smile grew when she saw her girlfriend stood at her trailer door looking gorgeous as usual.

Danielle stepped inside of the trailer and closed the door before placing a soft kiss to Stefania's cheek.

"Good afternoon I brought Chinese food for lunch" before they had made their way to the trailers Danielle and Barrett stopped off at the local Chinese take out to grab some lunch.

"Sì I'm starving" Stefania leant forward slightly so she could smell the container in Danielle's hand.

"Let's eat then my love" Danielle placed one more kiss to Stefania's cheek before walking over to the kitchen counter so she could prepare their food.

"I am stuffed" Stefania groaned as she leant her head against the cushions of the sofa whilst holding her stomach.

"Well at least you've eaten we probably won't be able to eat again until tonight" Danielle sighed as she slumped back on the sofa next to her girlfriend after cleaning up their plates.

"Sì that is true" there was a comfortable silence for a moment before Stefania looked over at the blonde with a cheeky smile on her face.

"What?" Danielle asked.

"You haven't told me what you're wearing tonight" Stefania new that Danielle opted for dresses most of the time at red carpet events because that's all she's known to wear, but she also knows that her girlfriend has been exploring with her style recently and she has loved to watch Danielle in these new items of clothing.

"It's a surprise we talked about that" Danielle smiled at her girlfriend before moving closer to her on the couch.

"Yes but that is not fair when you know what I am going to wear" Stefania also inched closer to the blonde as she spoke, her eyes trained on Danielle's lips.

"You'll have to wait and see, it won't be long until the event starts" Danielle could feel herself inching closer and closer to the brunette, as her eyes moved from her lips to her eyes and back to her lips.

"Give me a clue?" Stefania asked as she placed her hand on Danielle's waist and drew small circles against the skin with her thumb.

Danielle could feel herself getting consumed by the Italian.

"I don't even get a clue" Stefania smirked as she inched even closer so Danielle was able to feel her warm breath against her neck.

"It's not a dress" Danielle closed her eyes before leaning her forehead forward slightly so it was resting against Stefania's.

"Sì tell me more" she whispered as she placed her lips against Danielle's in a soft kiss.

Danielle released a shaky breath as she leaned further into the kiss.

After a moment of soft kisses Danielle realised by looking at the clock that the time was nearing to when she had to leave.

"I should go" Danielle needed to be at Barrett's soon so they could get ready and leave for the red carpet event together, but the way Stefania was kissing her right now made it extremely difficult.

"You should" Stefania also needed to start getting ready and knew that if she stayed on the couch kissing Danielle then they'd definitely be late.

Danielle removed herself from the couch before leaning down slightly so she could place one last kiss to her girlfriends lips.

"I'll see you soon" she whispered before putting her shoes on and leaving Stefania's trailer.


HELLO. I'm back. I have had a rough night. I've been throwing up throughout the night. I thought I'd write another chapter of this before I'm unable to. I hope you enjoyed reading it :)

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