Chapter 16

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Stefania had just got home from being in Italy, she had only gone for 2 weeks, she wanted to go back home.

She called it home, it had Danielle; even though they weren't on good terms, she knew that America was the place she was meant to be.

Danielle wouldn't know that she had arrived home earlier than expected, and to be honest, she probably didn't even care.

Stefania walked through the airport, suitcase in hand, as she made her way to a cab.

It felt good to be back.

She had explained what had happened to Barrett, she seemed to understand, she still found it wrong, however the woman still supported her.

Meanwhile the blonde was in her apartment, they didn't have to shoot scenes for a while, so this gave the cast a bit of a break.

She was currently sat on the couch, snuggled under a blanket as she flicked through the channels on her Tv.

Things with her and Tiffany were good, they hadn't made it official, for now they were just getting to know each other.

Nothing serious.

When Danielle thought about it, she could want more.

More didn't sound so bad.

When Danielle brought the redhead back to her apartment the previous week- they didn't have sex, they just spoke, until early hours in the morning, getting to know each other.

It was nice, with Stefania she already knew everything, so this felt good for the blonde.


Both women had agreed to meet at the bar they had first met, so she needed to get ready, have something to eat and get dressed.

Nothing fancy.

Once the brunette finally made it home, she opened the door to her house, sighing as she closed the door and flopped onto the couch.

Her eyes closing as her cheek rested against the soft material of her couch.

It had only been a day, but her and Barret had arranged to meet at Clarence port, a new bar Stefania had seen before she left for Italy, she was fairly sure Danielle didn't know where it was, so she didn't have to worry about that.

However she still had 5 hours until she had to meet her friend.

She made her way into the bedroom, she didn't worry about changing and just got under the covers, as she slipped her hands into her trouser pocket to retrieve her phone, setting an alarm, before letting her eyes close.

Danielle had arrived at the bar, as she made her way over to the familiar booth.

Tiffany had already arrived, and was sat waiting for the blonde.

"Hi" the redhead greeted, before standing up and leaning down to place a soft kiss to the blondes lips.

"Hi to you too"

Stefania had woken from her nap about 3 hours later, giving her 2 hours to unpack and have something to eat.

She finished eating, and had a shower before getting dressed.

It wasn't long until the brunette was ready to leave, the bar wasn't far from her apartment so she opted on walking there.

About 15 minutes later she arrived at Clarence port, she opened the door to the bar and scanned her eyes for her friend.

She wouldn't have seen her if it wasn't for her words that caught her attention.

"Stefania! Over here" she looked over by the bar and saw her friend waving her arms about.

The two women hugged, it felt good to be back with her friends, even if things would change now.

"How was Italy?" The curly haired woman asked, as she brought the glass in front of her up to her lips.

"Ahh Sì it was amazing" she replied, as she raised her hand so she could order herself a drink.

They continued to catch up with each other, laughing and making small talk.

Stefania's eye was suddenly drawn to a certain woman, as she made her way over to the bar and leant against it.

She tried not to be nosy, as she continued to chat to Barret.

"Hi, can I have a pilsner beer and a white wine please"

pilsner... that sounded familiar, that was Danielle's favourite beer, she remembered always having to order that for the blonde.

She shook her head as she continued to speak to Barret, trying to ignore this woman as much as she could.

It was just a coincidence.

When the redhead started to walk away, Stefania's eyes followed, watching as she went to a booth, hidden away, but she could still see from where she was sat at the bar.

She watched as she placed the drinks down onto the table and leant down, placing a kiss to the person in front of her.

Stefania didn't see who it was until the woman moved.

She wish she didn't see.

Her stomach tightened as she saw the person that the redhead just kissed.


"Barret let's go" the brunette downed the rest of her wine, before grabbing her jacket from the stool; pulling the curly haired woman with her, and out of the bar.


Poor Stefania :(

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