Chapter 43

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It was the first of December, it had been a month since Stefania and Danielle set the date for the wedding, and a month since they found clarity between their relationships with their fathers.

Stefania wasn't a fan of Christmas, however her soon to be wife very much was.

"Stefania sweetheart, hand me the shopping list" Stefania did as she was told and watched as the blonde leant against the countertop and wrote a few things down on the list.

"It's the 1st of December" Stefania laughed as she eyed the things Danielle was writing on the list.

"And! That means we shop for Christmas decorations" Stefania scoffed before moving towards the door so she could put her coat on and her shoes.

"Oh shush, Scrooge" Stefania playfully rolled her eyes before opening the front door and checking there were bags in the back of the car.

They drove to the store and were surprised with how busy as it was only the first of the month, although Danielle knew people liked to shop early for holidays such as Christmas, mainly because everything was cheaper.

"We better get in there quick before there's nothing left" Danielle placed a soft kiss to Stefania's lips before jumping out of the car.


"Right, Stefania could you please hand me the tinsel?" Stefania obliged and handed Danielle a piece of blue tinsel.

"Thank you" she stood on a small ladder so she could place pieces of tinsel along the top of the frame of the windowsill.

"There" Danielle waved her arms in front of her finished work waiting for Stefania's reaction.

"It's pretty!" Danielle exclaimed, astonished when Stefania didn't react in the way she had hoped.

Stefania smiled at the blonde before turning to clean up the mess.

"Stefania" Danielle hopped down from the ladder frowning as Stefania turned to walk away.

She managed to grab her wrist before she could hurry away.

"Why don't you like Christmas?" Stefania sighed, she felt bad for her fiancé because unlike Danielle, Stefania couldn't stand Christmas.

"Danielle it's nothing" Stefania tried to dismiss the question, but Danielle wasn't having any of it as she shook her head.

"No you don't do that, we both know something's up, now you can either tell me or sulk about it" Stefania sat down on the sofa with Danielle joining her.

"My parents were going through their divorce during Christmas, and they weren't discreet with hiding it. Christmas was hell for me" Danielle's features softened, she looked at her fiancé in the eyes before speaking.

"I'm here, I'm here to make your first Christmas with me magical, alright? If you'll let me?" Stefania smiled, could this woman be anymore perfect?

"Sí" Danielle smiled before placing a soft kiss to the brunettes lips.

"Now, let's tidy this mess that I made up" she laughed pulling Stefania to her feet.


The 24th of December had quickly rolled around, the house was decorated and looked like Santa's grotto, but nevertheless Stefania felt a lot better since she told Danielle why she disliked Christmas so much, she had been able to relax and try to enjoy herself a little more.

"Pass me the flour babe" Danielle was kneading a lump of dough on top of the countertop as Stefania handed her the things she needed.

Danielle had found a recipe from TikTok and immediately went out to buy the ingredients once she saw it.

Stefania was normally the one that did the cooking so she was cautious when letting Danielle cook in the kitchen.

Danielle sprinkled some more flour onto the counter and spread it across the surface with the palm of her hand.

"Here" Stefania smiled, as she made her way towards her fiancé and smeared some of the flour from the bag on the tip of her nose.

"That's better" Danielle scowled at the brunette before picking some flavour out of the bag and slapping it gently onto her face, laughing as the Italian gasped and her eyes widened in shock.

"You bite me, i bite you back harder" Danielle shrugged as she continued with her baking.

"I'm not done" the brunette spun the blonde around so she was leant against the marble counter, her back resting against the cupboards.

Stefania smothered the flour that was on her face onto Danielle's by rubbing her face all over her fiancés.

"There" Stefania laughed as Danielle rolled her eyes and eyed the woman dangerously.

They stood in the kitchen staring at each other for what felt like forever.

Danielle was the first to lean in as she smiled at her fiancé before kissing her softly.

"Merry Christmas Eve my love" she whispered, as she kissed the brunette again but for longer this time.

"Mhm, Merry Christmas Eve Danielle" Stefania lifted the blonde onto the counter covered in flour laughing as Danielle almost slid off the surface.

Stefania started by placing kisses to Danielle's neck.

The blonde gasped as she wrapped her arms around Stefania's neck and pulled at the small hairs.

"Kitchen sex?" She asked, an amused smile on her face.

Stefania nodded.

"Kitchen sex"


Christmas had now arrived.

Danielle was fast asleep in their bed until Stefania started kissing her naked back, in which caused her to hum in response.

"Merry Christmas Danielle" Stefania said watching as her fiancé rolled over and opened her arms for Stefania.

It was their first Christmas together and Danielle was really looking forward for Stefania opening the presents she got her.

"Good morning, Merry Christmas" Danielle breathed as Stefania nestled her face in the crook of her neck.


"What did you get me?" Stefania asked as she sat by the tree and started to unwrap her Christmas gift from Danielle.

It was a box with an envelope she wanted the brunette to open after she had opened the box.

"You'll see when you open it" Stefania rolled her eyes but continued to open the gift.

"Italian chocolates" the brunette furrowed her brow but also smiled at the small gesture, she knew that Danielle was aware of how much she missed her home country and that made her feel lucky.

The little things matter.

"Now open the envelope" Danielle said as she recorded Stefania on her phone.

She opened the small envelope and opened the card inside.

Her eyes scanned the words on the card as well as the tickets inside, she was soon gasping and squealing at what she saw.

"Tickets to Italy!" Stefania beamed as Danielle stopped recording and opened her arms for her fiancé.

"Tickets to Italy!"


Happy holidays all, I'm aware Christmas is over now but I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and got what you asked for, but more importantly I hope you ate lots and gained a few pounds. Christmas is the best excuse to eat whatever you want and not care about it :)

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