Chapter 4

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"Of course there is I want this to be special, lets talk"

"Bella...?" Stefania asked, noticing that Danielle had gone quiet, worried she over stepped.


"Was that too much? Are you alright?" She asked, she moved from her previous position against the wall, she made her way over to the blonde who was seated on the edge of the bed. 

"No, no that was... amazing" she responded.

"You've gone quiet though Are you sure everything is ok?"

"I was just thinking, what does this mean for us now?"

She was smiling, that's a good sign right?

She couldn't help the knot that appeared in her stomach at the question she had asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"If it helps, I definitely want to continue... this" she pointed from herself to the blonde gesturing to the both of them.

"You do?" She couldn't believe what she was hearing.

How has it been possible for things to change so quickly?

Within the space of one night they had managed to end up against the wall of Danielle's bedroom, consumed in a sympathy of kisses.

Stefania smiled "Sì Bella I do"

"It'll be hard, i understand that, but with time it'll get easier. All I know is that I want you Danielle, I want every part of you"

"You look tense" Stefania stated as she shuffled closer on the bed so she was sat next to the blonde, their legs touching.

"Maybe a little" she replied, watching as the Italian moved from her position next to her, and moved behind her, sitting on her heals whilst using her hands to massage the knots in Danielle's neck.

"That feels good" Danielle sighed her bones relaxed under Stefania's fingers.

She melted completely into the embrace of the brunette.

"It does? What about this?" Her smile was filled with mischief, she ran her hands across the blondes front, squeezing softly.

Danielles breasts were possibly one of the best features, she wanted to show how much she appreciated them.

"Oh god" a gasp from her coworker told Stefania that she was doing exactly what she needed.


Her bra created a barrier from the skin she wanted the Italian to touch.

However, this barrier made the blonde realise that they needed to sleep, it was late, and they had a lot to talk about the morning after.

"I think you should stop before I take you right now" she murmured lust and sleep heavily lacing her voice.

"Well now you're here, you can sleep in your own bed" Danielle had completely forgotten about their argument, which lead Danielle to force Stefania in her bed she offered again to sleep on the couch.

Stefania made her way back into the bathroom so she could gargle some mouthwash, she also hadn't brought a toothbrush, she didn't know she'd be sleeping at Danielle's, therefore she wasn't prepared.

Danielle followed Stefania into her bathroom, brushing her teeth as Stefania stood next to her.

They were soon both in bed, Danielle always slept on the left side of the bed, which meant Stefania had the right side.

"Come here" Stefania whispered through the layers of darkness that filled the room.

Danielle complied and made her way over to the Italian, she snuggled into the crook of Stefania's neck, sighing contently.

"Sleep well Bella"

"Sleep well" she replied, she placed one last kiss to her cheek, before closing her eyes, welcoming sleep easily.

The brunette placed one last kiss to the blondes forehead, before closing her own eyes.


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