Chapter 39

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It was a beautiful day, the birds were chirping, the sun was shining, the sky was bluer than usual.

"Good morning" Danielle murmured as she rolled over to be greeted by her fiancé fast asleep next to her.

Danielle smiled whilst her eyes scanned over her naked form.

The sheets stopped at Stefania's waist, her back on full display as she lay asleep on her front.

Danielle leant down so she could pepper kisses across tanned skin.

Most of the time during their relationship Danielle felt immensely lucky that she could call Stefania her partner.

Her fiancé.

They hadn't started to plan the wedding just yet, but there was no rush, she wanted their day to be special.

They both deserved it.

She smiled against her back when she heard Stefania murmur something.

"Good morning" her voice was laced with sleep, she turned around onto her back to be greeted by Danielle's knee weakening bright smile.

"Good morning" Stefania leant close enough to her fiancé so she could kiss her briefly.

"I love you" Danielle leant back against the cushions when Stefania started to place soft lingering kisses to her neck as she moved herself on top of the blonde.

"And I love you" Danielle rested her hands on Stefania's back drawing small patterns against her skin with the tips of her fingers.

Stefania rested her forehead against Danielle's embracing the moment they were currently living.

"Plans for today?" Their foreheads were still touching as Stefania spoke.

"I really don't want to do anything today other than relax, maybe go to the beach?" Danielle replied, moving one of her hands from Stefania's back so it was resting against her cheek.

"Mhm hm" the brunette nodded her head in response, her eyes closing as she imagined a lazy day at the beach with no worries of work.

Danielle smiled as she watched Stefania nod her head and close her eyes.

"Are you imagining me in a bacini?" Danielle asked an amused smile plastered across her face.

"No I was imagining a lazy day with you at the beach, but now I'm definitely imaging you in a bacini"

"Oh yes" Danielle playfully slapped Stefania's shoulder in which snapped her out of her Danielle bacini haze.

"Hey! I was enjoying myself there" Danielle nodded her head before pushing Stefania off of her so she could get out of bed.

"I bet you were, but you don't have to imagine, I'll put one on" Stefania's eyes lit up as she lay down on her front occupying the space Danielle had slept in.

"I can help you put it on if you struggle" Danielle laughed as she shook her head.

"You'll be taking it off me" Danielle was quite confident in her own skin, but when she started dating Stefania she felt overly confident.

She was now standing in the middle of their bedroom completely naked: old love marks as well as new ones littering pale skin.

Stefania's eyes roamed every inch of Danielle as she stood facing Stefania with a cheeky smile of her face.

"I'm going for a shower" she sultriness in Danielle's usual light blue eyes called for Stefania as the blonde turned on her heal and walked towards their bathroom.

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