Chapter 47

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"I wish we could stay here forever" Danielle sighed as she rested her face in the crook of her wife's neck.

Stefania smiled and kissed her wife's hair.

They were currently laid up in their hotel they had booked for their honeymoon.

They had spent two weeks in Miami, the beautiful beaches and sunny weather making them want to stay there forever.

They had been gifted some money for their honeymoon from family and friends, so they used that as their spending money.

"Come here" Stefania currently had her arm wrapped around her wife's back, as the blonde laid beside her snuggled into her side.

"Hm" Danielle rolled over so her front was pressed flush against the brunettes naked body.

The one thing they had made up for on this honeymoon was having sex, they had been all over each other non stop.

Danielle can't remember the last time she came so many times in one night.

Stefania pulled the cover so it was covering her naked wife's body and slid her hands down until they were resting against the curves below her waist.

"Oh?" Danielle raised an eyebrow as Stefania suited a cheeky smile on her face.

"Oh?" Stefania repeated as she squeezed the flesh beneath her hands and enjoyed paying that part of Danielle's body specific attention.

One squeeze in particular made Danielle gasp as Stefania raised her hand and firmly placed it back down onto the pale skin of Danielle's ass.

"Fuck" it didn't take long for Danielle to get worked up, anything Stefania did made Danielle horny.

"Do that again baby" she whined as she rested her head on her wife's chest as she repeated the action and earned a small moan in response.

Stefania used her hands to spread her wife's legs apart so the blonde was straddling her.

Danielle immediately started to grind down hard against the skin of Stefania's thigh.

"What do you want sweetheart?" Stefania asked as she used her hands to guide her wife's movements against her thigh.

"You know exactly what I want" Danielle breathed as she tried her hardest to relieve the tension she had building up.

"Do I?" Stefania teased as she stopped the ministrations of her hands guiding her down on her thigh.

"Stefania I swear to god" Danielle knew Stefania liked hearing her beg but right now she just wanted the brunette to take her, rough and fast.

Stefania knew exactly what Danielle wanted, she loved teasing her.

"Please" Danielle whined as she started to grind down against Stefania's thigh, clearly wanting to relieve the pressure between her thighs.

Stefania loved watching Danielle try to relieve the pressure between high thighs, she loved it when she took matters in her own hands.

Danielle was breathing heavy as she ground down on the flesh of Stefania's thigh.

"Come on baby" Stefania moved her hands so they were resting back on her waist, helping her wife with the movements against her thigh.

"I need more" Danielle whined as the movements against her wife's thigh wasn't doing enough for her, she needed more and she needed her wife to stop teasing her and to just take her already.

Stefania sat up so she could hold her wife in her arms.

Her arms wrapping around her naked form, and holding her close.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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